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manifold for the raised block Desoto Hemi

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by 38 mopar_fan, Oct 28, 2007.

  1. Stan
    Joined: Oct 26, 2007
    Posts: 54

    from UK

    Thats all good Peter, not going to run a booster so PCV can go in underneath. At the moment mine is just a pile of parts, but will get some pics out when it looks like something, even if its just a mocked up something!
  2. 73RR
    Joined: Jan 29, 2007
    Posts: 7,329


    Greetings to NZ, Ignore the alt mounting questions, they are best attached to the front cover in front of the cyl head, above the fuel pump.
  3. Mercmad
    Joined: Mar 21, 2007
    Posts: 1,383

    from Brisvegas

    Peter ,I hope for Stans sake the price won't be too high as he sounds like his botty might be getting a bit he tries to raise funds

  4. 38 mopar_fan
    Joined: Sep 10, 2006
    Posts: 223

    38 mopar_fan

    Well Murphy kicked my hen house down, long story but give you faithful readers something to ponder while you are waiting for the dyno results on the manifold.
    Managed to get the only other known 330 Desoto hemi in existence within the region as a loan to test my manifold on. It was a recent import, came in as a pair its stable mate went a to another city. Anyway this motor was cranked over in the USA supposedly had oil pressure but was not started. Sold as a running rebuild motor.
    When I got it the converter was still bolted on the back so that was the first thing to remove and prep the motor to go in the special stand. I turned it over using a square shank screwdriver on the snout of the converter and got those 8 pesky nuts off no major problems. Thought I would pull the rocker covers and ensure every thing looked like it was going up and down. Stuck a socket on the front crank bold and proceeded to rotate the motor with the plugs out. Wow it hit a tight spot, that tight it locked up.
    Had one sticking valve and the heads needed a good wash. Checked the piston location and the sticking valve was not he cause if the lockup. Pulled the heads and the bores looked good no rust and minimal wear. Crank still locked solid.
    Pulled the pan off and found the problem, one broken crank. Sapped through the webbing just behind the number 4 rod.
    Luckily I know the guy well and he was happy for me to strip the motor but still felt sick having to ring him and give him the bad news.
    So now running around getting bits sorted to finish assembling my motor. Talked to a couple of experts who thought it was possible this motor could actually run with the crank in that condition but would rattle a little. All I can say is thank goodness I didn’t try starting it.
  5. 38 mopar_fan
    Joined: Sep 10, 2006
    Posts: 223

    38 mopar_fan

    What Can I say?????:D:D:D

  6. Stan
    Joined: Oct 26, 2007
    Posts: 54

    from UK

    Lol......well it just goes to show the sacrifices that some of us a re prepared to make for our hobby;)
  7. Stan
    Joined: Oct 26, 2007
    Posts: 54

    from UK

    Well Peter, as they say, "if it wasn't for bad luck, you'd have no luck at all"!!

    Shame about the motor, do you have access to another crank? Its at times like these when thoughts of easily available SBC's come to mind, but you have to just put those thoughts to the back of your mind and start searching!!

    We're moving house in a couple of weeks so I'm in the process of transfering the contents of my gararge to a lock up near the house we're moving into, plus I'm picking up all the gear for my Coupe this weekend thats been containered across to blighty. I'm still not sure where its all going to go, my wife wasn't to keen on the idea of turning the dining room into a workshop / Store. I wouldn't mind, I said I'd put a sheet down to cover the carpet first!
  8. 38 mopar_fan
    Joined: Sep 10, 2006
    Posts: 223

    38 mopar_fan

    We are going to start searching for a crank for his motor. I see them on ebay every now and then so I don’t think it will be a problem. Don’t know how many of these thing actually do this but will take some photos before I button the thing up and stick it in a corner. Anyone out there with a spare crank send me a PM

    Its not that bad I just had to bite the bullet and order some parts for my 330. It had been rebuilt prior to me shipping it home but I want to strip it run an eye over it and measure it so that I’m confident we don’t have any problems. Thanks to guys like Tom Water at TR Waters Early Hemi Parts and Bob Walker at Hotheads the bits I so desperately need are winging there way to me.

    The other issue is the window of opportunity to get this on the dyno, Need to be there before the end of the month.

    Should say thanks to the wife for squeezing a few more dollars out of the household budget to get this running. I don’t give in easily but with everything going on in my life at the moment it was tempting to put this on the back burner for a month or three.
  9. Stan
    Joined: Oct 26, 2007
    Posts: 54

    from UK

    Hopefully below this is a picture of the 330 I picked up yesterday. I say hopefully as my past success rate of uploading pictures onto forums is, well, patchy at best.

    Mmmm, well half an hour of attempting to resize the picture is about my limit of you'll just have to use your imaginations! I'm off into the garage to polish my valve covers;)
  10. Mercmad
    Joined: Mar 21, 2007
    Posts: 1,383

    from Brisvegas

    Stan ,I use photobucket to host my pics,it's easy and free ,if you don't mind the trash adds everywhere. You can post direct to here then .
  11. Mercmad
    Joined: Mar 21, 2007
    Posts: 1,383

    from Brisvegas

    I'm sure theres a few here in OZ ,theres a 'Desoto george' in Tewantin ,north of Bris who may have one. Wellsy ,if he still lives up there may have his phone number.
    What part of Hamilton do you live in ? ,I have lots of family there,my Auntie had the last house in Tristram street n the city.
  12. Stan
    My 330 is on its way down should get it this week:D
  13. Stan
    Joined: Oct 26, 2007
    Posts: 54

    from UK

    Did it arrive OK Td?

    As we're in the middle of moving I'm afraid mine is now tucked under a tarp in the corner of the lock up, and is likely to stay there until we move again permanently.

    How are things going Peter? I get nervous when the thread goes quiet ;)
  14. Yep its sat in the garage
    Just waiting for the car to arrive now:D
  15. 38 mopar_fan
    Joined: Sep 10, 2006
    Posts: 223

    38 mopar_fan

    Sorry Stan thought I did a quick update on Friday but I mist have done something wrong and it didn’t load up.
    We have made some small cosmetic changes to the manifold and hopefully they will be the only ones required.
    The big delay has been with a motor to run the dyno test. Just waiting for a set of big end bearings to arrive and I can continue with the reassembly of my motor. Long story so don’t worry about the details. Been fitting a different oil pump and modifying a pickup. The heads are back from the hot tank and just need final assembly. One thing I have learnt when guys say pull the plugs out of the rocker shafts do it. My rockers looked clean, obviously been in a parts wash, punched the plugs out and the shafts had the most disgusting grey sludge that had the consistency of stringy oil paint. They went in the hot tank with the heads.
    The biggest temptation is to have a go at the exhaust ports with a grinder to get them to flow but it could be counter productive to the test of the manifold against a stock one if the heads have been cleaned up.
    As this is a fresh build we will run it on the Dyno with varying loads for about 4 hours to get it run in before we do the true tests.
    Got a quality roller timing chain set a and took a skin of the front face to get the pump concentric fitting properly.
    Wednesday here is a public holiday so I’m praying the big end bearings get here tomorrow for a final push on the assembly. Would hate to have noting to do and have to go for a drive in the 33.
  16. Stan
    Joined: Oct 26, 2007
    Posts: 54

    from UK

    Glad to hear things are still moving forward, I'm looking forward to reaping the benefits of all your hard work! I know what you mean about "wasting" days off, but the motor won't build itself will it?!!

    I take it you got a crank sorted then Peter? Well at least you'll have a well sorted motor after all this.

    Do you run a 330 in your 33, or is the 330 for a future project?
  17. Mercmad
    Joined: Mar 21, 2007
    Posts: 1,383

    from Brisvegas

    Gawd yes,clean those shafts!!.I can't remember the size of the plugs but i THINK they may be similar to SBC oil gallery plugs. you getting the shafts hard chromed too? .It's normal to get it done,saves wear problems and can help build up worn shafts :D
  18. 38 mopar_fan
    Joined: Sep 10, 2006
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    38 mopar_fan

    The 33 runs a Jag front end and a 318 and 904 auto My son is driving it at the beach hop. The 330 is for my 38 Dodge coupe, In NZ the dodge couple is a Plymouth coupe with the dodge badge’s and front panels. Still deciding If I’ll run an auto or manual box. Got a Jag front and rear end for it.

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  19. 38 mopar_fan
    Joined: Sep 10, 2006
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    38 mopar_fan

    Quick update for those watching and waiting.
    Some more photos of the patterns for the manifold, we extended the opening in the top and have the three top plates sorted out at this point the 2x4 top plate accommodates carter or Edelbrock carbs but we can do one to use Holley carbs but they will overhang just a little.
    They are at the foundry now so hopefully I will have them in my hands very soon.
    My 330 is going together now and everything I have ordered for the build has been delivered. On current progress I should have an assembled motor by Sunday.
    Got some photos of the broken crank from the other motor a and will load them as soon as

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  20. Stan
    Joined: Oct 26, 2007
    Posts: 54

    from UK

    Great new pics Peter. How does it feel to have the world watching and waiting?!
  21. Im waiting with bated breath on this one is my 330 lol.

    Mmmm, 6-71 on a Desoto...has a nice ring to it !!

  22. overkillphil
    Joined: Aug 31, 2007
    Posts: 303


    Anything new? I can't wait for a good intake for these Desotos! And yes, a blower is in the works.
  23. 38 mopar_fan
    Joined: Sep 10, 2006
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    38 mopar_fan

    Well what can I say, Firstly I must apologise for the delay in getting these things finished but sometimes life gets in the way. In hindsight I let the cat out of the bag just a little early and should have held back until I had it running. Could say I suffered from premature Manifold elation
    yes I’m progressing, got my hemi assembled and ready to run. Learnt a few things along the way. I got the second manifold and three top plates out of the mould and its looking good. As a engine was the critical item on the timeline I decided to get another manifold cast with the new top plates before I tried running the manifold. The new casting has a couple of small design modifications.
    Trying to focus on getting the final bits sorted now and getting the dyno results.
    A wise person said to me “if this was going to be easy someone would have done it already” The manifold itself has been reasonably easy its everything else that gets in the way
  24. filthy frank
    Joined: Jan 25, 2008
    Posts: 541

    filthy frank

    good job!!!!!!count me in for a blower version of that manifold.filthy frank.
  25. overkillphil
    Joined: Aug 31, 2007
    Posts: 303


    Thanks for the heads up!
  26. Stan
    Joined: Oct 26, 2007
    Posts: 54

    from UK

    We're still out here watching Peter and we're with you in spirit!!
  27. 38 mopar_fan
    Joined: Sep 10, 2006
    Posts: 223

    38 mopar_fan

    Hi guys,
    As promised here are photos of that broken 330 crank. Not a lot I can add. I did notice that crank hub had some strange damage, almost as if had been pressed on and jammed. Could be that the crank suffered some damage and was possibly bent, just a thought.



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  28. 38 mopar_fan
    Joined: Sep 10, 2006
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    38 mopar_fan

    Oh, forgot to give you an update on the manifold.
    Spent the best part of Easter working on the manifold and getting the Hemi fired. Got it running on the 2 barrel manifold. Running sweet so got a big smile about that.
    Spent the rest of the time in the engineering shop. Alan had designed a milling and drilling jig. We figured the 4 day weekend was the best time to complete this work. Apart from an emergency repair and his need to fabricate two large rotary joints, of the fluid kind we got a bucket load of work done. The stock 4 barrel manifold we used to set the jig up posed a couple of problems but nothing we couldn’t get over. I’m sure his mill will recover from my less than professional hands as the skin I knocked off will grow back.
    The photos are not that good, took them with my phone and the light was not that good but you will get the idea.
    The first is of the base of the jig with the angle plates ready to bolt down.
    The next is the manifold mounted in the jig
    Then we have the jog with the stock manifold mounted in the mill
    The last is the drilling jig plate, long hard hours clocking up the holes to ensure I got them aligned correctly, two drill changes and a final cutter, yes that was three different chucks in the mill plus the dial indicator to check the manifold. Bolted that plate on and off for each hole.
    Alan needs to finish some urgent work so I’ll be sorting some other stuff but we are planning on having this running this weekend
    Will let you know how we get on.

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  29. 38 mopar_fan
    Joined: Sep 10, 2006
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    38 mopar_fan

    Hi another update,
    After all this time we drilled the manifold in the newly constructed jig and I bolted it to the motor last night. We are going to mill and drill the second manifold tonight and everything being equal will bolt on tomorrow. I’m trying to get this finally run on the dyno.
    Starting to see light at the end of the tunnel, oh no that’s just a train coming :)

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  30. Stan
    Joined: Oct 26, 2007
    Posts: 54

    from UK

    Hi Peter

    The only downside to all this is that it would be great to be there to watch all this happening. Not that I'd be much help, but in between long periods of stood around with my hands in my pockets trying to look knowledgeable, I could have made tea at least!

    Its all looking really good Peter, altho' the speed things are happening at this end the manifold will just be another nice peice of kit hung on my garage wall with a good story behind it!!

    I have been trying to convince my wife that we should come down to NZ for our hols later this year which apart from being a nice holiday would save me a few quid on manifold shipping!! However, she doesn't seem to think this is a good reason to traverse the globe, but I'm working at it.

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