Any moderators, Ryan and the rest of the cast, going to be representing the Jalopy Journal-HAMB at this years Xmas show? Any HAMB members feel free to post if you will be there this Dec. 9th. KNUX!
I'll be there. Don't forget to come on over for a BBQ after the show. Here's the link to the post Mooneyes BBQ. Scroll to the bottom and let me know if your coming.
I'm flying in from ohio, I'll be the guy that doesn't know anyone, and wishing i had my car there. How bout a meet and greet? time? place?
Trying to make it, but I'm scheduled to be moving that day. BTW: Lee you should add in paranthesis "do a search" after you sign out. Seems like someone asks in every thread you post
That may be true, but I ask my share of stupid questions too! Just ask squirrel! He's always catching me on something. Besides, blktopbandit is a fellow Daytonian. I gotta take it easy on my homies... And for that, he better bring me back a t-shirt. REALLY big and I'll pay for it. Vance
I'll be there with Norm in "The Victim" tm. Cause my own ride still needs a radiator, amogst other things. See ya all there.
I'll be driving my Debutante '49 Olds First time in the in real public in 22 years. The Olds, not me.
Look for my HAMB banner. I'll have a sharpe,so you can sign it. Introduce yourself. The Village Idiots will be there too! Won't have the Merc fixed in time,so i'll probably be drivin my older sons '51 Shoebox.
Why do I get this strange feeling that this show is gonna be good? DRAG RACING,,,,,that's why. I'll be wearing a Keith Black jacket & prob still be freezing my ass off. See ya there
You know i'll be there.......Bob, Where's the Mickey's?!!! Hey Norm, Have you had a chance to send out my shirt?
We will be there. Was going to say that I will be the tall guy wearing a New Zealand Petrolhead T shirt but going by the current temps in LA, I will be the tall guy wearing the New Zealand Rodder sweat shirt. I will keep an eye out for any HAMB banners, would be good to meet some local HAMBers.
I'll be there and will try drag racing if I pass inspection. Do you think they'll mind propane? Thanks, Kurt