finally used up all my old DA sandpaper and need to get more. Holy Cow! it is expensive! I came across 3m Red paper, it is way cheaper, and I wondered if anyone has had experience with it? is it stikit? cut ok? last a while?
No clue on the red and I don't recall seeing it. But the green 3M is extremely long lived, and nothing at all like the old paper DA discs. Green is self stick. What are you sanding mostly? if you are roughing filler, try the green or maybe there will be info posted on the red. You will be surprised when you don't need to change a disc in many hours of roughing. (unless you use sticky filler like Bondo brand, then it would clog) I also used the green to remove orig factory paint and primer from a 69 dart. I did the majority of it with 5 discs, (the rest couldn't be reached with a DA)
I am a 3M rep and Red is our utility grade abrasive. We have gone to a good, better, best with our products and Red falls in the good class. I have switched several "value" concerend Body Shops over to this new product instead of the offshore paper they were buying before because it was "cheap". Try a roll, I am sure you will be satisifed. BTW the Hook it attachment system should be roughly the same price per disc as the stick it. If you have any other questions PM me. I can also tell you where to buy it in Lansing. Thanks for considering our products.
3M Red paper, doesnt last as long on the metal work I do, but I think it would work ok for general body work (fillers, primers etc). For what its worth... I have found one thing I dont buy CHEAP anymore is consumables, such as abrasives. It just isnt worth it, and you'll find in the long run you spend about the same, and spend more time changing discs or paper.
We have been using the red paper for a while at work. Its works pretty good. We use it for sanding primer and paint mostly. I sanded a door and fender wih one peice. It all depends on what your using it for and your budget. We have to keep our material use under a cap otherwise they start to take what ever we go over by out of out pocket. Otherwise we would probably use the gold line thats better. We also tried out nortons new line that is to compete with the red 3m. and i think they are very comparable. Good luck, Justin
loveoftiki... I just started using the (new?) Yellow Stick-it board paper. Its a ton better than the old yellow. I've only been using it a couple months, but i think it lasts longer than the green!
i believe the red replaced the crystal bay. it is the cheapest paper they have. there is the gold and green thats better. the red was 30 at my jobber. 85 for the gold and 115 for green (i could the colors mixed up with gold and green have those mixed up, but u get the point)
I just bought some this past weekend on the recommendation of my paint and body shop supply. I really like clogging.....lasts longer....and you can get it in packs of 25 strips for $11.00. OOPs!, I shouldn't have said 3M will raise the price.
thanks for the info guys, i'll give it a try autobodytoolmart on line has the 25 sheet packs for less than $7. I think I'll get some, and if I end up not liking it, I didn't blow too much cash on it.