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History Lost Drive-In Restaurants

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by SUNROOFCORD, Apr 5, 2011.

  1. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499


    Originally posted by SWI


    These always get my curiosity going. Turns out, there were SEVERAL "Stan's" drive-ins
    around the country -- all apparently well loved! :cool: This one may have been Stan's in Provo,
    featuring beau coup neon lighting! Must have been a sight at night. Below is Stan's in
    Fresno, shot by Ed Schober and THANKS the California Historical Society and to the
    USC Library collections. There's also a brief quote. My WAG is 1952 or '53 :confused: because
    of the Hudson Jet.


    "An exterior view of Stan's Drive-In in Fresno, 1950-1959. The restaurant is at center and is a circular
    building with glass walls and a large overhang around the entire building. Many automobiles are parked
    in front of the building, and several pedestrians can be seen among the vehicles. At left is a sign adver-
    tising the restaurant and its fried chicken, sandwiches, and fountain. A large neon waitress can be seen
    on the sign as well." [BTW: I think if you look this up, the Library can sell a high-quality print for framing.]
    chryslerfan55 and 1blown57 like this.
  2. 426Hemi
    Joined: Feb 24, 2012
    Posts: 21


    I'm pretty sure that's the location for the 1964 Bruce Davidson photograph below. Also used on a Beastie Boys album cover. Tiny Naylor's Drive-In is sometimes credited for the photo but I'm thinking it's Truman's.

    BTW what's the year and make of the convertible in the shot? I'm thinking '61 Olds. :D

    chryslerfan55 and 1blown57 like this.
  3. FrozenMerc
    Joined: Sep 4, 2009
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    Still operating since the early 50's, but hidden and off the beaten path, The Keg's on N 5th st. in Grand Forks, ND is one of a kind.

    Last edited: Feb 27, 2016
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  4. I've tried to find photos of Ed's Drive-in that was on North Scott Avenue (Route 71) in Belton in the '50s and 60s. It was built right across the street from our farm house in about 1955. Jack's Tune-up was built next to it. The Air Force Base had just opened a mile away, and all of a sudden, the town was crawling with young guys with hopped up cars. On a summer's night, I could hear the car radios tuned to the local top 40 station, with guys peeling out in their flathead Fords, early Dodge hemis and Chevies. The smell of fry grease wafted through the air, across the highway and up to my bedroom window. Any wonder why I'm all over this hotrod thing for the past 60 years?
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  5. rainhater1
    Joined: Oct 5, 2009
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    from az

    The first one is printed Sacramento by pin holes in the lower right, I lived in Merced CA and spent many night at the one in Fresno. Had a roving reporter that would take request as he walked around. Great memories
  6. 426Hemi
    Joined: Feb 24, 2012
    Posts: 21


    Think I found out in this LA Times article on the Westwood Village (,0,5829295.story ) :

    "In 1970, a 24-story office building now known as Oppenheimer Tower replaced Truman's drive-in, a popular hangout at Wilshire and Westwood boulevards. "
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  7. 4406
    Joined: Dec 29, 2009
    Posts: 659

    from Oklahoma

    Trumans looks like the old Tiny Naylors on Sunset and La Brea to me.
  8. 426Hemi
    Joined: Feb 24, 2012
    Posts: 21


    Here's Tiny Naylor's. It is similar to Truman's---but the lights and roof support beams are different.

    chryslerfan55 and 1blown57 like this.
  9. BlacktopScraper
    Joined: Sep 10, 2005
    Posts: 152


    I remember this Tiny Naylor's at the corner of Sunset and La Brea. I had to use the "Pay Phone" there in, I'd say '81, a couple years before the teardown. An old girlfriends dad told me, it was one of the car cruise stops they'd make in the early 60s!

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  10. Chrisbcritter
    Joined: Sep 11, 2011
    Posts: 1,978


    Here's some from the '58 and '60 El Monte, CA Arroyo High School yearbooks I posted on the old photos thread (a few hundred pages back):
    arroyo58g.jpg arroyo60e.jpg arroyo60d.jpg
    Of the three, Taco Treat is the only one left in business last I saw, and still has the original signage - the street numbers must have been changed because it's now listed as 74 East Live Oak. Check Google street view - it's a little time capsule. Burger Q is now G&K Burgers with a newer building, convenient to the local Pick-A-Part.
    Last edited: May 1, 2018
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  11. Cyclone Kevin
    Joined: Apr 15, 2002
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    Cyclone Kevin
    Alliance Vendor

    G&K uses the existing original building, but turned the layout facing the street as a sit down. They added on to the front of it which took away the left drive thru shown in the yearbook pic= That's now part of the enclosed dining area. I'm to young to remember this Burger Q location,but do remember others in West Covina and La Habra. The Live Oak Edwards Drive In Movie Theatre was directly across the street from this place. We did a movie with a prop Drive-In that was called POP'S Paradise
    Which can be seen in the book Hot Rods by Pete & Jake.

    Don't remember the Fosters either. If the address change, then I have no idea where it was located. Taco Treat on the other hand maintains a great customer base and looks much as it did when the photo was published.

    Is there any shots of Bob's Beef Burger in Arcadia off of Huntington just past 2nd? There was another location on San Gabriel BL. next to Hughes Hardware.
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  12. Jimbo17
    Joined: Aug 19, 2008
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    I miss these great old places where you could walk up to a window and place your order.

    Even the old chrome dinners with the pedestal seats and laminate counter tops.

    Sloppy Joe's were .15 cents and has a kid that was all the money I had at the time.

    Why did the food always seem to taste better at these old places?

    Just my opinion Jimbo
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  13. toucan
    Joined: Feb 15, 2009
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    from sc

    charleston sc had piggy park and roberts drive in. would like to see some pictures if anyone can find some. went to roberts the day i got my drivers license.
  14. Bodger45
    Joined: Jun 25, 2009
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    I grew up down the street from Taco Treat, their deep fried bean and cheese burritos rule!
  15. Chrisbcritter
    Joined: Sep 11, 2011
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    That was There Goes My Baby; I remember when they filmed it in 1990. The restaurant set had a B-25 bomber mockup built into the roof. They redid the drive-in theater sign to say "Paradise" instead of Edwards, listing Cat Ballou on the marquee. The movie sat on the shelf for a while, later (1994) had a very brief theatrical release, then went to video.
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  16. sunshinedb
    Joined: Feb 5, 2010
    Posts: 19


    Near Manasquan, in Wall Township N.J. is the Circus Drive In.
    Established in `54.....Still in operation today.
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  17. sunshinedb
    Joined: Feb 5, 2010
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  18. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
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    The Bean Hut, circa 1957, thanks to HAMBer NovaDude55.
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  19. 35 ford truck
    Joined: Sep 24, 2010
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    35 ford truck

    Does anyone remember Jumbo's on Portland Road, Salem, Oregon?
  20. hepcat_raphael
    Joined: Mar 4, 2009
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    Dang, I love those old signs (and architecture). But these photos are proof that 50's diners weren't plastered with cut-out pictures of Elvis, Marilyn or James Dean. No collections of old hub caps either. It makes me laugh (or want to puke) to see what peoples ideas of what a quote/unquote 50's diner would look like.
  21. Cyclone Kevin
    Joined: Apr 15, 2002
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    Cyclone Kevin
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    You're right on! We filmed that movie in Oct of 1990. We filmed At Garfierld HS on 6th st in East L.A. (It was suposed to be Westwood High), Filmed at a couple of different houses in the valley, a liguor store and mostly at the Edwards Live Oak-Arcadia Drive-In.

    Were you there? I had a couple of different cars in the movie, A 34 suede highboy coupe and a black 55 T-Bird with Cragar S/S's and slightly jacked up, you can see em cruising around and around and around!!!!! The Pop's set was incredible!!!!

    I mean it was basically a real restaurant through and through, it even had a radio station with 93-KHJ alumni Humble Harve to give a bit of flavor. Pulled that movie out recently to give it a looksee, How weird because in that movie they had the Watts riots and 2 yrs later we had them here in L.A.

    The media kept bringing up the 20th anniversary of those later riots-When we filmed that movie those L.A. ones had yet to occur. (The funny thing is that we filmed that scene in the Sante Fe-Mateo-4th st. area which is in heart of downtown and possibly predicted things yet to come).

    Still have my POP'S Paradise sticker on my fridge, would love to dupe it
    and run it on my Bird. Loved the 57 hardtop that was owned by the studio, wished that I could have bought it, was a manual car!
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  22. jchav62
    Joined: Jan 30, 2007
    Posts: 1,932


    Snow Cap on Main St. (U.S. 66) in Seligman, AZ...

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  23. barryvanhook
    Joined: Jun 17, 2011
    Posts: 625

    from Mesa, AZ

    If you were a car guy in the mid to late 50's in Peoria, IL, the primary cruising spot was the south side Steak'n Shake located way down Adams Street near the edge of the city. It was the end of a loop that started and ended near downtown. Any night, especially on the weekends, everybody with a cool car (or pretensions of one), made at least one pass around the building, checking out all your friends and acquaintances. Sometime in the late 50's the company opened another drive-in atop of Main Street hill. This tended to alter the cruising pattern somewhat, since now we had two spots to pass through. Sadly, both are gone now.
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  24. Cyclone Kevin
    Joined: Apr 15, 2002
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    Cyclone Kevin
    Alliance Vendor

    hey guys,
    I know that were talking about lost drive-ins, but how about supporting ones that are now new or restored????? Back in the late 70's a friend of mine and I hit up now long gone drive-ins of the San Gabriel Valley right about the time they were disapearing. I was just about driving age and felt "There's not going to be anything left!" We cruised in a 23T powered by a 57 Olds 371 with a A chassis and a Pontiac rear.
    For some reason in 1980 things hit the fan! many places that were seemingly busy places were torn down. Banks went up in their place along with 7/11's and the like. I remember when Tiny Naylors on La Brea/Sunset was going to be razed, there were protests and people walking around with signs stating don't tear down history.
    Hell, That's why people came to Hollyweird, to see such places.

    The 90's and up to the present are no different. I know that we're in a tough time right now, but we need to support these places=Ones that are new and others that are restored and still others that may be chains. When in town, vist us at the broiler
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2022
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  25. In Bethel, CT , the Sycamore Drive-In is still going since the '50's,,they have cruise nights.

    I remember the first McD's in Fairfield, Ct,,,early '50's,,on US1 was just a walk-up place,,,,,,who remembers Carvel Ice Cream?,,,,that still around?
  26. Adriene
    Joined: Feb 2, 2009
    Posts: 169


    Does anyone have a pic of Oscar's Drive-In on Van Nuys Blvd., or Gwinn's on Colorado Blvd. in East Pasadena?

    Just wondering...what do we miss about the old drive-ins? Do you think people are still interested in a working drive-in with carhop service, or just think the idea of it is cool.
  27. Cyclone Kevin
    Joined: Apr 15, 2002
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    Cyclone Kevin
    Alliance Vendor

    Was Gwinn's on the north side on Colorado 2 blks west of Bob's Big Boy? I believe Bengie's was what it turned into the dozed in 1988 by Rusnak=(Attempted Killer of all things Googie!=;).
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  28. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
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    Right on, Kev! :cool: 'cause once they're gone, they're gone.

    And especially for Googie, nobody is gonna build new and unique spots like them again.:eek:
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  29. petritl
    Joined: Jul 31, 2006
    Posts: 949

    from Marion, TX

    Any chance you can scan me a copy of the vintage picture or send me the website the picture came from?

    I would like to put a copy of this on my garage wall.

    Washington, IL
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  30. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499


    HAMBer SWI (Gary) of Glasport, NY, posted these old drive-in restaurant and lunch-counter menus over on Dog427's popular "Vintage Shots From Days Gone By" thread. To me, it's ALWAYS fascinating what the value of a dollar used to be! :eek:

    Back then, my Dad often brought home less than $80 a week, but our household of six did fine, never lacked for food or decent clothes, always had a car, and the kids made good grades and always had nice birthdays and Christmases. Like so many people on the HAMB, obviously, happiness for our family wasn't measured in dollars.

    Sharing memories with HAMBers --older and younger -- keeps my appareciation fresh for just how rich we were in the things that really mattered :cool:, back in that special time between WWII and 'Nam, when everything seemed to change permanently. Just my 2 cents, folks.


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