I just got through talking to a club mate who informed me of some static he recieved from a HAMBer in Vegas last week. Large English guy wearing a DRAGLINKScc shirt was confronted by some loke asking HEY you the guy on the HAMB running off at the mouth. or some words along those lines...if it was ment to be funny he didnt catch it. if the HAMBer has an issue with me or my post please take it up with me and not other club mates who would just as well thump you. thanks and good day
is this the curent topic of conversation at the jr. high girls lunch table or at the orange julious at the mall?
no no no................I think he was trying to be funny and my mate may have taken it the wrong way.
....But there are a lot of them in So Cal....I looked it up. A Sinners trad lowrider club in Redondo Beach, a Sinners minitruck/ricer club in Merced, a Sinners clothing line... And a Sinners So Cal motorcycle club that are now building rods and customs....and branching out evidently to Milwaukee. There is also a Sinners rod & custom club in Calgary and another one in Rhode Island.... As well as one in FLORIDA. There's a band called Sinners. And you can look in an old late fifties JC Whitney cataloge an see a Sinners club plaque on there GENERIC plaques page.... So I would assume that through the years there have been a shit-load of clubs called the Sinners...But I'm sure you know of all that from your thorough research. There's nothing new under the sun. A "wise man" from the OLD HAMB once said of car club drama: "Don't be a fag"
How ironic...The Sinners are also in the I.E. of SoCal...my car was owned by a fromer Sinner...now it is in Austin..does that mean Sinners are in Texas also? good luck figuring out who draglinkscc....I hate shit like that...but for some reason all I can think about right now is the part from Dumb and Dumber...."kick his ass, seabass!"