I never said only I could do it, i was just saying that most other body paint guys wouldn't even want to try it off of an average ins. est. say they give you 2.5 hrs to paint the door, anouther 2 hrs color tint and blend, so thats 4.5 hrs, and the owner wont except nothing shy of perfect, so are you willing to try to match what was done for that? when you could be working on a lexus or corvette making 6 hrs to paint a no thought hood red with clear coat. THAT is my point, so chill there.... brad chevy,I am not saying I'm the only act in the game, but if paint like this was easy ,every chevy around would have it. And few do, an until you see this in person you have no way of seeing all the diffent fades and flakes. IT STOPPED WATSON in his tracks when he saw it. and thats all I need. the ONE guy that matters, got it !
Thanks ryno, much respect!!! I dont want to say what the car sold for,(not my place) or what the paint job cost, but it is alot less then your figures, I work cheap I tell you !
that sucks, a sweet car built by ya finkd ,bet the blue hairs on the bus never seen a paint job like that on a car like some probally drove ,hope it has another life !!
WOW, that sad to see. Fact of the matter is it really doesn't matter how much the guy bought the car for, what matters is if he has it insured for an agreed value amount that allows the car to be repaired to its before accident standard. If the dude did want Jeff to repair it (like I would want Earl Schieb to repair Big Olds in this situation) then he really should fly Jeff out, at a cost of a couple hundred dollars in airfaire, to meet with the adjuster and review the car and repairs necessary. This cost is peanuts relative to having the right guy explain the costs of repairing this exact vehicle. Good luck to the owner
Just another case to have the proper insurance (if it hadn't been mentioned) It's the other bastards on the road that'll get you every time. Sad to see.
So a tour bus operator ran into while it was parked and we are debating if the car owner has the proper insurance? I fail to see why. As far as I am concerned, the tour bus companies insurance is on the hook to pay to fix it whatever it takes, hard to fix custom or not. If the owner and his insurance were smart, they'd be strongly suggesting to the other insurance company to ship the car back to finkd and have it redone. Now if they both happen to have the same insurance, then maybe he is screwed.
Is the new owner here on the HAMB? Anyone know what he really wants to do with it? Maybe he is planning of fixing it, even if it does cost a bit out of pocket, though the bus company's insurance should pay, up to the total value of it. Why are we all speculating what is going to be done? Personally, I think it's worth fixing, just because of the "history" of the car, even though it's a recent build. It's not that bad, though a regular body shop probably couldn't do it.
What a bummer. Hope he had the right insurance and gets the right estimates to fix it, or get the $$. Just wonder why anybody would park a car like that on the street.
Bummer deal here, sounds like all the damage is not easy to see here. Driving anything in New York is rough. R.I.P. purple warrior. ~sololobo~
Not trying to start anything but holy crap its just a bit of damage. ANY shop worthy of hanging a collision repair shingle could fix this in a heartbeat. When did we stop being car guys and all turn into insurance adjusters anyway? None of you guys ever seen a really tough car brought back from the dead? Us guys in the rustbelt would die for such a nice start!
its not the metal work bro its the quality of the paint job. hell 50% of us could probably get the metal work close enough to be ready for paint but I'd bet less than 5% of us could spray anything close to that. I'm not saying that is impossible to paint just saying that comes from years of experience coupled with being dialed to begin with. you negative dudes need to hop off the band wagon. its not your car so dont be up in arms about it, the only people that really have a right to be tore up is fink'd, mcphail and the poor dude that owned it, everyone else chill out. I dont like seeing a dialed kustom get smoked either but what is a pissing contest going to fix? notta damn thing...
I don't think anyone is meaning any disrespect to Jeff or his talents. We all know he has mad skills and could fix the car in a heartbeat.We've admired his work for years. We are just saying that it's too cool a car to scrap. There are lots of talented tin benders on the HAMB that could straighten out that body. And Jeff could match the paint since he knows how he did it the first time. Even if the car had to be painted differently to meet the budget,I'd like to see it saved.I've seen the car in person and if Monique liked purple it would have went home with me from the Roundup. I'm sure the insurance company will total the car,but that car is not "HAMB totaled."
I hope you charge consulting fee's to who ever does the repairs. If it is not you, I am sure they will be calling. That car sold for the price of the paint job.
FUCK !!! So sorry Jeff!!!! I read some of the post... And IMO, Only Jeff could fix it right, Im talking body mods, paint, etc.... He knows the paint, the blends,the EXACT kustom work underneath the paint... all the CORRECT info to bring it back...... Good luck brother!!!!!
Wow. That sucks. I'm sure it'll be fixed. Maybe even....do I dare say it?......Updated so it's the new owner's car instead of McPhail's. Either way, I'm sure it'll be back on the road before we know it. Good luck with the insurance company. Took me about 2 months to get anything when my Shoebox was crushed....
Damn. Sorry to see this, Jeff. I hope it gets repaired in a fashion that does your original work justice...
I'd prefer if it was actually redone by the original builder, but, if it cannot be done that way then maybe one can get someone to actually talk to the original builder somehow? I'm just wondering here...
Maybe he'll change the taillights, take the molded drip rail off, redo the frontend and paint it black............ wait, that's the other car I sold.......
Lots of guys here saying "it's not totalled". Totalled is an insurance term that means the cost to repair the damage exceeds the value. If nothing else, this highlights the need for Agreed Value insurance policies for collector cars.
It's totaled. There is a ton of subtle custom work already put into the car. Any repairs would look amateur by comparison if it isn't replicated perfectly.
The guy that ownes it now , can do what ever he wants with it, it's his car now. but I never understand buying a car with history, notability, or what ever you want to call it, and then change it. But whatevere it is in somebody else's hands, I will however cry like a baby if i ever get my galaxie sold, and see the owner ripped the fatluckys interior out to replace it with naugahide! My paint well ,..... that, anybody can improve on . It will look good in green, blue, or maybe gold. LOl
OH, and If I knew how to change the title of this post I would deleate the totaled part, just to save some others aggrevation and arguments , but then what would everyone have to do , Pick on me about spelling? maybe my bad hair, it keeps us intertained, glad to be of help. OH< and reminder my galaxie and caddy are for sale if anybody wants to buy them , or one. You can change them however you want, I don't care. If you don't like the color, I can repaint it for you so it will be a fresh car without my name tagged to it.
Dang Jeff...I hate to see one of your works of art get tore up.....but i'm glad to see it was being driven and not trailered!!! McPhail, you owned a car that wasn't purple....was the one you sold a black/purple. LOL
Now I'm no shop owner, but it looks like a door and a quarter. Who cares about the paint? At least it was sold first! Lol Sucks for the new owner. I was lucky enough to have Dennis do a Y block tat for me. He's a cool dude.