Just wondered if any of you were going to the show this weekend? I have a extra room for friday and saturday and thought I'd check to see if any one needed it before I cancelled on wednesday. Let me know.
http://www.moab-utah.com/aprilaction/ Here is the site. There are usually about 700 or so cars, and people line the streets Friday and Saturday to watch all the cars cruise late into the night. It's a fun show with great atmosphere.
My band "Smokin' Id" will be playing classic rock and blues at "The World Famous Woody's Tavern" (221 S. Main St., Moab) Friday and Saturday nights during the car show. We actually practiced this weekend, so we might not suck too bad . I promise the drunker you get, the better we'll sound. I'll be hanging out at the car show, but since I have to haul a truck load of equipment, I won't have my car there. Anyway stop by woody's and say Hi. I'm the conga player and I'll probably wear my new HAMB shirts all weekend or until they get too stinky. See you there, Tom
This is one of my favorite shows. Its all about hot rods, not the scene. Lots of cruising at night. And some cool runs during the day.