Looking forward to tomorrow. Will be my 8th year straight. Not going to do any vending this year, just fun. Taking the 29 sedan, it's not a fire breather, don't want to run the piss out of it, just looking forward to running it down the track. Yee Haw!
Talked to Blake the other day....a Austin contingent of "YAHOO's" should be up there, by now.... "helping you".....haha
I'm planning on that method of demise next year to make up for this year! I'll put in another vote for a video, hell only way I'm enjoying this years festivities!
Well I'm on my way in the '63 Stude wagon! I'm about four hours or so out in Dexter waiting on a water pump to get here from Studebaker international.... Next day air! Mine gave up the ghost on me today on my way in from east Tennessee! It stinks but I'm bound and determined to make it out there even if I'm late! It's my first time goin to the drags and Lord willin I'm not gonna miss this! I've been waitin on this for months! I'm posting from my phone and haven't figured our how to attach pictures yet. Workin on that...
stop by the Povertyflats tent in the vendor area. Say hello. I am the big, tall, bearded, bespecticaled angry man. Will likely be wearing my M&H Racemaster shirt. just so you know, my bike is faster than Paul's!
What are you doing down there? Selling deer sausage? Wish I could have made it this year. Bring some goodies back north.
what times everything start saturday?looks like rain for me up here north of you all In St.Joe Mo.they calling for rain your way?
National Weather Service is forecasting a HIGH TEMP of 94 degrees and a 30 per cent chance of rain ( isolated showers ) I wish I was there. Had a great time ... last time I was there.
More photos are up on my FB account. I tried to put pix up last night but it was taking to long to upload. Sent from my iPhone using TJJ.
frank next year I'll have a ride I am making that promise now in front of gawd and everyone. You are going with me if I have to come after you. Benno Bob If you see this you need to stop by Raytown on your way home. I'll feed ya and you can check out this olds engine I got torn apart in my basement.
Google current weather. I posted a link but I guess the map expires almost imediatley. I was not raining just now when I checked. MOKAN is North and West of Joplin. Looks like if it was raining it isn't now. The gang has been out to the track fo a couple of hours already. The Money run isn't until aboput sun down. You still have time of you hook it.
It is working fine for me. I'm a lazy but or i would try and capture the pics for ya. Here is is again I took it straight from the adress bar. Try it again. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150284110604376.356103.713999375&l=8d696bc1fa&type=1
This content is currently unavailable ..... Hmmm.... Might b this iPad. I'll try it on my main pc ltr.
It's from my iPhone. I thought it was working. Sorry, I will start a quick live shots from when we first arrived. Chris Sent from my iPhone using TJJ.
ryan; if i will be good say my prayers, eat my veggies,and carry out the trash will you bring me the device photoed in the parking lot? could not make it no excuse sore backside from kicking self for having conflict schedule.
Chris, here's my f book, incase were not buds over there. Might b why it won't work? http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1612474622