Here we '39 Chevy....2 and a half inch chop, rack steering, rear air shocks, 350/ daily driver, have not been on any LONG cruises but did drive it up to Amarillo this summer for a Route 66 Festival...1,100 miles round trip...."trouble free"
Love them all! Having a young family, I enjoy my 4 door, because I don't have to dick with moving the seat and waiting on them to get in or out, and they don't wait on me. Completely as functional as it was 50 years ago!
Four doors are awesome. Im kinda a fan of oddball or weird 4doors are definitely cool. here's mine...slightly OT, but this is a four door thread, so we're already breaking all the rules, right? lol.
I love this thing! just a little lower than stock, black steelies, trim rings and gangster whites but it works and looks plumb wicked!
Here is my '53. I just realized that I haven't updated my album lately, guess I should get out and take some more pics. Here she is when I brought her home. after a nose job Packard tails (in progress) Man, I gotta get back to work on this car. Since I got it driving all I do to it now is check the oil. Oh well, winters coming.
My 54`Ford Customline with a 53`Merc front. (Picture taken last time I had it out of the garage) Its now almost running (but not finished) with a 302 engine.
I don't give a damn what people say, a 59-60 Cadillac has to be four doors, they look crappy as coupe, the back window is too high and the roof too flat, what causes the back window to look like a bubble that does not belong there whatsoever. The roof of a four door makes one of the nicest curves in the history. Besides, with windows down on a 2 door there is this annoying chrome edge that is supposed to catch the sidewindows or what... Just looks shit. And a Cadillac has to be four doors, it is more convinient than let the people crawl around the bench all the times in such a giant car. And I love mine for being four doors...
My 62 merc meteor pre shave, lower, interior, paint, grill, wheels.... I dont have any photos of all that cause its not done yet.
I was out at the Syracuse Nats. this year with my car. There were drag races being held quite a ways from where I was parked in the Old School pavilion, and I was thinking to myself "i really don't feel like walking." I heard group of guys next to me saying the same thing. So I told them all to hop in and we'll drive over. 3 grown men in the back seat, 3 grown men + my 2year old in the front seat. Plenty of room for everyone, Plus I didn't have to fold the seat forward for anyone to get out. Open your own damn door! I'll bet them guys will think twice before knockin another moredoor
More plentiful? Most of them end up as partscars for the lessdor versions. I guess the days where the moredors are unwanted are counted...