About 25 years ago, me,my brother and a couple of friends were on a road cruise drinking and smoking. One guy wanted to look at a jeep pickup for sale so we went to the guy's house. We were told he just left to go uptown and told us to look for a cj with denots plates. we all looked at each other puzzled but the guy told us to read it backwards. We all had to laugh once we figured it out because we all were. Miss the good old days. Sober and stoned free for 13 years now.
I copied Gray Baskerville (see avatar) its really funny to see hispanic people in the rear view mirror reading it and figuring out.
I was at a swap meet a few years ago, and found a pair of '56 plates that read MYX 622. I grabbed 'em, and got the guy down to $20 bucks! I took 'em to DMV, and got 'em put on my '62 Galaxie. MYX 622 (My '62)
I have TRUBLE on the modified. There is KRUZAH on my F100 And the wife has KREWSA on her PT Cruiser Also have ULOOZ and just sold ULQQZ My 55 Ford had CQQL55
On my old Z car that my son is now driving N SANA T ( that is what my dad called it when he found out it cost more than his first house ) On My Harley RAYN (because it seems to rain every time my friends ride with me) On my wife's sportster BIF (bitch in front) I used to have BUZBOM on my MGB in 1979, I chose that plate because everything was fine as long as it was making noise, but as soon as the noise stopped I knew my wallet was about to blow up. My dad has NOTJAP on his Vette (no explaination necessary)
I have allways wanted FARQUE and have tryed to get it but the powers to be would not let me have it so the plates I have got are CRAGAR I even have them with blue back ground and white letters thay hang on the wall now as I now run black and white ones on my roadster
my favorite was an old 47 to 53 chev truck in the junkyard. It had hit a telephone pole REALLY hard in the front. You could still make out the plate though..... IXCELR8
<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">Friend of mine is an excellent CARPENTER and has tag that reads INAILIT. The cops just follow him around waiting to pounce!!!!! </TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Back in my single days I had a Porsche 944 that had YGOSLOW on it. I drove an unfinished 32 roadster for 2 years. Everyone always asked why I didn't finish it. I finally put the answer on a vanity plate: OUTABUX 48 Poncho
Always wanted a woodie and thought of these: SLIVERS SAWDUST CRATE NAIL IT Also, I always really liked Fat Jack's description of a low ride, "beaned out", so: BEANED And, of course, a phaeton or touring needs: HOT TUB or BUBBLES Steve
Found a pair of 1927 Colorado plates and had them painted to match the car. I them applied for the same numbers on a current issue personalized plate. I run the correct stickers on the '27 plate....never been hassled. I do keep a plate under the seat just in case.
I know a Chick that hocked her engagment ring & bought a '41 Dodge coupe. She had plates made that said "MY RING" Man, That shit is COOOOLD !
I currently run "SICK 55" on my 55 Buick. I was going to get "NACHOS" and i called DMV and they said it was available, but...the friends talked me out of it, saying i'd get keyed up for running that in San Antone. It's MINE, NACHOS!
On my paid for 78 F150 Others I have liked over the years: On a Corvair "F NADER" Brand new Z28 with a geezer behind the wheel "GERITOL" "6ULDV8" always gave me a chuckle
A gynecologist friend had "TOPS G" on his Euro buggy.(He had a sweet 40 Ford coupe;so he wasn't all wrong...)
had JUSBADZ on my 70 Z/28, my buddy had 7TEEZ28 on his, and another buddy had LT DASH 1.. as in LT-1 I stole the JUSBADZ idea from a little black Anglia that used to run around town with JUSBAD.
That's my all time favorite as well. Michigan DMV would not give it to me. They are getting smarter and smarter in Lansing nowdays.