Incredible pain and heart felt sympathy for the parents and survivors of this terrible and horrific event. As a father of three I can't imagine or rap my mind around the senselessness of this. Columbine and the theater shootings still fresh in our minds in Colorado and now this. Mine and my family's prayers go out to those in Connecticut who's lives will be forever changed. Gods speed to the souls lost especially the wee young ones.
I understand if this thread gets deleted. Sincere Sympathy goes out to all of families there, and to their friends.
What a terrible tragedy, the number, the ages, the time of year...this is just 20 miles from where I lived when I was their age...... R.I.P you innocent souls.
The fact that we cannot comprehend this horrific tragedy is a good reassures us that it's far from the norm. I never want to be able to comprehend these tragedies.
For me Its close to home,I grew up in Monroe(next town over)& have lots of friends in Newtown. I Herd it on the radio this morn while working & just stopped. I couldnt believe what I was hearing,this is about 20 mins from my house. Then in the afternoon I herd about the children & lost it. I called my friends & their kids were thankfully ok & safe. I`m still in shock over this senceless tragity. My heart & prayers goes out to the familys affected.
I don't get off work until 2 am but I'll be staying up all night to sit with my kids while they sleep. It grounds you as a parent. May God bless them all.
What kind of evil do we have among us that would harm sweet innocent babies in CT. To harm a child is the most evil act a non human being can do. They are helpless, pure and innocent. A true gift from God. I have 5 grandchildren which has made this horrific day impact me very hard. I pray to the Lord to touch the hearts of all the families that lost their little angels and the adults as well We protect our banks, US courts, etc with armed security guards, "panic" buttons, TV cameras, locked doors, metal detectors, etc. Now it is time to do the same for our schools. Also, when an evil doer purchases body armor, the FBI should know of it immediately. Home land security are YOU listening!
Horrible tragedy.. As a father it sickens me to see all those young lives stolen. The madness that causes these evils struck here in Tucson a couple years ago..but the young children who have been slaughtered today is heartbreaking..
I know every Parent will be looking at their own children a little differently tonight and hugging them a little tighter. I can not even begin to know how those families and friends must feel. I really worry about the future of the human race...........what has happened to us ? This is a very sad day for America. I am just sick over this, and am so glad that piece of trash spared the families having to look at his sorry face at the trials. They have been through enough already and that would only pour salt in their wounds. May they all rest in peace and may their families get through this as well as possible. Don
Devastating tragedy for all in Newtown Ct. and for us as a nation !!!! Hug your little ones every day folks . Prayers sent ........
There were 2 threads earlier and they both got deleted. I am going to offer my communion for all the victims. As a Nation, we really need to change our way of life and stop glorifying Violence, Sex, and Drug use in Movies, Music, Video Games, etc............and bring God out of the closet and into our hearts and daily lives.
so sad! my prayers go out to the family's that lost a loved one. this country really needs to wake up! between all the violent video games, movies, music, and the fact that there really is no punishment for ANY kind of criminals in this country, keeps shit like this happening. even if this scumbag didn't off himself, there still would have been some defense attorney making excuses on why he did it. Im not saying any one of these reasons are what made this piece of shit do what he did, but c'mon America, stop glamorizing all the evil!
24 hours a day of Law and Order etc. etc. on t.v., yep the violence needs to be off t.v.Adam 12, Dragnet, CSI, all the cop shows, Chuck Norris culture of big balls. It gets kinda of boring after 30 or 40 years of it. Batman , Superman, Spiderman, all that B.S. Tired of heroes, I agree 100 percent jcmarz.
I too am very emotional over this sad news....I left work early just to be with my hit me hard to think that these little children have been robbed of their who look forward to milk and cookies and Santa Claus, toys, Mom and Dad. Although angry...... I too think of all the troubled teens out there who are on the verge of making a stupid insane choice for their life i.e., drugs, robbery, violence. The Perry Hall, Md. incident hit close to home here, the kid who did the shooting lived close by and rode my sons bus. He was troubled , the product of a misguided broken home. There are more of these kids out there who need help. My prayers and deepest sympathy go out to all and may those little hearts rest in peace with a loving God . Our Christmas will be changed this year reflecting on those who have suffered such a loss.
I can't imagine how anyone could deal with this! I know i couldn't if it was my kid that was a victim or even in school..I'm having a hard time now dealing with it. JimV
As a grandfather , retired cop and someone who just moved out of that area of CT. I am haunted by this senseless act. I cannot imagine the pain the the parents and other family members of those lost are feeling. But my heart also goes out the those in law enforcement that have to process that crime scene. This will affect many lives and not in a good way. Hold your children and grandchildren a little closer this holiday season .... I know I will. Pete
Children should never have to even think about something like this happening to them when they go to school, or anywhere for that matter. But unfortunately in today's society where the moral fabric of our country has been all but lost, this is not the case. My heart aches for the victims and their families.
Thank you for posting,,I totally forgot the first responders,,they surely need to be added to the prayer list. HRP
Pete, Thanks for reminding us about the good people that have to process the scene and notify the grieving parents. Please pray for them and the the very young victims and their families and friends. I too am a retired Police Officer and the worst times in my career were when I had to deal with the deaths of young kids. Larry
This is exactly the thought I had this morning. I've got a 9 month old girl that's getting extra hugs and kisses this weekend. Prayers and thoughts for the hundreds of people affected by this.
What a horrible tragedy! I can't even imagine the pain and suffering the families are going through. Prayers been sent. Posted from the TJJ App for iPhone & iPad
i sit and wounder why ? what makes some one do things like this ,i feel so bad for there loses ,its just not right
Usually it is my job to get the tree up this time of year. Well, the girls are now big/old (11and13) enough to do it. So I was able to sit back and watch them put up the tree today. It was a heart warming moment to be able to see them do it. And yet sad as well knowing all those parents will never know that feeling. It is a weird feeling I have. It has not been since the news and aftermath of 9/11 that I have felt this way from a news story tragedy. Yes I am always touched and saddened, but this one feels different. Maybe it is the close proximity, living here in CT. Maybe it is the shear size of the loss. Not sure really. But this is BIG. Sadly I will remember this like I remember 9/11. It will be in my heart and mind forever.......
So horrible and so close to home for myself and many others. The look of sorrow is on everyone's face in my area. There's no way to ever make it right. Posted from the TJJ App for iPhone & iPad