So so sorry! Im speech less but adding you to my prayer list. Honor your wife, be strong and take care of those kids. A local church could provide help and support.
Sorry isn't enough I know. Hang in there man you must keep the fire lit. Prayers out to you and the kids, you will make it I know you will. Lippy
My condolences to you and your family...our prayers will be with you. Stay strong for you little ones as although you are mourning your wife, just remember they also are mourning the loss of their mother....stay strong and take comfort in all the cuddles you will be getting from you children...
I too am so very sorry for your loss friend. Stay strong, cherish the memories, and know that your HAMB brothers are thinking of you. Saltcoupe
Really sorry for your loss and for your children who will not grow up with a mom. Hang in there and do the best that you can for your kids. I hope that you have a good support group and family to help you during these tough times. I know that it would be tough to do it all, handle the kids and still run the household. My thought and prayers are with you.
Thoughts and prayers. I asked the minister if it always hurt this much, and he answered "yes, if you had a loving relationship, it does". Time helps, and I've found that grief and joy can coexist in the same person at the same time. And, you have to go on because the kids need you and your example. Pls post a usps address. God Bless.
So sorry for your loss, I wish I had the right words to say to try and make you feel better. my prayers go out to you and your kids, I hope you can find peace and love once again in time. I'm so sorry!!! Ronnie
Nothing could be worse. Cancer seems to strike us all but its just not fair in someomne that young. We can all say stick with it will get better some day but it never will. You will always have a hole in your heart for her. My deepest condoleses.
The picture is sure captioned correctly. She is beautiful and 36 is way too young. My condolences on the loss of Gretchen and best wishes to you and the kids. Sounds like you have your priorities right and cars will still there in the future when you have more time for them.
Blue, OMG. What can I say ? Other than sorry, for your loss, pain , and suffering. I'm not one to normally pray, but tonight, I will, for you and your family ! God Speed ! Tonight it's raining in NJ. The angels are crying for your loss.
Sorry to hear of your loss, be strong for your young ones, they really need you now. Try to hang onto those flathead parts, down the road life will get better. My prayer are with you and family. cw.
I read through this whole thread....I was going to add my life experience....honestly, you don't need to hear about my experiences, your experiencing your own; for that I am truly sorry for you and your families loss. As far as experiences are concerned, know many of us have gone through similar life changing events, draw from their strength when the time is right for you; surround yourself (though it will be hard as you will want to be alone) with people that love you and your children force yourself to laugh every once in a great while and stop to smell the roses with your kids. On a different note, I recently went through a family medical emergency that ran up GOBS of bills. Most hospitals have a "charity" division to help you out with catestrophic events such as what you are experiencing. ALSO hospital bills (in my area) have no interest attached to them, nor can they be reported to your credit. As long as your paying something they can't do squat... I implore the HAMB community to band together and auction our stuff not his... at the very least keep the car that your children love. Even if it sits for a year or more while you get your feet back....
So sorry, nothing new to say after reading the posts here. I'm impressed with the response in such a short time. Many here on the HAMB really do care for folks. Prayers are up for peace and strength. I commend you for asking us to stand with you in prayer during your mourning. May God give you the grace to still seek Him. Keep us posted as to how you are doing. Shalom, Randy
So sorry for your loss. Always remember, every time you look into those childrens eyes, your wife is there looking back. Be well. Bowtie40...