yea, I did a frame off so was able to do it just the way i wanted, durant monos, blocks and new good quality shocks, it really does ride nice, I was actually surprised, you have a nice touch with the cars you build, by the way
Well Fred. I didn't build my sons shoebox. Todd Zimmerman built it. He's Fordole500,on the HAMB. I just changed a few things on it,to make it a daily driver for my son. He did a great job. My Merc on the other hand,was started by SlddnMatt,and i'm finishing it. He chopped it and shot it black then I picked it up. It's getting mono-leafs too. What brand shocks did you put on you car? I was gonna buy KYB's.
You have a great looking car why wouldn't you want a great looking/functioning frame? Here is one of the best I have seen here. It's the car Bass is building. Now for the record I don't just sit back and talk shit. Here is a notch on my shoebox I did a few years ago. It is at the end of a thread started bt Tuck. Brick
There's nothing wrong with my frame. The way it was set-up when I bought it didn't allow it to twist,for turns and driveways. It was more of a drag race set-up,straight only. Think Ford Thunderbolt. The weak link was the cross-member under the rear seat. It broke where they connect,right next to the leaf-spring mount. I welded it back on,took off the ladder-bars and put the leaf springs back on. They were old and had no strength. That's when I bought the monos. I'll take some better pictures when I put the lower strut bars on. Right now it looks kinda incomplete.
Just looked at your notch,Brick. Looks great,but i'm not building this's built. I'm just taking what i've got and fixing it. Sure,i'd love to pull the body off and do all the perfect fab work and welds,but I can't. The car is real stable and all the fucked up stuff is fixed. In a perfect world,i'd do a 4-link with coil-overs. Don't really care for the bags. Might still take them off. My son wants to leave them on. I appreciate your input,thanks. It's always great to have another set of eyes.
Good work Bob! I really gotta get my ride lower, i might have to invest on some new leafs soon and get to work on the ol stuff back there. The original leafs have taken a beating.
Thanks Kopis. I had to get off the bags. Everytime you get in the car,your fuckin with the height,up...down...up...down. I like to just get in and go! No adjustments. Same height,same ride,ALL the time. I wouldn't go back for nothing!
I understand your situation. I got to see the car when it belonged to Todd at Paso (2004 i think). I really dig the car and think it deserves to have a equally nice frame under it. Air bags are great done correctly but when not used in an ideal situation and some missed details and they can be the source of a major problem. Brick
Once my son starts drivin the car,I don't want to hear"dad this happened or that happened" I'm just trying to make it driver friendly. He can hop in it and drive it anywhere now. All I have left is install the one-piece windows in the doors and door popper. When Todd had it,it had a nitrogen tank,no gauges,front bags leaked all the time. Not the way I wanted it. I'm sure he was happy with it,but I wanted more reliability. I've had to change a few things,mostly the suspension.
So the leaf spring doesnt care if its going upside down or not, does it put added stress on it ? Im askin cause I would have never thought that would be safe?? I really like the idea of ridin low and then picking it up with the bags.