I know dennis would never let me paint anything of his pink, magenta, fusia, or with lace. ME tho , I'm in touch enough I could pull it off......maybe just maybe.....guess we will all have to wait and see what comes out of the gun.....on my truk, Dennis' won't be as kool as mine.............i know cause I've seen the super secrete sketches. hahahaha
Frosty purple sounds perfect to me... Love that your'e welding all the seams up on the bed.....wished I'd done that BEFORE I repainted mine.
You , know dennis is color blind on some colors.......just don't tell him the last three cars of his were green,.....he thinks they were frosty purple.....LOL It is going to be the year of the truks, seems as I've heard alot of truks coming out to play. maybe instead of a merc coral we can have a trukaganzafantabula lot with frosty kolors and pink flake fade jobs..at salina..
Oh No! square exhaust tips LOL. We will be at the trukaganzafantabula this year with my kids 63 truck.
Pink trucks are gay..... I have nothing against green, but the last four trucks i've seen being built have green on them......I've done purple before, and it's kindof a color that suits me...... but I'm up for any ideas.......
While I appreciate purple (and the signifigance it has with the Beatniks) I personally would love to see that truck in candy rootbeer flake with magical fades and scallops by Jeff.
Can't wait to see it in person. I had to play with an illustration...I took the marks on the bed as a hint...am I close?
how the hell did you do that?.....that's cool!......we're not going to round the bed corners though.....and we've turned the rear bumper upside down..........
I used Photoshop, and one of the pictures Jeff posted for reference. See...computers aren't ALL bad. I'll do a more accurate illustration when it's finished. As far as paint ideas, I think it would be cool to go with a frosty purple like you mentioned with pearl white accents. Laid out Watson style, similar to this "58... Keep on writing the book on cool guys...the Kansas crew knows how its done.
Thanks damon, nice work by the way. and that trucks layout is way to mild, we are going to bounce it off everyone's forehead , going to hit em like a ton o' bricks, BOOM, kansas boys...
I kind of like the rounded bed corners . Likes like the tail end of a 55-56 ? Pontiac the year that had the chrome stripes on the hood. Maybe on the next project ?
more update pics, building new skirts, my helper, training him (lucas , my youngest son) to take my place!!
The lines just flow . Must be the Air Capital Airplane influence or the Mex food and beer farts. Although that curve resembles a smoked rib.
We've added a lot more changes to the truck than originally planned..... I made the call not to rush and get it to Austin this time....... But it'll look even better for the salina debut date if we don't keep adding shit to the to do list........
Stopped by Jeff's shop this evening. Mcphail's pickup is looking good. The added ideas are going to be great.
I have a couple of shots from Santa Maria of the Watson style Apache I love the direction that this build is taking! More. More!!