I saw this car at Kzoo Nats and the Mrs REALLY liked the color. I went back a few times but never saw the owner of the car to ask about it. I would call it Dove Gray, but knowing there are hundreds of versions of dove grey, I was hoping the owner is on the HAMB, or someone knows the owner of the car, and can get me a paint code or at least a name. Thanks for the help.
hmm looks alot like the audi color aviator grey. but thats purely speculation. aviator grey code is LZ7W
Check your RLM codes for ww2 german fighters..I have been noticing Audi and VW have been using a lot of colors that were part of the ww2 luftwaffe color/camo scheme. I'm not joking..it really does look like the colors used for the undersides of 262's and 109's. Rome
this roadster has a Motor City Flathead in it (or at least their heads) if that helps verify the car.
I like the look of the grey, wire wheels and flathead. A nice traditional ride even after overlooking the radial tires. Wanna bet someone cuts it down because of the tires before this thread is over? Frank
go to the paint store and pick out a shade of grey that YOU like, buy a pint and do a spray-out on a sheet metal panel. If it's to dark/light , adjust the tint one way or the other to get what you like. At least your not doing a clone of someone elses' color. It's your car , make it all yours . good luck .
Car belongs to Phil Goller from the Toledo area. I did the chassis. Contact him at GollersHotrods.com