I finally pulled the trigger on getting my first welder for the garage today. Miller has a promotion going on now with a good rebate. I thought I would pass it along. I am not affiliated with Miller or anything, just wanted to pass along a deal you might be able to use. http://www.millerwelds.com/landing/build-with-blue/
My buddy was looking at buying a miller Tig. He got online a few weeks ago and put one in his shopping cart. He got back on there today and noticed the price had gone up by $300 on the exact welder but they had a $200 rebate on it. He was pissed.
that is not cool for sure!. I picked up one of the millermatic 200 models and the price was right. But I bought the extras to get the 400 back which was like getting them free. Hopefully most won't get the price increase prior to rebate deal your buddy got.
So he had it in his cart but didn't get around to paying for it? Bugger! I've seen stuff on "sale" after they raised to price costing what the original price was. Integrity???
He put it in the cart while he waited on his tax money to hit his bank. Once he had the money, he went back to buy it and saw the price hike
I will second that. I ordered a Millermatic 212 mig online from them. Best price I could find. They processed my order on a Monday morning and I picked it up at FedEx Tuesday afternoon.
I've used Cyberweld for consumables. Always have had great service with them. I'd recommend them to anyone.
I realize this is about a Miller but after reading review after review on many machines I have pick this as my next welder, under $800 delivered. Will tig weld 1/4" steel, Weld aluminum as well as stick if needed. I'll use it to build my coupe and modify my other rods. If I was going to use it every day I would invest in a good used 3 phase Miller unit like the one I use at work for $2-4 grand.