very very cool. those were the types of modifieds I wanted to include in the modifieds website, not the modern, slammed-to-the-ground ones. Make sure Cris gets to see those for when he resurrects the site. dan
Now that was entertaining!!!!!!!!!! That was a time that will never ever again be duplicated. And..........most of those guys survived. Great pictures. Some real history there. I love it, Thanks.
I think the white hat was a popular head covering back then, everyone wore a hat anyway. Iv'e seen that before in older pics.
I can't throw out enough adjectives for this sensational group of photos. Again this was worth the cost of belonging to the H.A.M.B., Oh! thats right this ass kickin forum didn't cost me anything, can this be real? God bless you bro. for sharing this rare historical adventure. Ecstacy for breakfast!! This hit will last all day!! Stoned on dry lake speed!!-Sololobo
I have been reading on this site for a little over a year and this is one of those rare posts that just moves you nostalgic. I am too young to have been there and I have never been to the flats but this almost makes me feel like I have been. Gotta go someday. Thanks for posting. Scrump
WOOOOOOOOOOOW! great pics! they belong in a book of some kind, so people could buy this book of cool photos to enjoy. thanks for posting them.
This post has left me absolutely speechless. What a collection of pure gold. The photos sure take me back to a time before I was alive, although barely! What a great time in the life of "hotrodding." I can only hope that if their is reincarnation that I get reincarnated back to that time as a SoCal gearhead who thrashes on his lakes racers and then hauls it to Bonneville for the first Salt Flats time races. One can hope, can't he? By the bye, it it possible to talk to your friend to see if he would be interested in copying those priceless photos and sending them on to the AHRF. They are doing more to preserve our history than anyone. I'm certain they would be ecstatic to get a collection like that. And, they share they wealth and knowledge with everyone. Your post gets my vote for "Best Damn Post of the Year!"