Originally, I believe it sold for $17,500, which I thought was a great price....and the new owner is asking $40,000....of coarse, he's put money into it, but with what's been changed, it's broken my heart....I'm a fool for not buying it the first time around, but the timing wasn't right....oh well....mine's coming along nicely, and should look like the original this year.....
Mine's not very kustom, but I do enjoy it.....as well as many other rods and customs. I did notice that I was beside Bob K at the HAMB drags a couple years ago. Picture on the first page of these posts. I was hoping to run down the track with him.....two six cylinders....but ended up about a car apart in the line when getting onto the strip. http://
Yeah, I wanted to do that also, this year we have to make sure that we race each other, at least we will have the best sounding cars there. BB
The Starbird/Thunderliner is a stroke of genius and I wonder how many people even know what's been done. T bird and Starliner owners probably say "I had one just like it" all the time I bet.
[ . I was thinkin' about starting a build thread about this steaming pile.....just wasn't sure how bad I would get laughed at[/quote] Go for it!! I love to read about major metal surgery,lots of neat ideas there...gets my cretive juices flowin...lets see some more pls! Koolkemp
Pictures of a custom 61 Chevy Impala I did in the 90'S. I belive it is now garaged in Scottsdale, Az.
SKELVIS....'bout time I saw a car like mine on here. I have a '54 Chrysler Windsor coupe that is in the shop right now. As soon as I get it (months), I will post pics of it on here for ya. How and what did you use to get it in the weeds? Thanks, KNUX!
A few from last years Barris Show in Culver City happening again this weekend P.S. I could use a ride I'm in W.L.A. anyone going ?
thanks for posting my 49 chevy coupe funny thing is, somebody did a photoshop lowering and added fender skirts... don't look bad but this is how it actually looks like: http://flickr.com/photos/lowtech/2455851251/
Yeah I did a quickie "paint" job on it to see how it would look with skirts. I have really liked that car ever since I saw it on ebay a few months ago.
i love this thread!!!! this is better than digging through all of my little books...............well maybe just as good!! heres the 51 daily driver.
Thought I had posted my 57 Olds before, but couldn't find it, so here it is. Car has the original 371 J2 engine and Hydramatic trans and drive train, suspension and brakes. Body and interior has been modified.
it's called Oxford Maroon, an original '49 chevy color. another picture... strange to see a california plate car in front of the swiss mountains