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Lookey what I got for a project!! (Hyfire Poly!)

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by wolfhound423, May 10, 2009.

  1. Gary,

    I was going to use the original, wishbone looking thing.. but the rubber on the mount looks HAMMERED. I don't have either of the rear mounts... but I'm not quite there just yet - few more bridges to cross before I get to fabbing up mounts (still have to fit a trans to the Poly!). I think my neighborhood welder, Fred, may help me navigate the rear mounts. In fact, he stopped by yesterday to check on my progress, and even dropped off a chunk of key stock to help me finish up one more missing piece of my motor. If you have any suggestions about how I should shoe-horn the Poly into Blue's engine bay, I'm all ears.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2010
  2. Country Gent
    Joined: Feb 22, 2010
    Posts: 561

    Country Gent

    Hay Wolfhound. Been following this great thread. Did I miss something somewhere. You mentioned you had the cam reground, but I did not see any specs on the grind and who did the cam grinding. Keep up the good work and always remember the old saying "Haste Makes Waste". You have put your heart and soul into this project. Stay calm and collected. It will pay off in the end. I can wait till it's done. Ha Ha!!!
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2010
  3. Gent,

    My machinist had Delta regrind it for a little extra performance while he was honing the bores, but I'll be damned if I can find the cam card. I thought it was in my build book, along with all the other various and sundry info I have been collecting these past 13 months, but I can't find it to save my butt.

    Thanks for the encouragement, and I'm keeping my nose on the grindstone. I really want to have this thing put together by the end of the Summer - a fella has to have some goals! I can't wait to fire it up the first time, and if you don't think there's going to be a little celebrating (and maybe a video), you're wrong!
  4. 73RR
    Joined: Jan 29, 2007
    Posts: 7,284


    Pete, there was a recent thread regarding the front mount for the 241-260. It showed some nice fabricated units thay may work for you if the oem piece falls short. With regards to the stock piece, I would suggest a hard mount to the water pump and install cushions under the legs. This will keep the twisting under better control. Best though to install some 3/8" bolts/studs on the pump housing.

    Of course this is all acedemic...not until the engine is down in the hole will you really know what the mount needs to look like.

  5. Thanks Gary - I found it under Scooter's Tech pages and bookmarked it for future use. You're right - you never know until you get that puppy dangling over the hole. Did those bolts land yet?
  6. 73RR
    Joined: Jan 29, 2007
    Posts: 7,284


    Pete, Got 'em, Thanks!!
  7. Yet more progress today! The replacement exhaust gasket got here Friday, so the Mancub and I went out in the garage for a few more hours and got a few things knocked out. We got the new manifold on and bolted up, then slapped on the water pump and the fuel pump. Damn if it wasn't starting to look like an engine. Just for giggles, I grabbed the other parts and kinda mocked it up. Fun! A few more goodies, and we'll have the old gal ready to run! Come on Summer vacation!!!

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  8. 1953-55 Dodge Hemi Engine Mount
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    <script type="text/javascript">tp1.addTabPage( document.getElementById("tabPage0" ));</script>This mount allows you to put a '53-'55 Dodge "Baby" Hemi engine in the chassis of your choice. This mount bolts to the front of your Hemi, you then add a set of our frame mounts or fabricate you own. Put a set of our bolt-thru cushions (at right) in between the two and you are done.
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    Universal Bolt-Through Engine Mount Cushion Kit
    <script type="text/javascript">var pr_snippet_min_reviews = 0;POWERREVIEWS.display.snippet(document, { pr_page_id : "7209314" });</script>Product Rating

    4.6 stars
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    This motor mount from Speedway will bolt up to the front of your Poly.
    If you look in the Eng. compartment of your ply. the 6 was mounted off center to the pass. side. you will want to install the Poly. the same way to clear the steering collum
    That will mean you will have to change the motor mount. An easy fix.
    Good luck. Bob
  9. Thanks Bob - That's a viable alternative to what is currently there! It looks like it is a bit stouter and would help isolate a few more ft/lbs of torque than the current upside down U that mounts to the flat foot under the water pump.
  10. Dynaflash_8
    Joined: Sep 24, 2008
    Posts: 3,038

    from Auburn WA

    we'll get her sorted out for ya pete. When ya thinking about dropping ol blue off at the shop?
  11. Marty - I'll probably drop her off at the shop after I make my recon run to VA next week. Sometime after the 4th of July? Maybe that next weekend?

    I had a great time at the Blessing. It was a good little get together. Despite the shitty PNW weather (55 deg and raining - hello, it's late June?!?!), the food, bands, and company couldn't have been better.
  12. OK - time for the Big Announcement - the Hyfire Project is undergoing some radical changes. This past week, I got word that Uncle Sam will be moving me on very short notice. I got picked up for an awesome job (can't refuse this one), but it means I have to drop everything to get to the other Washington (DC) by the last week in July. I will be slamming together as much as I can before I head out the door, and then will turn Blue over to my brother Bishop, Marty (Dynaflash above) for completion. I'm sure he'll continue the colorful commentary to tease me as he fits the engine, transmission, and rear together under her... just to torture me as I'm toiling like a galley slave on the other side of the continent. Our new goal for the "Father Son" part of this is to drive Big Blue across the continent in the Summer of 2011. I figure that will be the best trip a father and son could have. Well... that gives us about 11 months to get ready! More to follow as I pack and wrench at warp speed.
  13. 73RR
    Joined: Jan 29, 2007
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  14. Yup... totally came out of left field... I'll PM you the details, but suffice to say it was an offer I could not refuse. ;)
  15. Dynaflash_8
    Joined: Sep 24, 2008
    Posts: 3,038

    from Auburn WA

    well like you said. When a 3 star general says move, you move! :cool:
  16. RichFox
    Joined: Dec 3, 2006
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    Except for my Dad and my uncle I never spoke to any one over Captin. Oh yeah and my buddys dad. But when I was a troop I was pretty choosy
  17. Well, besides having to do the traveling road show briefings at my firebase in Afghanistan (got to brief the SecDef once!), I have tried to stay as far away from Generals as I could. Looks like that's going to be a bit tougher now!
  18. George
    Joined: Jan 1, 2005
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    "Summer of '11" If you made that the beginning of June, & depending on route they decide to run, you might do the Power Tour on the way!
  19. 73RR
    Joined: Jan 29, 2007
    Posts: 7,284


    Pete, best of luck. Keep in touch as time permits.

    Sua Sponte

  20. I like the way you think, George.
  21. The finality of my pending cross country move hit tonight. Jack and Marty came to pick up Big Blue and the Hyfire motor - to continue my work while I'm 2800 miles away. The garage looks awfully empty tonight, but I know she's in good hands.

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  22. Dynaflash_8
    Joined: Sep 24, 2008
    Posts: 3,038

    from Auburn WA

    ill take good care of her pete
  23. farmer12
    Joined: Aug 28, 2006
    Posts: 7,717


    It must be hard leaving your baby behind, but it looks like it is in good hands! Good luck guys and keep us posted.
  24. I know you will... wouldn't trust anyone else but a fellow Bishop and MOPAR owner to lover her like I do. :)
  25. Safe in VA after a 5 day, 2804 mile drive. I'm pooped, but glad to be here. As an added bonus, my kids are still here with Grandma, so I get to see them for a day or so before they fly home to WA. Sigh. I already miss the PNW, my car, the Bishops, and all the kick ass shows I won't be at this Summer.
  26. So now that I'm in the other Washington, somebody is sending me pictures of an old, tired flat-6 hanging from a hook on a shop crane. I wonder who could be pulling a motor out of a blue, 49 Plymouth with a HAMB plate in the window and a DoD sticker on the windshield. I swear that car looks familiar....
  27. 73RR
    Joined: Jan 29, 2007
    Posts: 7,284


    Way Cool! Keep us posted on the progress. How is the DC crowd treating you ?

  28. Will do! I'll shoot you a PM to start the trans adapter process rolling. Marty has the motor out, and is going to be finishing the last bits of the Hyfire here pretty soon... going to have to put that trans with that motor sooner or later!

    DC is...well, it's DC. Fortunately the job kicks enough ass that it counter-balances the horrid traffic and the pile of weirdos that are drawn to the town.
  29. Dynaflash_8
    Joined: Sep 24, 2008
    Posts: 3,038

    from Auburn WA

    i swear pete i had nothing to do with it! All that east coast air must be getting to you :D


  30. Damn! Must be all the traffic, smog, and caffeine messing up my brain and causing an optical illusion!

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