A hearty Merry Christmas and a prosperous, happy New Year to Ryan and all my HAMB brothers and sisters and their families! Ryan: Thanks for keeping this place going, it's been my #1 internet hangout since 2003... Joel
This is such a great site and the Arials would like to wish all of our friends here on the H.A.M.B a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Be safe you all
merry christmas to ryan and his entire family, and of course each and every hamber, livin' the dream baby, livin' the dream!
Ryan, Thank you for making this website the best website I have ever run across. May you and your family have a joyful holiday season. God Bless.
Merry Christmas to you and your family Ryan. Congratulations on a job well done. Isn't life perfect when your passions allow you to have so much fun while "working" with so many friends and happy associates?
It seems to me, so rare to hear honest sincere gratitude anymore. Well said Ryan and best wishes to you and your family in the future. Merry Christmas. Gary
MERRY CHRISTMAS and Thank YOU Ryan... Without you doing what you do, and the HAMB knowledge banks, I don't think I would have my '54 Buick back on the road. The Jalopy Journal is a Christmas Miracle
Merry Christmas to y'all fellow HAMBers. A safe and properous New Year to each and everyone. And God Bless Tiny Tim.....