Looks like a bicycle disquised into a Indian, cylinders looks like stainless thermo cans, heads belongs on a 2 stroke, just a fun build. A guy in sweden built a similar one but did cylinders in glass and he runs it on compressed air, its drivable
Hello, The old Harley row at an early Oakland Roadster Show, custom motorcycle designated area. With the indoor speed of the photo, the depth of field was short. But, in the day of acceptable photos, out of focus custom bikes were not the emphasis. The purple custom was the main focus. Jnaki Using a tripod would make the indoor photos much clearer as slower speeds could be used. But, hand held camera angles, elbows to the chest, hold your breath and set the camera at several different speeds sometimes gives artistic photos, after one sees the Ektachrome 35mm slides a week later. YRMV
I posted these awhile ago on a different topic. First one is Isle of Man road racer, second is a Hillclimber, third is of boardtracks. I think these will be my last bikes for awhile. Starting on early race cars. Cheers