Ryan that’s so cool that you have a Silver Streak Clipper . In my opinion they are the best of all the vintage aluminum trailers. I have a 1950 Silver Streak Clipper too . I bought it in very nice rolling condition but the interior was mostly gutted . It’s been in my Backyard as yard art since I found it way back in 1985 . My carport was too low by a few inches so I brought it thru the chain link fence along my neighbors driveway. He built a block wall a few years ago so now it’s possibly permanently stuck where it is . I Always had plans of rebuilding the interior and towing it behind my old ‘40 Plymouth Woodie but time flies when your busy earning a living and I spent a lot of time tinkering with my Gasser so it never got past my layout for the interior. The Silver Streak Factory was about 20 miles west of me in South El Monte in Rosemead blvd. and the sign was still there in the ‘80’s. I’m not sure when they closed the doors . Among the vintage trailer collectors and owners these Clippers are known as the Silver Streak “ALIEN EYE” . I’m thinking of finishing the interior and renting as a tiny house to a family member. Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
Love your Build thread! It's been a joy reading through it. There were in fact shorter clippers made my Silver Streak. There are a few examples of the 18 foot Silver Streak Clipper sitting pretty in some serious private collections The early post wwII airstreams with the single windows at the caps were produced in three different lengths I think: Wee Wind, Trail Wind, and Liner The Wee Wind was 16 feet (I think), the Trail Wind 18 feet, and the Liner 22 feet here's a heartening little article on one of the earliest wee winds around: https://www.airstream.com/blog/ruby-unearthing-a-rare-vintage-1948-wee-wind/ Some of the early ones--early 1947 production serial numbers may have had a lot of hands on from Wally Byam, before Airstream incorporated and had more employees contributing to the build. There are a couple around that have a unique Wally Byam Heater/Furnace which is pretty neat. here are some examples of the 18 foot silver streak clipper: super rare!
Man… I forgot about this thread. I really need to update it. Trailer has been pretty much done since the first lockdowns… and we still love it.