I have bought through Todd Haas, Lance Solidays Model A Hemi-Coupe, I am so pleased with it, Such a pretty car, sadly time is taking its toll and she needs a couple of patch panels. I want to do her justice so can anyone tell me who makes the best patch panels for the 30-31 Model A. Also on my first trip in the A, I drove her 250 miles raced her to a new speed record then drove her 250 miles home. See the photo on the Sands at Pendine.
The panels I need are the lower cowl, lower rear quarter and fender-wells, I wont need to use the whole of the panels just parts of them but I do want to use the best ones that I can get, so more information will be gratefully received.
Snyders have good parts, used a new pair of 29 cowl panels on my Tudor, fitted real well and was a good heavy gauge material. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
im not trying to be a butt here you can make your own with a few simple tools and the thickness of metal you want to work with. fender wells are a piece of cake to make and the lower cowls arent to much harder. the quarter is a little harder but before you cut the piece of the old out you can ease the pain by bending the patch to the quarter in the shape of what you need using the panel as a guide or pattern. go on youtube and there are very good examples of this from some good body guys.