6" at rocker, that's a good all around number for daily driving in my book, keep oil pan above lowest parts, try to work frame out to be skidplate to not hang up. YOU can go lower down to 4" depending on wheelbase and overhangs on front and rear, but that requires a ton more work, more driving proactively. Even at 6" I dodge bumps angle big driveways etc. Both mine about 6-7" area for running boards/rocker area. Both retain stock front suspension design, truck is drop axle with leaf removed, bel air is stock front suspension with drop springs. Anything lower than 4" is insane, I have driven 4 vehicles daily at 3.5" and its not fun, constant job and I live in Texas where most of the shit here is flat... All were designed to be that low was the saving grace, skidplates and relocation of hanging components. Re think your mustang 2 stuff man, most are junk after doing alot of research, ones who make a decent one is Art Morison, and Fatman, both expensive, M2 drives like crap on most cars due to weight and engineering differences.. People get in my drop axle truck ask me what front end is under it cause its smooth ride and the stability.
My Buick is 3 1/2 inches from the ground at the lake pipes. I use air shocks on the rear and can raise the back about 2 inches. This helps when going in and out of driveways and I have a full tank of gas, as well as when on long trips. At shows I just let the air out of them and use a Air Hawk to raise them when its its time to leave. That said the bottom of the pipes have most of the paint scraped off and they have been replaced once. Most of that is due to parking at shows. Remember: Real customs dont have rear tires.