great thread ....i love my flat black 4 dr w/red wheels....i'm just waiting for someone to cruise me to my face ....i could use the release... old soul your cars matter the colors.... i like the challange of making my car more astheticaly pleasing... at first i thought it was the ugliest car in i drive her everywhere and have a great time....
Glad you like my old Chevy, I sold it last summer to fund the purchase of my coupe. Sold it at just the right time too.
Here's my Edsel 4 door, now in the home stretch. Just waiting on a few brake and fuel system parts. Ignore the tiny tires, I traded for them so that I could move the car around while it was incapacitated. It'll get bigger ones when it can drive itself to the tire store I actually prefer the more door Edsels to the coupes. Something about the frumpy styling makes the sedan body just right. Besides, the extra doors just mean I can pile more people in there once the car is ready to cruise.
I'm with you brother stand your ground, flat black, red wheels, wide whites and a 4 door LOVE IT!!! This was my '56.
We've had his and hers 67 Camaros, 69 Darts. Dropped back to the 50's to have his and her's 55 Oldsmobiles. She's got the 4 door hardtop, I need to paint the sedan black and put the flames on right. But it's cool to have a pair to enjoy together......................
My 62 Merc and 64 Galaxie. Merc is a 390/auto while the Galaxie is a 352/4spd! The black 64 Galaxie looks good in the picture but was just a real rusty parts car. Stripped it and let it go to a derby hound.
GREAT ANSWER! I understand that this is the image a 4-door has, but it's quite the opposite with my 4-door bird. my buddies and i all pile in for beer runs on the weekends
The red one has 460 HP under the hood. The rest are just fun cars for us to mess with. Don't invest in the market, get your money into old cars. 11% per year isn't bad is it? Normbc9
Here's mine... 1954 Ford Customline.. just bought it, V8, Fordomatic. 1960 Vauxhall PA Velox... before it got stolen and all fucked up, in the middle of bringing her back to life.. My 1962 Vauxhall PA Velox project
Wifes 49 Mercury. Ford 302 (345HP), C4 auto, disc brakes, power steering. <O</O <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com</o:lock>
Here's my 4 door. Think I'm gonna pull the flattie soon and dump a 360 in there. The number of doors is a state of mind,,,,,,,behind the wheel, you can't tell.