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Muscle car Muscle head

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by tommythecat79, Jun 20, 2011.

  1. Rudebaker
    Joined: Sep 14, 2007
    Posts: 1,598

    from Illinois

    While I agree with the basic sentiment of this thread the title bugs me. What's the fact that this jerk owned a muscle car have to do with his being a "muscle head"? An asshole is an asshole regardless of what he happens to own. I like musclecars too, that's what I grew up with. Does that make me an asshole? I may be an asshole but if I am it's not because of the type of car I like or own.
  2. dirt slinger
    Joined: Jan 30, 2010
    Posts: 645

    dirt slinger

    First I must say when my 6 yr old daughter goes with me to shows I remind her not to touch. I f she wants a closer look I pick her up and keep my distance out of respect of the owner. Unfortunately kids are kids and they make mistakes just as I do. It may be alot of work but anything that happens to a car at a show can be fixed in one way or another (the hamb is proof of this, amazing craftsman) and it does cost. No matter the situation a childs first impression can not be fixed and no child deserves to be talked to in that manner. That jerk was a child once. The second thing is, if it were my child I would have apologized for his car right before I knocked his teeth down his throat. One thing that would piss me off before anything else is cursing my child. As said before, the nice way is the best way.
  3. Diana The Doc
    Joined: Aug 21, 2009
    Posts: 270

    Diana The Doc
    from New York

    I go to a lot of cruise nights because of my "glamour" hot rod photography on the side bizness, and I tell ya, the last couple of years it seems that the number of numskulls going "ballistic" over the most minute issues is on the rise... Yeah, every little town and municipality has to have a "cruise night" these days, even though most of these same municipalities hate hot rodders anyways. I mean, let's be real, these towns are just doing it to "increase local commerce", er, sell more potato chips and soda pop at their main street 7-11-- And God forbid if a hot rodder dares to spin a little rubber, the local police are right there with a ticket book in hand, or heck, they'll take your car away... And they sure don't make any effort to inform kids and spectators to be respectful of the cars on display-- It's an environment where bad things are bound to happen... It's a shame that "cruise nights" have become such an unappreciated and disrespected activity among most novice folks of "mainstream" America-- They just don't "get it"...
  4. jonly
    Joined: Mar 15, 2010
    Posts: 215


    my kids know I'll come unglued if they touch something at a car show, but they also know if someone talks to them like gsx boy did then there's going to be a scuffle. I've had my ass kicked plenty of times before and it really doesn't bother me anymore.

    I don't mind people touching my cars, sitting in them, getting hand oil all over them but I will ask them not to lean their chain wallets on the paint or otherwise scratch it for no apparent reason,
  5. KUSTOM 50
    Joined: Sep 20, 2005
    Posts: 250

    KUSTOM 50

    Thanks for the laughed I almost spit all over my computer
  6. gasser300
    Joined: May 25, 2010
    Posts: 486

    from Ft Worth

    Well said.
    People these days, suck.
  7. Deuces
    Joined: Nov 3, 2009
    Posts: 24,851


    Lack of commen sense more like it.. :rolleyes:
  8. HighSpeed LowDrag
    Joined: Mar 2, 2005
    Posts: 968

    HighSpeed LowDrag
    from Houston

    Man - that's hard to read. I made it about 20 words.
  9. xderelict
    Joined: Jul 30, 2006
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    Member Emeritus

    I let kids at shows sit in my car a lot.I think it changes them forever.


    We were at the Continental Club after the Revolution and when I ordered a drink the waitress said I had let her son sit in the Hoodlum earlier. She gave me a hug and thanked me saying the kid could not stop talking about it the rest of the day.Cool.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2011
  10. HighSpeed LowDrag
    Joined: Mar 2, 2005
    Posts: 968

    HighSpeed LowDrag
    from Houston

    While Mr, GSX might have had a fit over a kid looking at his car and getting too close, I can understand that. Probably his pride and joy. I totally understand and respect that. Most people would feel the same way.

    To curse loudy at the young guy and to GD him is not cool. If you have that type of anger, you're probably better staying home with your GSX. Been much better to invite the youngster to look and touch whatever he wanted to with directions on how to do it in a way that doesn't "hurt" the car.

    Possibly a life changing moment for at least one person.

    See the post above for proof. Check that smile!
  11. BhamBulldog
    Joined: Oct 3, 2010
    Posts: 5


    That is very cool! Good for you!
  12. Very well said and very understood.
  13. The Bulgarian horse steroids probably had something to do with the attitude towards the kid. There are better ways - do you think this kid got put off muscle cars for life by this jerkoff ?

    Having said aint the kid that's at fault - a lot of parents simply dont give enough of a shit to teach their kids to respect other people's property among other things. I see it all the time even away from the car scene.

    Ya don't need a license to be a parent - and the current gen of parents dont seem to give a shit anymore.

    My 2c....
  14. beyondhelp
    Joined: Mar 11, 2005
    Posts: 131


    Billetproof 2009. After a long drive and many hours of wandering around my daughter was all covered in pear juice and field grime. The owner of this truck insisted that she hop in and honk the horn. Made my day, made hers too I think.

    Now he had no idea that she's autistic, can't tell by looking. She may have shrugged thanks if that, that's just the way she is. No major reaction. A couple of years later as she is discussing the possibilities of her first vehicle, first request is that it be purple or lime green with purple flames. To think that such a small gesture could have a such a lasting effect. Thanks to all that make it positive. All I can do is try and pay it forward.


  15. justinj
    Joined: Oct 22, 2008
    Posts: 70


    That's a really cool story.
  16. 68 C10
    Joined: Jun 15, 2009
    Posts: 47

    68 C10
    from Athens, GA

    I went to the local cruise-in a few years ago with my '68 and parked it. Now my truck is nothing special, just a short bed with a 350 and some 15-foot paint. While I generally wouldn't mind someone touching it, I did spot some much older dumbass leaned up on the fender of my truck resting his drink on the hood as if it were his. I mean, c'mon! I know the truck isn't anything special, but jeeze, have a little respect for someone else's property.

    I didn't make a confrontation out of the deal, but I did walk up to my truck with my keys in hand and the guy quickly scurried off. It just got me how a grown man could exhibit such a lack of care and respect.
  17. nrgwizard
    Joined: Aug 18, 2006
    Posts: 2,734

    from Minn. uSA

    & then again, @ TBTT50s this year, I was talking to a very nice fellow about the history of his car. Found out that it has been traced & known from the day it was sold. Amateur resto in the 50's, & he decided to leave it that way, as most folks seem to prefer it like that - me included.

    All the while, he was also talking to, & encouraging kids to climb into the rumble seat, & showing them how to do it correctly.

    What car? Just a '29 Duesenberg convert... :D .

    I mentioned to the kids to make sure mom takes a pic of them, as it'll probably never happen again, & nobody would believe them either... :D .

    I don't remember the guys' name, but I thanked him for his efforts, caring, & willingness to drive the Duesy there, for at least the 2nd year. Almost everyone asked what it would be valued at, his only reply was "We don't talk about price, just about the fun". Guy is a 1st class act.

  18. tommythecat79
    Joined: Jan 3, 2010
    Posts: 251


    I am not trying to talk smack about muscle cars I owned a '71 Nova that I loved. I started the thread with the title car show a-hole and it got deleted so I reposted it with this title. So, no owning a muscle car doesnt make you an a-hole unless it's a GSX just kidding sorry if I hurt your feelings.
  19. Murphy32
    Joined: Oct 17, 2007
    Posts: 753

    from Minnesota

    This is very cool, and I'm with you. I love to let kids sit in my car, grab the wheel, and hang their arm out the window. Who cares if they get a little kiddie grime on's nothin' worse than I do myself when I climb off the garage floor and hop in for a spin. Teach your children well, it assures a better future.:cool:
  20. jcapps
    Joined: Dec 30, 2008
    Posts: 473

    from SoCal

    I was recently at a show where this other car guy was basically embeded in the side of my friends car with his arm on the roof holding up his chin. My friend went over to him without yelling just stern and the guy wised off.
    Five minutes later we are in front of his car when I hear my car door close, some ass opened my door and was looking inside. I told him wtf and he claimed its his first time, that was bs I saw him at this cruise before. If his wife was there I would have grabbed her breast and said, hey its my first time.
    Who the hell walks up to any car and opens the door.
    I agree the gs guy overreacted especially since it was a kid but adults and yet other car guys? If my buddies 4 yo was not present the guy would have been on the floor
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2011

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