Lowering the rear of my model a. I knewed i can put a model T Spring in it and even revers it. Now i read that it lowers the rear even more if i put a model T rear crossmember in it ? Is this true and does it have the same lenght ? What is involved to do this crossmember swap, besides drilling out the rivets and put now ones in it?
I'm not sure you can swap a T crossmember into an A. Not wide enough. The best way to lower an A, in my opinion is to 1) adjust rear spring and reverse eyes 2) frame height step of the rear frame. (Aka Tardel step) I personally think it would be about the same work to step the rear crossmember vs. Trying to make a T crossmember work.
On my 30 Sport Coupe I stepped the frame using the Tardel book and removed a couple of leaves out of the springs and had to add the leaves back because the wishbones hit the frame. My avatar also had a stepped frame and was running 7:00 16's on 35 wires. The 30 has an 8BA flathead, 41 pickup transmission and a stock rearend with 3:54 gears, I'm running 2:35 75 R15's and you can see how low this got the rearend. I had to raise the rear of the transmission an inch because the rearend was higher than the back of the transmission causing the oil to drain out of the rearend into the torque tube.
Too many variables without more information about what you have got right now, what you are willing to change and how low you want to go.