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Technical Long Haulers on Bias Plys, and happy.

Discussion in 'Traditional Customs' started by db300, Sep 12, 2013.

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  1. db300
    Joined: Oct 16, 2012
    Posts: 98


    Hello all, I'm in the very early stages of building my 1960 Chrysler. Originally, the car came with 900 14's, however I'm going to give the car a little bit of an altitude adjustment, and would like to keep it period, with bias plys. I've read the bashing posts, but what I'd like to hear is who is happy with what manufacture white wall bias ply that's on a big car that's actually driven.

  2. Inked Monkey
    Joined: Apr 19, 2011
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    Inked Monkey

    I drive the crap out of mine with no problems at all. Daily driven year round through anything mother nature throws at me. They are almost wore out and I plan on replacing with the exact same tires. I love them.

    Firestone 6.70 x 15, from Coker.
  3. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    I drove a 39 Ford every single day for 2 years on bias tires... and it was perfect.

    I now drive a '65 Riviera just about every day on bias tires... and it's perfect.

    If you like driving old cars, stay away from radials. That's my advice.
  4. My 53 chevy and 59 Impala both run bias plys. Longest drive was 800 miles round trip, did that three times. I like 'em. They wander if you're not paying attention, and are about useless in the rain, but I just drive accordingly. Radials have their benefits, but they just look wrong. Why can't anybody build a radial that looks like a bias ply?
  5. kcbeardclub
    Joined: Jul 1, 2013
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    from KCMO

    I have the exact same on my DD and have not had a single "bad" experience other than some small jumps here and there. The only time they seem to act up to me is when the city is doing damn roadwork and pull up the top layer of concrete. I also plan on replacing with the exact same.

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  6. supervert
    Joined: Mar 8, 2009
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    I drive the shit out of my 670 firestones and have very little complaints. A little drift on a road that has been ground and if I catch a tire on the white stripe it will drift a bit. But other than that I love mine. I don't seem to get the flat spot thing to bad after it sits either.
  7. malibustevens
    Joined: Jan 7, 2012
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    from Illinois

    I have some old things called Broadway grand prix size H78-15 don't know anything about them but drove a four hour round trip last weekend with no issues other than the occasional track, i like it just feel like I'm really driving.

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  8. GassersGarage
    Joined: Jul 1, 2007
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    On the con side, I had a Model A with bias plies and they wandered a lot on the grooved freeways around here, but the steering was light and responsive. When they wore out, I switched to radials that looked like bias plies, from Coker. I was amazed at the difference. No more wandering and the ride was a lot more forgiving. My Chevy has bias plies now which are almost new. I like them fine, but when they wear out, I'll replace them with radials too.
  9. tfeverfred
    Joined: Nov 11, 2006
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    What model Coker are those?
  10. Rusty O'Toole
    Joined: Sep 17, 2006
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    Rusty O'Toole

    When you buy bias ply tires, especially nylon, inflate to 40 - 45 PSI for the first week.

    No I am not crazy, I used to do this all the time. It takes the stretch out of the casing and eliminates bumps.

    After a week let them down to 32PSI or whatever pressure you normally run.

    If you do not do this, the tires will develop flat spots when you park overnight or longer. Especially in cold weather. When you start off you will feel a *bump*bump*bump* from the tires until they warm up.

    You pretty well have to do this the day the tires are installed. You can try it later if you don't like the bumpy effect but it never works as well as it does on new tires.
  11. db300
    Joined: Oct 16, 2012
    Posts: 98


    Thanks for the tip on break in! A couple votes for Firestones... More input welcome!
  12. slammed
    Joined: Jun 10, 2004
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    Adjust your driving habits to the feel of the car running bias. It will not take long.
  13. Kustomism
    Joined: Oct 8, 2011
    Posts: 159


    I have Firestone bias on my old pickup that I have driven daily for last 8 years .
    Drives fine,follows groves in the road a bit but hey it's an old truck.
    Plus they look so much better on an old car !

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  14. Wouldn't call myself a long hauler yet, but I've been daily driving my bias ply equipped A since febuary and I have zero complaints. Our roads in Seattle are shit, and i was expecting big problems after all the horror stories I have read. Not a one. I think it really comes down you want your old car to drive like a old car or a new one? Pick your modifications accordingly.

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  15. db300
    Joined: Oct 16, 2012
    Posts: 98


    Another Firestone vote....three for three named so far...
  16. Muttley
    Joined: Nov 30, 2003
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    I'd rather sell my car and find a new hobby than put radials on it, the car would look awful.
  17. My Deuce pickup is not a big car but I have had Bias ply tires from day one and over a 7 year period I have drive thousands of miles,,no problems at all. HRP
  18. hotrodj54
    Joined: Jun 1, 2007
    Posts: 634


    56 olds with bias plys, 58 f100 bias plys and a 54 ford with bias plys, all from coker and drive the shit out of them and have no complaints.......john
  19. CadillacMat
    Joined: Aug 19, 2008
    Posts: 122


    If you want radials buy a new car I have 670 15s and will never ever put radials on anything I own except my new car. old cars were designed for bias plys,they steer easier, if you run radials it will steer harder beacuse the tire is bigger and the steering box wasnt designed for that type of tire I get into arguments all the time with old timers and there radials

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  20. tubman
    Joined: May 16, 2007
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    OK; here's a test what tires are on this car in which picture? (no fair answering if you saw my initial thread I posted last week).

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  21. tfeverfred
    Joined: Nov 11, 2006
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    From 2 bad pics? The one on the right has radials.
  22. tubman
    Joined: May 16, 2007
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    Bad pictures? Well, I should be insulted, but I'm not. Damn, Fred, you are now allowed to access my original thread.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2013
  23. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    Easy... the image on the left shows a car with radials... and the image on the right shows a car with proper tires.

    Come on fellas. This is the traditional custom forum. Please don't post in here if you plan on arguing the wonderful merits of radial tires. Radial tires don't belong in the forum.
  24. I dont have a ride right now that are bias material. But when I had my 61 Lincoln vert I was running bias. Yeah they catch a grove now and then, not really a big deal. No idea what brand they were. They were on it when I purchased the car.

    My problem now with running bias on something is all the threads here where people have been having so many problems with the new bias tires. Id be afraid to run em because of that, not because of the way they handle.
  25. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    I've bought no less than a dozen set of bias tires for different cars in the past decade and I've never had a single problem. I'm of the opinion that all of these "issues" reported have to do with vintage wheels as much as bias tire technology.

    At the end of the day, put a real tire on your car and drive. It doesn't have to be complicated. Really, it doesn't! In fact, it can be fun!
  26. Royalshifter
    Joined: May 29, 2005
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    from California

    I guess I am just "Bias"
  27. Lone Star Mopar
    Joined: Nov 2, 2005
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    Lone Star Mopar

    I've read on here about balancing beads that go inside the tire, that help remedy the issues folks have been reporting not being able to balance bias ply tires. I'd bet Probaly even help when using vintage wheels like Ryan mentioned. I'm going that route and I'm in the market for a new set of G78-15s right now. I love my Denmans, bought em used off a guy who made the radial swap for 100$. Proper and even tire pressures and they will ride like a champ, It's a no brainer.
  28. heyitsnate
    Joined: Apr 8, 2004
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    i only run bias tires,and follow these important rules. check drums and wheels for runout, balance the wheels and drums and make super certain all chassis adjustment angles are right. there are so many variables that will affect your ride and create dangerous scenarios ,the radial vs. bias argument is tiresome and totally irrelevant .
  29. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    This dude is a lot smarter than me... And he knows his shit. So listen to him.

    And seriously, this bias vs. radial thing is tired. This forum is dedicated to traditional hot rods and customs - radials are just barely acceptable here... Bias tires are encouraged. :)
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