Let me start by saying that there is no way I should be casting hot metal in July. It's normally way too hot and I have summer things to do....normally. Well it has been raining so much that I'm getting moldy. So , here I am the last few days thinking of things that need to be made and making them. I was thinking about what kind of dash insert for the Model A . I'm using a 54 Ford speedo and thought I would copy the stock reveal on the Model A dash. I whittled the patterns from MDF and coated them with 5 or 6 coats of polyurethane . Put them in the flask (the mold box) and poured in some 1350 degree melted down lawnmower deck and old pistons. Drink a beer while the metal cools and pull it out of the sand A bit of machining etc and now I have dash inserts for the coupe Again , this is stuff I should be doing in fall and winter but the weather sucks so here I am
Yeah , I picked it up in an antique store probably 20 years ago. I thought it was too cool to pass up.
I can’t even colour in the lines and your here making art out of old lawn mowers ?!?!? That’s just beautiful!! My nut sack has been permanently welded to my thigh the last two weeks, around 40 degrees everyday the last two weeks here and no end in sight! I’m wishing for rain !!
Hey Scott , not much progress just sandblasting parts . What's going on your neck of the woods? It's your big day tomorrow.....Happy 4th ! don't get blowed up