So I’m planning out my body for my Modified styled A build. I’m looking for anyone that’s done one already, it’ll all be hand built by me, I’ll either fabricate the pieces or use some parts I have sitting around. Trying to decide doors or not? maybe only one? Rough overall length and width of the body? And where to mount it on my model A frame? My cowl is in pretty rough shape so right now I’m thinking of no doors and around 48-52” wide at the widest point in back and maybe @ 40” front to back? I’ve read through the Modifieds Only post and the dimensions one but have not found what I’m really looking for, lots of pics I saved but no rough measurements. I know they’re all different but looking for ideas. Also with a V8 up front how far back from stock have you slid the body?
Here is a model a measurement. Might help. But basically if your building from scratch, just fit the pieces and make room for 2 butts.
Look at Rex Schimmer’s build; the thread is called “Some Construction Details on My Roadster.” It is impressive.