No snow here in Central Texas, but I did get to watch Ralphie kick the crap outta' the two bully kids for sitting on top of that sedan! Wonder where those cars are now...................Merry Christmas!
Ryan, I hope you and your family have a terrific Christmas. Actually, I'd like to extend that to the entire HAMB "Family".......You all rock!
Ryan, I hope that you and your family and everyone here on the H.A.M.B has a great Christmas........... Bill
Just doing the traditional Festivus celebtration here at Gosson Bros. World Headquarters. Thanks for the HAMB, Ryan and Company. And to all the little HAMBers in HAMBville, party 'till the cops come! Er, I mean, Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to all from Central California, A little chilly here today. Do we want to see snow? Only 90 miles away .