Why not use it?,do a temporary patch and take it to the drags, you were able to pull it home so nothing is structural and it's only cosmetic. It's just too cool not to use it. HRP
Hey Miller & Ryan, I have been enjoying the addition of the "Antiquated" forum. If you are considered adding a vintage tow vehicle to the fleet for shorter trips with the trailer, I thought I'd add this great write up I came across recently on the "C-Body Forum". I worked for U-Haul back in the 70's and this is exactly how a class IV hitch (frame hitch) would be made for a large car towing a trailer. https://www.forcbodiesonly.com/mopar-forum/threads/1965-chrysler-tow-hitch-fabrication.23508/ How about some photos of your tow vehicle modifications for your rig, eg. electric brakes, equalizing hitch and sway control. Even though it is a late model pickup, the modifications would be the same on a vintage tow vehicle. Repair updates???
I just got an email from A&P Vintage Trailer... The folks the insurance company approved... He's doing a great job and has a pretty cool setup just west of Ft. Worth... Trailer is getting close for pickup. The aluminum damage is all fixed up, the spring crossmembers have been fixed, and he even worked out a few wiring issues I was battling. I'll get into more details as soon as Miller and I get it home.
Hi Ryan and Miller.Looking good.Please keep the updates coming as you guys are able. Good luck.Have fun.Be safe. Leo
Picked this thing up yesterday and solo camped on a random lake last night. Good fun. Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
That looks like a beauty now. Too bad all of the trouble you've had with it so far. All of that is behind you now and time to enjoy the fun
Very nice Sir.May yall enjoy many miles and many smiles in the coming years. Good luck.Have fun.Be safe. Leo
So miller and I found some spun aluminum cones and then went to the lamp store and bought a bunch of lamp parts. They fell together into a wall sconce, so we then drilled a bunch of holes into the shades and painted em OD green, and mounted a switch. They work pretty well as night stand reading lights back by the bed. Not bad for $10 total investment! Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Gonna Cousin Eddie it at the in-laws for Christmas. Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Miller and I made some more lights... This time we made sconces out of some random vintage lamp parts. Came out pretty good... Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app