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model T rat rod build up by a newbie. suggestions wanted

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by cameltowing, May 28, 2006.

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  1. VonMoldy
    Joined: May 23, 2005
    Posts: 1,562

    from UTARRGH!

    did any of you guys catch the reason he is building this thing? it is

    sounds like he wants to make some money. lame reason to build a rod.
  2. seymour
    Joined: Jan 22, 2004
    Posts: 5,125

    from PNW

    Rat Rodzzz are the next conversion vans....
  3. So-cal Tex
    Joined: Aug 24, 2005
    Posts: 1,391

    So-cal Tex

    Just some advice:

    If you build minitrucks and airbag systems then you are probably a damn good fabricator/welder, at least most of the minitruck BUILDERS ( not minitruck drivers) are that I know. Then please don't waste your time building a miniratruckrodthing. Air bags only belong on customs because they can be hidden.

    Also,There is nothing wrong with a SBC. I have 327 sbc with 3x2 in my roadster late 50's style and late 40s early 50's era for the flathead in my coupe, different era cars with different era powerplants.

    Traditional rods are close to period correct.

    What era is your project?

    It looks like a mess right now that no one will appreciate or respect.

    I know alot of ex-minitruckers that got into traditional rods, but left the minitruck look aside and built tradtional cars with out airbags and without laying frame.

    It is cool that you like the look of traditional rods but you should really study up on the style and stance of period correct cars and then put your own personal touches on it.

    Please don't try to come on the Hamb and create a new fad of miniratruckrodthings, we are content to respect the real deal Hot Rods.
  4. DocWatson
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
    Posts: 10,288


    So well said, 59Merc is that how you want me to be? Nice??
  5. LoungeLife
    Joined: Jun 22, 2004
    Posts: 619

    from Tulsa

    The good Doctor has a great bed-side manor! :D
  6. SinisterCustom
    Joined: Feb 18, 2004
    Posts: 8,277


    This thread RULES!
    Doesn't Ol' Skool Rodz have their own forum?...hahahaha

  7. fur biscuit
    Joined: Jul 22, 2005
    Posts: 7,853

    fur biscuit

    well, if you do crappy work and then use it for advertisement...well your a bright kid add it up.
  8. Plowboy
    Joined: Nov 8, 2002
    Posts: 4,281


    Maybe it is just me, but I think this whole thread is funny. Everyone wants to claim that they were "doing it" before it was cool. Who really gives a flying fuck?

    New builders bring new ideas. As for researching a car before you build one...bullshit. I never build shit before I did my truck, I figured it out along the way, and screwed up a few times as well. That is how you learn. There are people on this board that have been "researching" for 5 years or more and still haven't built shit, or even tried for that matter. This guy jumps in with both feet and has his main componets for a hot rod and has a chassis half done. That kind of ambition oughtta be applauded, instead you want to slag him over his choice of motor? Pretty lame in my book. There are probably more SBC's in cars than flattys on this board anyway.

    Period correctness? Come on don't even get me started...most of us weren't even around "back in the day" to know what the hell was going on anyway. I was born in '73 to period correctness doesn't carry much weight with me. I have seen enough projects stalled out due to finding the "proper" part to impress the right people. Fuck that, just build it the way you want and get it done. You can always come on the board and talk about the way you "should have done it" later. I just try to build stuff with a certain style in mind, if I have something on there that wasn't made before 1959, so be it. I don't care.

    Camel toe, from your mini truck pics you obviously have fab skills (I happen to like those crowns holding the bags, total pimpalige there! Ha Ha Ha). If you screw up a chassis you can always build it over. Designing subframes to make trucks lay frame isn't exactly an easy thing to do, so give a guy some slack when he shows you his mock up of a straight axle front end.

    Dodgerodder built a car on here in no time fueled by nothing but ambition. He had an air ride frame on his. One of my favorite builds on here in a long time. Maybe some of you close minded individuals ought to look it up.

    And what is wrong with making money on a hot rod? This is America isn't it? It would actually be nice not to lose your ass on something.
  9. AHotRod
    Joined: Jul 27, 2001
    Posts: 12,280


    Exactly ! and well put.
  10. cameltowing
    Joined: May 22, 2006
    Posts: 24


    i'll go to a fourm where people actually have back bones and can think for themselves. i bet you clowns go to a car show and see 200 cars that look exactly the same. fuck the same. my cars are one of a kind and thats why there appreciated. hey look over there at ANOTHER 50's style tradition. im not building a "era style" thats bull shit. you think people in the 50's didnt hear from there peers that there rods wernt traditional. fuck you. im traditional for the era june 1st 2006. fuck anything else. i'll move my forum to somewhere where people like custom and fabrication talk. hell i bet most of you bought your rods in a box. whats traditional about that. alol your comments are commical, close minded, go on with your tradition.
  11. cameltowing
    Joined: May 22, 2006
    Posts: 24


    and on my first post the steering wasnt even started. the steering will be custom. a word new and exciting to most of you fuckers. no flipping spindals(even though i bet this takes alot of thinging and fab time)
    plowboy. thanks you rock.
  12. seymour
    Joined: Jan 22, 2004
    Posts: 5,125

    from PNW

    Don't let the door hit your ass. You will be missed. :rolleyes:
    HotRodDrummer likes this.
  13. LoungeLife
    Joined: Jun 22, 2004
    Posts: 619

    from Tulsa

    June 1st isn't an era - I checked.
  14. fur biscuit
    Joined: Jul 22, 2005
    Posts: 7,853

    fur biscuit

    i was wondering if it was actually an easier fix than trying to weave and snake the tie rod around all the front end parts. (and i wanted to know what was involved in the process if even possible)

    and in this guys defense: none of you spineless wonders should be bashing a guy during the 1st 15 minutes of a the project: helpful pointers (like more bracing for the frame) are good, but bashing for no apparent reason is kinda dumb. if you want to bash someone who deserves it go jump on frontseat tommy and backseat betty, those to butt buddies need to spit roasted...

    the guy showed what he has built. if i posted a '15 Stevens Duryea that i had worked on are you going to bash it?

    mini trucks are not trad, but fabrication skills, inventiveness and attention to details are. so atleast give this guy a chance to deserve the beating. and why is everyone hating on the sbc? half the dickheads jumping on the flatty bandwagon actually have one?

    Seymour: you need to get laid.

    camel toe, get used to it there have been some real viscious fng bashes have happen here and you got a little roughing.
  15. Painterman
    Joined: Jan 19, 2006
    Posts: 537


    A fucking men!!!
  16. AHotRod
    Joined: Jul 27, 2001
    Posts: 12,280


    Everyone needs to lighten up here.

    Get off your high-horse, and do something constructive, rather than DE-structive.
  17. Django
    Joined: Nov 15, 2002
    Posts: 10,198

    from Chicago

    Back in high school after I finished my Chevelle, I started on this... back when I still had hair halfway down my back, rockin' out to the Dokken and Skid Row cd in the changer. Pre bags, and rolling' 14" BOYDMUTHAFUCKIN' wheels.

    Everyone starts somewhere.

  18. Plowboy
    Joined: Nov 8, 2002
    Posts: 4,281


    Glenn, I don't feel very light I am up to about 210 now. Ha Ha Ha Speaking of constructive, why don't you help old Frizby out with an alternator mount for his nailhead. He and I aren't that crafty and he says you have the answer! Ha Ha Ha

    I think the doc just has his panties in a wad becasue his car is a street rod, not a rat rod.

    Chad, is that PEACH? Ha Ha Ha There was an old abandoned mini truck project just like it for sale down here. (it was Peach with Black scallops!) I almost bought it. The sign said "Make an offer, ANY OFFER!" Ha Ha Ha

    Cameltoe, keep the pics coming!
  19. AHotRod
    Joined: Jul 27, 2001
    Posts: 12,280


    No Problem my friend, I'll be glad to help you guys out.
    And you know something? ..... I miss all of the Cool, Bitch'n, Wild-Ass .... RatRods that we once had all over this board. Where did all of those guys go? ...and why?'s what made this board what it is today.
    Oh, I'm getting closer to done with the 'Caveman''s different, out there....but that's what it's all about anyway.
  20. Django
    Joined: Nov 15, 2002
    Posts: 10,198

    from Chicago

    Black and PEACH with purple marblized scallops. Yeah baby!

    If you ever make it to my house, I have the right front fender hanging in my garage. It's the only piece left that survives from my build. It got wrecked pretty good after I sold it. I saw it in Brownsburg last year all in gray primer. It sat for years painted a metallic John Deere green with a blown motor.

    Note the altitude for a FORD back in the day. No small task!
  21. Goozgaz
    Joined: Jan 11, 2005
    Posts: 2,555


    Remember that scene in Goodfellas were Spider tells Joe Pesci to "go fuck yourself" after he had been shot in the leg for forgetting a drink.

    GOOD FOR YOU SPIDER (camletowing) !!!!!!!
  22. Mike
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
    Posts: 3,539


    cameltowing, if your intent is to find help in building a proper hot rod, then listen to what some of the folks here have suggested, ignore the negative stuff and stick around. You just might end up with a pretty bitchin machine. You appear to have the skill to pull it off.

    However, my impression from reading this thread and looking at the pictures you have posted is that you are looking to build an "Ol' Skool Rodz" style, greaserriffic "rat rod" (profane term) with all the bells and whistles that will appeal to your mini-truck clientel in order to promote your business. If that's the case, that machine doesn't belong here and I don't want to hear about it. Take it somewhere else.
  23. DocWatson
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
    Posts: 10,288


    My car a street rod?? Um.......... right!
    I joined this forum for like minded people, who were into traditional hot rods. This aint one. I think its UGLY and very miss guided. Never said shit about his fabrication abilities. If I wanted to look at mini trucks I'd go to a mini truck forum, if I wanted to see airbag in a 20's car I’d watch American Hotrod.
    Nothing kills a car quicker than mixed genera’s. That’s my opinion, you don’t like it?? Too bad, don’t read it.
    350 Cheys? I don’t give a fat rats crack what they are in, I don’t like them, never owned one and never will. They are way too common.

    Besides, Plowboy, your cars are rockin, you chose a style and stuck to it. Didn’t mix things and look at what you got. One of the coolest trucks I have ever seen
  24. fur biscuit
    Joined: Jul 22, 2005
    Posts: 7,853

    fur biscuit

    if i were to join this forum again i would start off by posting a pic a vintage ferrari with a sbc, like they used to do back in the day and the most fucked up 32 jalopy race car with a sbc in it. and in retrospect, i dont think there are many people on this forum who remember back in the day.

    i wish boyd coddington would sign on here, i got 5 bucks that no one here would dare say anything (to derrogatory). all you keyboard wonder monkeys in your mighty mouse underwear.

    if this guys hangs around let see what he comes up with...there is enough fodder floating around here anyways.
  25. muffman58
    Joined: Oct 24, 2003
    Posts: 999


    I think it says alot for you to build something different! What if the Wright Bros. listened to the naysayers? You`ll make mistakes, you`ll re-do stuff, And you`ll catch hell about doing stuff different because ''no one does it that way'' Oh yeah, Welcome to the board and keep you`re chin up!
  26. I'm sorry guy----hate to be the bearer of bad news---but----That frame ain't going to work. You need to take a deep breath, back away from that torch and welder, and do some real serious studying on how more knowledgeable people go about building a hotrod chassis. Do it now, before you get deeper and deeper into something that you will ultimately have to abandon. As someone else on this forum pointed out, you don't just dive into a project and then start asking for advice and approval half way through it.
  27. DocWatson
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
    Posts: 10,288


    Thank you, just what I have been saying!
    Fur Biscuit, I dont give a fuck who I talk to, Boyd Coddington?? He is just another fucking person. I would prefer to say things in person but being in a whole different country makes it difficult.
    Yeah I have the Balls to say what I think face to face. Special Forces isnt known for producing pussies.
  28. DocWatson
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
    Posts: 10,288


    Fur Biscuit, dont take that as having a go at you, not meant to be like that. Just speaking my mind on the subject.
  29. cameltowing
    Joined: May 22, 2006
    Posts: 24


    i keep getting the "frame wont work" what is a "frame" 2 peices of steel or wood squared(to drive strait) that supports a motor, body and drive wheels. it may not look like yours but mine didnt come from a magazine either. what wont work? the steering isnt even started. the front spring is for mockup. dont worry about too low. theres no such thing. you havent seen rear suspension yet so that cant be your problem. gussets arnt welded yet. ive built a hundred different frames before just none with a front beam. (take that back- i have front clipped a school bus) and none with a T body. most have had chevy truck bodies! i dont mind your criticisms but tell me why???? not just fuck you - you suck if you think you know. step up. if you dont shut up!
  30. fur biscuit
    Joined: Jul 22, 2005
    Posts: 7,853

    fur biscuit

    :D ha! i challenge you to a time you set foot on the main land we drink beer, till one or the other of us drops!

    (if you want to have go at me atleast do it in iambic pentameter)
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