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knife in my face

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by oddrod, Oct 24, 2005.

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  1. oddrod
    Joined: Feb 24, 2002
    Posts: 79


    had some guy at a burrito joint come up to me tonight and say he thought he knew me from some where? i told him i build hot rods and know some people in the neighborhood since it's across the street from my friends bar. he asked me if i knew someone named "robin" and i said "i'm not sure i'm bad with names, what was yours again?" he was with 3 friends and they seemed to be carrying on like they were just eating their burritos and talking. the guy i'm talking to keeps asking me if i know so and so or some one else. i tell him he looks familiar to me from the neighborhood but i don't recognize the names he's dropping. he says see ya later and splits, he's finished his food but his friends are still eating. i finish my burrito and go to my car about 1/2 block away. i unlock the door and get in. next thing i know the guy throws open the door while i'm putting the key in the ignition and puts a serrated edge (trust me on this, you know by the way it really hooks into your flesh) folder on my throat and i see his 3 buddies in the backround with full unopened 40's in their hands. he insists i'm involved in something and i say get that fucking knife off my throat i don't know what your talking about. i seriously wondered what was going on and managed to get him to tell me his beef. it turns out some one who looks like me ganged up on him with some friends and beat him down. so he figures out finally that he's fucking drunk and thinks i'm someone else! he and his buddies leave and don't say sorry or anything. i'm about to leave and i see him alone on the corner, his buddies are a little bit ahead of him. they had all been laughing when they walked away from me. i got out of my car and told him he made a serious mistake that could have hurt the wrong person and mased him right in the fucking face. funny thing is his friends didn't even give a shit. i took his unoped 40, told the guy we were even and he eventually agreed. i am still pissed. i was actually coming home for a second to let things cool down and stock up on a few weapons to go get his buddies when i decided to check my messages on the hamb since i had some time to kill. funny thing is i spent so much time trying to type this that i realized it wasn't really worth going after his friends since they didn't give a shit either way. so even though this isn't really car related unless you consider the fact that i was getting into my hot rod it's still kinda hamb related on the count of it keeping me out of trouble. thanks to my inability to type and my interest in the hamb i'm crawling into bed next to my wife instead of heading back to the mission district to find the putos that thought it was ok to threaten me. next time i'll make sure to lock my door after i get into my car.
  2. InDaShop
    Joined: Aug 15, 2004
    Posts: 2,796

    from Houston

    That FAWKING sux!!!!! Glad you are ok, and didn't end up with a Columbian Necktie or anything. There are CRAZZZZZY fuckers out there everywhere, you got to watch your ass.

    The Mace for a Beer was a damn good trade though. Good job.
  3. zues
    Joined: Jun 30, 2005
    Posts: 187


    You could have made it car related. I would have probably run the fucker down in my hot rod. Glad you are ok and didn't end up in jail.
  4. oddrod
    Joined: Feb 24, 2002
    Posts: 79


    unfortuneately that's already happened and i almost got charged with attempted manslaughter and assault with a deadly weapon. that time i did get stabbed!
  5. adem
    Joined: Oct 16, 2005
    Posts: 62

    from Australia

    sounds like a pretty sketchy neigbourhood
  6. drhotrodmd
    Joined: Nov 10, 2002
    Posts: 1,284


    Well i'm glad you didn't get hurt! Damn it's a crazy world. Keep building those hotrods!
  7. Doc.
    Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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    That's some scary stuff. Glad you weren't hurt. I see crazy stuff like this in the ER all the time. Lots of nutty folks out there.

  8. flatoz
    Joined: May 11, 2003
    Posts: 3,237


    I'm glad I live in australia!

    and glad you got thru it, funny how on the otherside you can see reason to make the right choices...
  9. Artiki
    Joined: Feb 17, 2004
    Posts: 2,013

    from Brum...

    There isn't anything better than taking a few seconds out to assess the situation....sliding in next to the wife is always a good choice.
  10. adem
    Joined: Oct 16, 2005
    Posts: 62

    from Australia

    Yeah stuff like that never happens in australia, :confused:
  11. tommy
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
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    Find a burrito joint that delivers.
  12. oldcarfart
    Joined: Apr 12, 2005
    Posts: 1,436


    I live in florida, and I carry. 'nuff said.

  13. InjectorTim
    Joined: Oct 2, 2003
    Posts: 2,241


    Thats cool that he agreed you deserved his forty.
  14. PinHead
    Joined: Jun 3, 2005
    Posts: 243


    Na, probably not worth it... blood and guts take too much effort to clean off your frontend.
  15. As I recall from my youth the mission is a pretty sketchy neighborhood. Tha was 40 or so years ago and my experience is that once one starts down hill they never return.

    If I said well life's ruff all over it would be true, but it wouldn't make you feel anybetter.

    I personally think you did the right thing. One by makeing the ass understand, and two by staying home instead of going back.

    I had some fat slob of a construction worker try and pull the roadrage thing on me in a traffic jam the other day. I ignored him until he said he was gonna ram my truck if I didn't move it out of his way. I'm not sure where he expected me to go?
    I made him understand that the handicap tag on my truck only means that I can't chase you down.

    Lotsa people laughed, I guess its funny to see a skinny crippled old man knock the crap out of a puss bellied construction worker.
  16. ChrisinPhilly
    Joined: Apr 11, 2002
    Posts: 244


    What the guy did is an Aggravated Assault, it's serious shit. Go make a Police report. Put the incident on paper asap.
  17. In the land of keepin score-he is down a point.....ya may oughta watch out -you may have made it worse.
  18. Roothawg
    Joined: Mar 14, 2001
    Posts: 25,148


    Man, he coulda shot you. Think about it.
  19. joeycarpunk
    Joined: Jun 21, 2004
    Posts: 4,446

    from MN,USA

    Thats what i was thinking, watch your back.
  20. dixiedog
    Joined: Mar 20, 2002
    Posts: 1,204


    Now remember - I am the fat guy on a blue springer bicycle that will be riding around the neighborhood (trying to get skinny)- so don't shoot at me!!:eek:
  21. Thirdyfivepickup
    Joined: Nov 5, 2002
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  22. Gracie
    Joined: Apr 19, 2001
    Posts: 1,257


    I bet if you looked like Pat Boone this shit wouldn't happen to you.
  23. Johnny Black
    Joined: Jun 27, 2005
    Posts: 295

    Johnny Black

    About 6 months ago i bought a truck off this crack head. I had to meet him behind a defunct business in the rough part of town. He had been using the truck as a place for his workers to turn tricks, but hey i needed that frame bad. MY tow guy was supposed to meet me there and was running late. The guy was getting pissed. HE pulled out this rusty ass knife that looked like he found it in the river. Then he asked me" What would you do if i cut you with this? I bet it would hurt." I thought for a second and concurred. "Yea i imagine it would."

    Being the fearless punk i am i pooped the trunk of my car where i keep my knife. MY knife is a bayonet that my grandfather used in the second world war. So i thought my knifes bigger i win. I pulled it out and unsheathed it and it just seemed to piss him off more. I got in my car and left. I had already payed the guy so i hadf to hire one of the repo agents i work with to steal the truck for me. What a nut. Dont buy trucks that are used for brothels off from crackheads.

    Pulling a knife on someone is a serious thing. MY father has three scars an inch thick across his chest from prison and he always tought me that if you pull one you better aim toi use it. I imagine if the guy he met wouldnt have used it on him that man would be dead today.
  24. ian
    Joined: Aug 6, 2005
    Posts: 781


    People do dumb shit from time to time. Sorry for your mishap and it's smart of you to just let it blow over and not cause more problems.
  25. Hackerbilt
    Joined: Aug 13, 2001
    Posts: 6,249


    So you told this reject where you hang out...(friends bar)
    He knows what you drive...(Hot Rod)
    Knows you have a bodyshop handy...
    He was demented enough to put a blade to your throat and his friends have such little value for human life that they didn't care about you or later...even him!

    Despite all that you went back, hopped out of your very recognizable ride and MACED the guy in front of his friends AND stole his 40 oz'er?

    You think you might have now pissed everyone off even MORE than the guy he mistook you for? You know...the guy he was originally looking for, but CAN'T locate because he covered his tracks...unlike you?

    I think I'd trade that half empty can of Mace for a .44 and some body armor as soon as possible. Your gonna be a popular (and easy to locate) guy once the hangovers clear up! should have either let it go or called the cops right away. You may have turned it into a "saving face" issue now.
  26. KnuckleDragger
    Joined: Aug 21, 2004
    Posts: 536


    Getting cut sucks, but getting shot is even worse. I grew up in a mainly black and mexican neighborhood. Being a big white kid I was always got jumped coming or going somewhere. Once I started to fight back they started to use weapons. I have been stabbed over 12 times and been shot a couple. I am not saying to never fight back but when your dealing with some one who doesnt care enough about their existance to pull a knife on you and hold it to your throught out in public, really doenst care if they go to jail for your murder. I took some 2x2 stock and made a square bat out of it, I left the edges square but made the handle round so I could grip it, I then took wood screws in drilled the in so that they only poked out and 1/4 inch. I used it once when I was getting jumped, I got quite few of them banged up really bad. But every action has a reaction. Next day they found me again I was stabbed in the head with an ice pick and shot while on the ground. You will never win in this type of situation, even if you get them put in jail they always have friends who think its your fault. I have no problem squaring up to some guy for a good fight, but I will take a shot to my dignity (sp) and just walk away.

  27. dabirdguy
    Joined: Jun 23, 2005
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    Bigger knife wins...MY ASS.

    I learned in the Marine Corpse that if I'm gonna get outta the car to confront an asshole and I know he has a knife, I will have Mr's Smith and Wesson along side of me.....

    Not a little bigger...a FARGIN LOT bigger .....

    The cardinal rule being that PAYBACK is a MOTHER!!
  28. michaelthe9
    Joined: Jun 9, 2004
    Posts: 261


    Wise choice not to counter attack brother. I understand first hand about the desire to go back for revenge. It only gets worse even though you think that you're giving them what they deserve. Ya just gotta watch your back all the time, know who is around and keep cool. Sounds like you kept about as cool as could be expected with a blade at your throat. I had a friend that got held at gunpoint as a hostage. He was there for about six hours and eventually talked the guy into surrendering after the buildings were evacuated: the media and police were all over the place. That saved his and other peoples lives. He got to go back to his wife too.

    Snuggling up to the wife after that sort of situation is exactly the right medicine.

    Good on you,
  29. Smokin Joe
    Joined: Mar 19, 2002
    Posts: 3,770

    Smokin Joe

    Never fight unless you're willing to do whatever it takes to win. And live with the consequences. If you can't do that, walk away.

    Get it done and don't quit until it's done. Bullshit is for the movies. So is fair play. When the guy says "I'm gonna..." Don't let him finish the sentence. Drop him or walk away. You want the guy on the ground and out before the rest decide to jump in. Don't stand there playing his game in front of his buddies. Do that and you'll wind up fighting the whole bunch. Either now or later.
  30. racer5c
    Joined: Nov 30, 2002
    Posts: 2,218


    That's why I eat Chinese
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