Posted on one of the local 4x4 sites 94%. Didn't see the results page(!) so I'm not sure what I messed up on, but it might have been the pendulum questions...which is odd because nobody else seemed to mess those up!
Think of their example as an upside-down metronome. As you slide the weight closer to the base the faster it moves.
I took it again and got the same 90. You can print out the whole test complete with the diagrams and your correct or wrong answers. I missed the fan among others.
some were confusing, but all in all a good excersise and worth the effort. i think i could contest some, as i got the suction one wrong as well, as i was trying to think how they would see it, but i'm cool with 88... and i never do online quizes!
... I missed 5 (90%). Very cool test ... I forwarded the link to other (software & systems) engineers here at work ... a colleague of mine with two Masters degrees in Electrical Engineering scored lower than me ... he wouldn't say how much lower ... but argued that the questions were not worded correctly (syntax & semantics) ... friggin' whiney academic types!!!
Yeah...but in the "real world" things don't always work like in a text book example anyway so you need to think things out for yourself. The situation NEVER adapts to you!
94 here. i should do that good im in school enough. you should see the piece of paper in front of me though. physics is fuckin hard.
oh yeah nad the thing about the pulling air into the cylinder question the only reason a vacuum is created is because there is lower atmospheric pressure on one side of the object. the introduction of a higher pressure to a lower pressure area creates a vacuum. if the cylinder was equal to atmospheric pressure air would go nowhere due to the volume of the cyliner and the size of the valve(which totally sounds assanine but apparently thats how physics works). I could never really figure it out but whatever. air isnt really pulled into the cylinders its "pushed" by otmospheric pressure, thats why a blower works so well it increases atmospheic pressure outside the cylinders causing more air to be forced in more quickly. errrr sumthin
Click on review if you want to go over your results. Not bad. Should have gone slower. 94% The planetary gears cause I read to fast and the double pully with the 100kg weight. Oh well.
I had a 52 & I knew I'd be the biggest knucklehead before I even did the test. I guess that's what draws me to this whole thing & gives me the drive to build my project, which is essentially building a car from scratch. I did build my own house with hand tools, but I'm glad I subbed the electric & plumbing ha-ha). The house is still standing after 20 years. So, when a guys asks an obvious question on this site, it's probably me. Don't laugh too hard.
That's what I get from copying from Mike....! 78... Solid "C" in my book... ! All this shows is that.... "A" students teach "B" students how to work for "C" students...!!! I think I blew it on the pulley ones and a couple electrical... it seems I couldn't remember which was "series" and which was "parallel" thus I missed out on the voltages...! But I got the "series-parallel" correct...! Re-took the test without copying Mikes and got a 90%
88%...I guess i'm not a TOTAL moron. (should have payed more attention, but Chronicles of Riddick was on)
I passed! 80, that's a B-. Not bad for an Englush teechur. I must have slept through block-and-tackle class.
70%, oh well. Glad I get paid by the hour so I can take my time figuring this shit out in the real world.
The ones with how much weight here or there pulled by this or that got me..I had no clue.. But I tend to read far more into a question than it really is..
86% for me, some of them were worded tricky, like the fans, there was no answer saying the other fan would blow in reverse, just the same way or opposite? That multi pulley was a mind blower, I thought you gained leverage by 2's for each change, anyway, it was fun and just took a second.
I got a 94 . It helps to have to deal with this shit everyday. I screwed up the trans gearing. Gasserman
I got 92% the first time. I didn't understand how to get the running results the first time. I guess that makes my computer aptitude a 0!!