The driveshaft in my Riv is squeaking when in reverse. Probably a sign it's 'going' on me, but I want to put off the inevitable for a while if I can. So I'm just going to give it a proper lube job for now (which it probably hasn't had for decades) and see how long that lasts. Judging by the factory manual, it looks like you need special grease fittings to lube the CV joints. Is this true? Are these a readily available part that I can to get at a parts store / Snap-On / dealership? Or will my plain old grease zirc nozzle work? Reason I'm asking now is my car is a bitch to get off the ground, so if I can find out here it will save me a trip under the car and the pain of dealing with parts counter people who are more clueless than me. Thanks, TR
should just take a "needle" type grease gun adapter fitting. Look in any parts store, I got an adapter set years ago with a needle and a rubber tipped gizmo for a few bucks, they screw onto the grease gun hose.
My '64 Wildcat had an access hole in the frame to lube the CV joint with the "needle" adapter...worked great. Good luck, Frank