Good morning everyone, Yesterday at the local pick n pull, check out what I got. A Columbia 2 speed rear axle, complete. Here is the best part about it, I paid $165.00 with tax! Let me know what you think. Oh Yeah sorry about the poor picture quality, I took those last night, and I was a little drunk from celebrating my find. Later, Mike.
It's really cool going to these yards and finding shit that the "experts" haven't got a clue about. They usually grab up the stuff for themselves. Most of them don't know shit from shineola about "old" stuff. Great find!!!!!
Nope not one of the controls, this rear end was laying on top of a 1948 Jeepster already laid out. Only one worker knew what it was and he kept his mouth shut till after I paid for it, pretty cool dude. Yeah those hammers are my buddies, he bought them yesterday at Harbor Freight, I told him he would break them the first day, but he didn't listen. Anyway the rear end is at his house, I dunno how the wife would feel if I had that in our apartment. Being a broke college student sucks.
Did you shake his hand after the buy... cause if he would have piped up well you might have walked out empty handed! congrats, nice find
"I dunno how the wife would feel if I had that in our apartment. Being a broke college student sucks." Been there, done that...borrow a good hub puller, tearitdown, actual Columbia stuff and axle shafts can be hidden under a bed (also displayed on here for analysis and commentary), regular Ford bits wrapped up and stashed behind friends garage. Shoot a couple pics of spring hanger areas, and wire brush a bit to see if any forging numbers there so we can ID year.
Yeah man, I told that dude thanks, he said, "No problem man, Dudes here are dicks anyway." Bruce I'll be on it today, cleaning it up and getting the numbers, I'll have them here asap.
Being a wealthy college student with a ricer sucks more Welcome to the HAMB, glad you're here! Congrats on your score
I worked at a upull junkyard for a year and a half... saw a couple rare parts come through the yard, but nothing that cool!
You might get an Early V-8 club magazine. As I recall there is a guy who rebuilds them advertising in there.
Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Does that help? If you can get the code off the tag there, the year is evident in it. IE 46 47 48 ......
Nice rear, and a great score. If you're a poor college student, you now have an opportunity to make some cash on your recent aquisition. And your buddy must be an OK dude. Anybody who uses an oil drain pan to hold the trick or treat candy is cool with me.......
then its a 46. (same year as mine) If you need stuff for it check this guy out, he has everything it seems like and a great guy to talk too.
Good score Mike! I would be tempted to clean it up real good, paint it, and make some money for the coupe project!....But then, I would also be tempted to clean it up real good, paint it, and put it under the coupe project!