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Projects Model A, Hemi and the six inch chop

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by v8paul, Mar 27, 2015.

  1. v8paul
    Joined: Dec 17, 2008
    Posts: 182

    from england

    My 1930 Model A, in all its glory...


    As you'll see this is not my day job, i'm just having fun at home and this build is going to take some time to finish… too long i'm guessing !

    I couldn't bare to sell my Hemi 32 pickup… so i swapped the motor and kept it, it wasn't so hard to sell on the truck without the hemi.

    I now have what i've wanted for years a 1930 Model A, totally running and driving stock car and pretty much rust free… from what i can see…. what to do… the choice is all mine !


    And now i'm about to destroy it...

    The idea is to fit the Hemi and keep the car looking as close as possible to what it looks like now, obviously i need to change a lot, but that's my goal. Going to keep the fenders on, i may change it in years to come as with anything else, i like to change things around as i go. I'm planning on keeping this one... as usual !!!

    And something i've always wanted… to hammer the roof down low. My first car was chopped the usual amount, but i always wanted more. I don't have worries about fitting in 'cause i'm a short ass !

    When i got the car the roof had a droopy look to it and the windshield hit the cowl. So i began stripping the interior to have a look and also if i could find any rust damage.

    Looks like i needed a wood kit as it was in a state. But the body is in great shape.

    So i was off on my quest, i started about 6 months ago, i had the interior out, busy swapping the timber… it seemed rude not to start chopping…

    I'd bought a copy of Spritz by Fritz dvd - 'Chop a Model A at Home'. I watched it a few times over the winter. He chops out 2 1/4 inches. This was a great help as i've not done, or seen anyone do this before. Even though he says not too, i was going for six inches.

    The time came when i had no excuse not to start, i'd bought extra tools, clamps, saws, and plenty of cutting and grinding discs and some steel tubing… gulp, it was time to brace up, mark out and start cutting.

    As Fritz did, i went round the roof with some tape. And then with a reciprocating saw, maybe i should have practiced as the blade was bouncing around, hard to keep level. It stormed along the panels until it hit some thicker metal or wood then i was glad i wasn't trying to use a hack saw ! If there ever is a next time, i'll use my grinder on the panels !

    Roughly guessing where to chop and where to strip paint



    Oh heck i've just ruined my paintwork !








    Braced up with some square tubing



    Three lines of two inch tape… oh shit, i've made a cut !


    And now i've gone and done it… It's the roadster moment !





    Its the roof on the floor shot !


    It's that stand back in amazement moment… what have we done !



    Quick… get the roof on lets have a look !


    Expecting it to come down straight… nothing lined up… aarrggghhh

    All seemed straight forward until i whacked the top off… Wow chopping six inches out really adds to the work load and throws everything out of alignment !

    Ooops… i was a bit worried, it sat with the roof resting on top for about a month, how the hell was i going to weld it back on ?!


    But it does look mean !


    Ron Funkhouser, alfin32, Tim and 7 others like this.
  2. v8paul
    Joined: Dec 17, 2008
    Posts: 182

    from england

    Hard to keep a straight line cutting. Couldn't lift it off on my own so I jacked it up to tidy my wonky hacking

    I'd gone pretty wonky in places and spent some time straightening my cuts out, so it's now a six inch plus, chop… ha ha !!



    Trying to figure out what next, tried some ratchet straps on the pillars… looked better !


    This pillar wasn't looking right at all, leaning forward ?!!


    More bracing… pushing out the B pillar

    It was going to need a bit of forcing back in to shape before i could start welding. So i chopped up some tubing and welded some nuts and bolts to make some adjustable props. I pushed out the B and C posts as the roof looked like it had grown a few inches… ooo that looks miles better, i'd made a leap forward at last !

    The back of the roof also didn't line up when the B post was aligned. I was expecting it to come down straight, yet the roof had become longer !

    I tried the bracing trick again and pushed the back out on the car. Yee haw ! Wrong or right, it now looked like i could finally begin joining it back together.


    C pillar needs shoving out too


    Back kind of looked ok, apart from the sides sticking out and then the B pillars were too far forward !




    More bracing… push that sucker back out


    A pillars, lots of hidden metal !


    More tidying at the front



    Hmmm i wanted to dowel the posts, i couldn't lift it off to drill so i tied it to the garage roof incase it fell off !


    Just as the video I drilled out wood in the pillars and glued in some dowels. I was going to have to speed up… glue it, and get tacking !

    Holes for dowels



    Dowels glued in




    I did the back too, but then i removed the rear wood. Still to fit back in.




    A test fit with clamps


    Getting closer !






    Loads more to come, if it's not too boring ?!
  3. bustedwrench
    Joined: Dec 22, 2009
    Posts: 131


    Not boring at all. Keep posting progress.
    tdog, Stogy and 1927graham like this.
  4. Not as easy as you thought????????LOL I guess everyone has their own ideas on this chore..
    Stogy likes this.
  5. v8paul
    Joined: Dec 17, 2008
    Posts: 182

    from england

    Thanks, I'll dig out some more. Ha ha, yeah a real chore in a fun and frustrated kind of way
    Stogy likes this.
  6. scrap metal 48
    Joined: Sep 6, 2009
    Posts: 6,105

    scrap metal 48

    Looks good.. Now get busy and finish it...
    Stogy likes this.
  7. v8paul
    Joined: Dec 17, 2008
    Posts: 182

    from england

    Thanks !
    Here's a bit more...

    Jacks, braces, clamps and bits of wood








    Hmmm nice over hang off the corner… not



    Glued up and dropped down for the last time… trusty welder at the ready.


    Last round of the clamps !



    You will align again ya bastard !


    Welding time. I started at the back, trying to keep the back window and t strips aligned.



    Once i got the back aligned i had a quick zip on the B pillars


    A bit hasty, i was thinking about the glue drying !, i cleaned off some of my tacks later and went round again !


    C pillars next, nice shot of how it don't fit !




    Coming round the side, oh heck i'm going to have to start slicing


    Pure guess work, i've seen three before, so i just went for it, what a mess to have to sort out. Does the job though !


    Those dots are multiplying !


    Done one, not so fazed about the other side this time



    Those darn windows are going to need some magic, the pixies haven't yet been in and sorted it.


    Only one thing for it… more slicing


    The top is now thinner than the bottom with the slight taper on everything. Started slicing up the sides now too !!




  8. v8paul
    Joined: Dec 17, 2008
    Posts: 182

    from england

    Its the ol slice up the side, squeeze in the bottom and push out the top trick.
    Get that glass channel straight !



    Starting to look ugly !



    A little dab here and a little dab there !


    Some one opened the garage door and a whole flock of pigeons came in :)






    Hard to tell if the glass channel was straight, so i chopped out a window shape in some wood.





    Getting fed up looking at all that do do, started grinding it down







    Back round the other side… same again







    The butcher's hand, how can i hold that and weld it !?


    Checking its vaguely straight


  9. 19Fordy
    Joined: May 17, 2003
    Posts: 8,164


    Wow! That's a lot of work no matter how you slice it.
    Well done. Thanks, and keep posting. Funny how
    the car magazines make it look so easy.
  10. v8paul
    Joined: Dec 17, 2008
    Posts: 182

    from england

    Ha ha yeah sure is. Its the first time i've seen how hard it is !
    Much respect to everyone else thats done it, especially sleds !!!
  11. v8paul
    Joined: Dec 17, 2008
    Posts: 182

    from england


    Oh what a mess, had a fair ol gap to fill as the bottom needed pushing out… loads a grinding !


    Next… its A pillar time.
    Not been looking forward to this as the two halves looked way out !

    Started on the easy side as the other side needed some straightening.



    The top points inward at the bottom and the pillar still on the car points straight up ?!!
    Not sure how that happens !




    Seeing what happens with both sides clamped


    Decided to put a spoon on left side of the pillar on the car a give it a whack


    Back view is close


    Slice up the side on the top half… open wide !!


    My big hit pushed the pillar over quite nicely !


    Sliced n squeezed in the lower pillar




    Almost aligns, apart from the front edges are at different angles



    The other side was way out. My bracing didn't hold it in place, the bottom moved backwards about 5mm and made the top look really bad.

    I waited until the B post was welded and braced off of it. Welded some more nuts n bolts n bits of tube into an adjustable prop and tightened it up. Yee haw… success !



    Time to squeeze in the sides.

    Props, clamps n ratchet straps !!


    I like to work in a tidy fashion… not


    After a few tacks behind and a few more clouts with the spoon n hammer, my nightmare B pillar was looking pretty good !


    More slicing up the sides



    Deep in surgery… beep… beep


  12. realdeal32
    Joined: Mar 15, 2012
    Posts: 44


    At times, it looked a little like Frankenstein (in a good way) with all those scars. "It's alive...!" Amazing work and great fun to watch it 'come alive'.
    Stogy likes this.
  13. choptop40
    Joined: Dec 23, 2009
    Posts: 5,532


    takes a real man to cut one up......nice!!!
    Stogy and kiwijeff like this.
  14. v8paul
    Joined: Dec 17, 2008
    Posts: 182

    from england

    Ha ha Frankenstein for sure. Ugly as hell at times, but i like it !

    Thanks folks. Man or fool... its a scary thing to do, lol

    Next on the hit list… the dreaded doors !

    Would they ever fit again ? would i ever be able open them or even wind down the window ?
    Would they line up with the A pillars ?

    Find out in another thrilling episode… zzz




    Don't look too bad from that angle.. lol



    Needs a little widening



    Totally throws off the glass channel



    Just resting in place… still trying to make a plan of attack


    Needed a bit of wrestling so i decided to do it on the jack



    Straight edge clamped on the front and a few tacks


    Who the hell cut that !
    The top was slightly longer just to be an extra pain.



    I squeezed the top with my ratchet straps and zapped it with the mig





    Well that wasn't so bad… its back on and opens and closes !


    Now for the back. Extending straight up to keep the glass channel straight



    A few more dribbles of snot


    Same to do on the other end. Darn hinge is a bit in the way. Riveted on so that'll be staying.




    Slice that edge off !





    A bit of tidying


    More dots… trying to miss the hinge, weld on the inside !



    The ol slice trick, i couldn't decide to pie cut or just slice the whole top. No i couldn't be bothered so pie cuts with a wide start !


  15. v8paul
    Joined: Dec 17, 2008
    Posts: 182

    from england

    Back not so bad, just a little slice


    Holly smokes its back on !


    Tidy tidy


    I've roughly knocked down all my welds, i'll leave it for another day, just getting it back together


    I thought the door tops would need slicing, they are a separate piece, some how it fitted on the wider door… well pretty close. Decided to leave it and see later if it needs doing.





  16. v8paul
    Joined: Dec 17, 2008
    Posts: 182

    from england

    Blimey, after all the worry of how to get it back together.. the main stuff is done, apart from a repeat of
    doing another door !



    Meanwhile... lurking in the corner, getting buried under piles of crap, patiently waits my pet elephant !



    A little trimming, i must have panicked and left a little extra when cutting !


    Hmm i could have country house style doors, opening top or bottom :)



    Naaa… Suddenly the door was attacked by a herd of clamps



    A few dabs of goo later and the grinder was out again slicing.

    Sure goes quicker the second time around !!






    A shot of the first door… looks happy enough


    Good visibility inside :)

  17. v8paul
    Joined: Dec 17, 2008
    Posts: 182

    from england

    Dots dots dots... extending the door tops to meet the bottom




    And as if by magic… the doors tops are both on



    And then this crazy madman came in and started slicing up the door sides


    Open wide !




    And you at the back… open up !




    A little slither held in place with a handy magnet i forgot i had


    Stitched back together


    Out came the grinder for another tidy up





    Hey presto… the doors are finished




    More to come
    Jet96, Ron Funkhouser, Stogy and 2 others like this.
  18. Awesome, I love it. I can't wait to see this one finished, I've definitely got a soft spot for Model A Coupes!!!

    Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
    Stogy likes this.
  19. wlspdshop
    Joined: Jun 15, 2005
    Posts: 1,585

    from Missouri

    Very nice work....Thanks for posting detailed pics....
    Stogy likes this.
  20. brigrat
    Joined: Nov 9, 2007
    Posts: 5,757

    from Wa.St.

    If your gonna cut one, cut a nice one! Subscribed!
    Stogy likes this.
  21. choppedtudor
    Joined: Nov 28, 2009
    Posts: 723


    I can totally relate to all the slicing and dicing needed to get it all to fit back together. Those window channels are the time consuming part. I chopped a whopping SEVEN AND A QUARTER inches out of my tudor. 400,000 tacks later....
    Jet96 likes this.
  22. v8paul
    Joined: Dec 17, 2008
    Posts: 182

    from england

    Thanks. I may have over done the pics, but glad you enjoyed it so far.
    That's a big chop 'choppedtudor' love the sound of that !!
  23. Cant wait till the hemi goes in!
  24. bengeltiger
    Joined: Mar 3, 2012
    Posts: 469


    Awesome! Looks like you know what you are doing. Pics are good, too!
    draggin'GTO likes this.
  25. boutlaw
    Joined: Apr 30, 2010
    Posts: 1,244


    V8 Paul, One thing about it, you dont give up, and thats what it takes, Looking awesome. When I chopped my A coupe, thought I would never finish, but I did, just keep at it. One thing for sure, your tack welds definitely improved over the course of the project. Now, all you gotta do is "finish up" and your'll be driving your Hemi coupe. Good luck man, keep posting.....

  26. v8paul
    Joined: Dec 17, 2008
    Posts: 182

    from england

    Thanks folks, yeah i'm looking forward to hemi time. Though i'm thinking i may try running around in it over the summer for a laugh. As i've not driven it yet. I've tried to leave it driveable just incase i had the urge !

    No i'm not going to give up, i love it, just keep chipping away at the chop and the rest of it. Nearly done the bulk of the chop, it's a lot of effort, but i'm pleased with the results !. I changed my wire size which probably didn't help my welds, kept fiddling with the settings and with the warping worries, i was probably too cautious at the start.

    Scary chopping up a nice car, but it had to be done... ha ha
  27. v8paul
    Joined: Dec 17, 2008
    Posts: 182

    from england

    This time i'm thinking… windows !



    Step back in amazement moment… what have i done to my sweet little car !


    Time to fit the windshield… would you believe the size of that thing !!!


    Must have saved half the weight of glass !




    After a bit… a lot of bashing with the mallet, it all came apart. Even the glass is in one piece !




    Its got the horn !




    Want to keep the windshield opening, but the brackets are now right in the way of fitting the top back on


    Drilled out the rivets, stuck solid



    Out came my chopper


    Oh bugger… there's some steel bar down the tube where the top brackets need to slide in to. And its darn rusty !



    Easy enough i thought, just drill out the spot weld


    Fat chance, it wasn't going anywhere. Decided to just grind it out !



    At last… its out… whats left of it !!!


    Same on the other side... little devils !


    Try it on for size… a little more trimming





    A bit smaller than it was !

  28. v8paul
    Joined: Dec 17, 2008
    Posts: 182

    from england

    I thought i'd better put the square bar back in for the bracket, i didn't have any so i whittled down some thick plate that i had. Poked it down to the bottom of the frame.


    And repaired my sides i chopped out



    A bit of grinding later, its back to normal


    Really want to rivet it back together but screws will have to do, maybe a dab of weld later will make them look like rivets








    Just happened to be hole left over in the pillar. I was hoping i could use it for the bolt for the bracket




    Drilled out the rivets


    And bolted them in



    Seems like the more i bolt in, the windshield gets smaller and smaller


    Seems just right, opens out enough and the brackets still fit straight up when closed, with a few mill to spare !



  29. v8paul
    Joined: Dec 17, 2008
    Posts: 182

    from england

    Time the interior trim.

    A pillar haircut


    Hmmm… i was expecting to cut it in half and join it back together. Then i had a brain wave and noticed i might get away with using the top or bottom


    Telmplate of the top, marked out to use the bottom half. Going to be close, with the screw holes !


    After a bit of trimming backward and forward, it fits. The screw holes at the top are slightly out. One side has lost its thread so i'll re drill the pillar, sometime, save cutting the trim.



    My lardy ass aint going through that in an accident… :)


    Rear side windows next


    Got some trimming to do !



    Roughly chopped out for a trial fit


    Going to need another chop



    Sliced in three


    Time for a puzzle


    Not sure i chose the best place to cut first time around, struggled to get a nice bend. Not too bad though



    kidcampbell71 and Jet96 like this.
  30. v8paul
    Joined: Dec 17, 2008
    Posts: 182

    from england

    Its the other side !
    Chopping up window trim in to three bits, til it fits.


    Funny how the second time goes quicker and better, my curvy bits flowed much nicer.


    Out side looking in


    Next on the hit list…. is the back window trim


    Glued and popped the rear wood back in, ready the window trim's wee chop


    Another six inches of metal on the floor !
    Clamped on the bench to keep it flat.



    Does my back window look big in this… lol


    Hmmm couldn't decide what to do with the holes up the side… keep em, keep one and move em or delete them



    In the end i just welded them up


    Back in its spot




    Came back to the front as i wasn't too pleased with the fit.

    When i got the car, the wood was so rotten, the windshield frame was resting on the fuel tank. Not sure how well it would have fitted. The new wood seems a bit big. So i thought i'd chisel a slither off the front edge.


    Which became quite a big slither !



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