I am planning to run short kickstand lake pipes on my Model A Tudor that exit from under the running boards just in front of the rear wheels. Anyone got any pics? Preferrably with ribbed pipe . . . Thanks!
I agree. I've been tossing the idea around for my car too. Do it! Here's Bob's old truck. The exhaust looks cool.
I searched a bunch of images for a 32 I remember. It was Winelands or one of those other magazien guys cars in the 60s. I could not find the picture.
Here are some lake pipes on a 52' Chevy that was at Gene Winfield's shop... don't know if it is what you are looking for pic wise but here she is:
LOL- well I am at work so I just skim read and saw lake pipes... I have to keep flipping windows to not get caught.
One last time. More? And a question? When did kickstand lakes show up on the scene? I'm aiming for a mid 50's build period with my A Tudor. Would they be appropriate on this car?
Any help on my question about when kickstand lakes became hot? How about ribbed pipe? When did that make its way onto hot rods?
So, when would they have started painting headers white? Was this common in the early-mid 50's or was it more of a 60's deal? My original plan was to paint my lakes headers white and chrome the kickstand lake pipes what will come out at the rear of the running boards on my A Tudor. After some discussion with Titus about the early-mid 50's build period we're aiming for, chrome may be the option we have to go with. I'm just dreading the bill from the chromer! And oh yeah, any more pics?
How about these sweet babies??? They've been hiding on the way back shelves for 20 years. Could they have been on some famous Kustom??? Maybe, maybe not !!! Some peeling chrome, Nice Ripples and one cover missing, but they're the Real Deal !!!! $300
I DO have some pics of these from the Fifties...my Dad used them on at least three cars. I had my laptop stolen three weeks ago and Bill McGuire from Hot Rod is sending me the disk from their photo shoot and when they copied my Dad's scrapbooks....please let me get that thing and post them! E
They look like Vette spinner caps to me. They remind me of the ones on my uncle's 63 split window. I could be off base though . . .