hello! just joined. I'm out here in virginia, working for a restoration shop doing sheetmetal fabrication. Graduated in the earlly ninety's from McPherson College in Kansas with a degree in automotive restoration. Before Jay Leno gave a scholorship and really helped the school get allot of press. Looking to get a 49-54 chevrolet. Working on someone elses all the time, i kind of need my own ride. Recently helped a friend chop his 54 and it was allot of fun. Nice to customize something on occasion as opposed to the tab A goes in slot B aspect of restoration. I enjoy making things out of metal and have put a few pics of a fender i did recently on my webpage if you want to check it out. http://homepage.mac.com/tinsnips/PhotoAlbum13.html Look forward to getting to know people with the same intrest. L8R tinsnips
WELCOME TINSNIPS!!!! Always great to meet new HAMBr's in our area!!! Looking foreward to seeing some TECH!!! East Coast Rules!!!