Hello guys, I love your blog! I'd like to show my build from 2011! Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Did this one up prior to my first grandson being born. The leaf work and striping was done by Hot Rod Jen in PA. She does incredible work.
This is the newest member of our family { Christian } The same pedal car that I pulled his mom around in. Ron...
Here is our 2016 Christmas card featuring our nine month old granddaughter, Savannah sitting in a repop pedal car in Papaw and Gammy's Hot Rod Grille Garage. Got to start them out early! Jim
I posted pics of a pedal car I was doing for the Border Patrol Museuem back when this thread started. I finished it and have saved some pictures of the finished piece. I understand it is available to get your kids picture in while at the museum.
Not kids or grandkids. Don't have any of those. This is me at about age 2. About 1960. My grand father won this car in a raffle at a local Chevy dealer. But my uncle was too big for it. It sat around in the old pump house you see in the background until I came along. Than it was mine! Don't really know what happened to it. But I think it ended up in the county dump!!!!!! Sorry about the picture. It's a picture of an old picture.
Pedal trike with 5 speeds,a bit of a hotrod in kids pedal cars. I designed an built for my son Lance in 1982. He now as a full grown man has a 23T-bucket with Vett V8.
I know you've got a picture with all three boys from the Greaseball Bash this summer.... c'mon! It's a recipe for trouble is what it is. =)
My grandson about 5 years ago. Got this at Target in the clearance isle for $60.00 and had to have it cause it matches my Merc.
We are now proud grand parents to three grand children. I started this post and have shown the 65 Mustang & the '32 Ford that my 1st two grand children received for Christmas. Since I retired last year, I had more time to do a custom build. I found this aprox. 10 year old Murry Sad Face pedal car on Kijiji and it would be the basis for the build. Toyo Tires would give one of these to each of their dealers and they would be raffled off to a lucky buyer of Toyo tires. I bought it off a guy who had bought it off the lady who had won it. I don't think the pedal car was ever played with, but it did show signs of improper storage with signs of rust starting. I disassembled the pedal car, sand blasted it and painted it Texaco Red as I was restoring a 39 Tall Tokheim pump in Texaco colours. Powder coated the pitted chrome parts white, added some air brush and cuatom lettering and Santa brought it to our grandson Jack this Christmas 2016. He loved it and I loved building it! Before After
A bump for a cool old thread. Who doesn't like kids in little Hot Rods. This is Christian in his. He's a little hot rodder for sure! Sent from my SM-G920P using The H.A.M.B. mobile app