Yeah BFTWCS?? does that mean? BUTT FAIRYS TAKE WHATEVER CARS SUCK? or how about... BIG FAGGOTS TRUCK WOULD CARRY SNOW? or BETTER YET BETTER FIND TOWS WHEN "COOTER" SHOUTS?? You should call UNCLE JESSIE and ask him if he has the OWNERS MANUAL.... and while YOUR looking for DIAMOND PLATED running BOARDS and PLASTIC GRILL INSERTS and SNOW TIRES... I'm building 2 TRADITIONAL hot rods, and a CHOPPER.................. not to mention getting 5000 POSTS, smoking weed and ruining you with WORDS of HELLFIRE........ Oh and RYAN? JAY ADAMS? couldn't even DREAM of PULLING a "DISASTER" to a REVERT back into 12 feet of BALLS out VERT WALL...... let alone an OPPOSITE HANDED, HAND PLANT from a FAKIE, back into a REVERT blindside............................back into the pool....... and DUANE PETERS went all the WAY AROUND the FULL PIPE upside down............ while JAY ADAMS modeled T-SHIRTS........... JAY ADAMS is a RULER,,,,, for sure,, BUT not EVEN on a LEVEL as DUANE.......... JAY ADAMS danced around on his SKATEBOARD, and fell out, while TRUE RULERS. like THE GODOY BROTHERS, JEFF GROSSO and DUANE KEPT it HARDCORE..... AND still RUN it today...... LATER FELLAS... "DORK" GERM
Jeez,,,, It took you until 2:30 in the morning to come up with another BFTWCS Bashing?? Lay off the Crack Pipe man, the insults may come to your Brain a little quicker that way, and we won't have to wait so long to be enlightened by your great Wisdom....
Peters? Adams? Accolades for either would be well deserved but ultimately they are nothing but pictures in magazines to me. Scot Brazleton and Paris Remillard rule 'em both because I tore shit up daily with them for years and years..... friends Edit: That's some great video by the way.
All we had was a car hood behind an old pickup truck! Oh, and places like the North Shore. Pipeline rules I don't give a shit who's riding it! Same for Waimea. Mahalo Johnny, wasn't Duke also the guy behind J. C. Waterwalkers?
I once rode "Old Pinky" to the edge of my driveway without falling off...what a rush! Bet she's teaching Pat new tricks now!!
[ QUOTE ] All we had was a car hood behind an old pickup truck! Oh, and places like the North Shore. Pipeline rules I don't give a shit who's riding it! Mahalo [/ QUOTE ] you could use LOUDMOUTHS hood on his truck, I'm sure he'll go hoodless and fenderless in his pursuit of the traditional hot rod battle cry.. better ask uncle jessie though...
Lucky for me, I got into cars before I got a scateboard. I'd probably be plastered on the side of a building at the bottom of a hill like a grasshopper on a Deuce grill! I wasn't too bright in my younger days. I dove off Waimea falls on a second grade field trip. My old man kicked the shit outa me and grounded me for a month for that one. Never felt the need for skis to fall off a mountain eiher. I'm perfectly capable of falling on my ass just getting to the car in the driveway!
<font color="red">"you could use LOUDMOUTHS hood on his truck" </font> Damn Man, are you awake already? Or did the Crack keep you up all night...