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**MUST READ** Sacramento Autorama Changes

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by BruceVE, Dec 3, 2007.

  1. Hmmm....some of us are thrashin' on our cars and have already talked to one of the Poor Boys about last-minute registration. But it doesn't appear to be about the number of registrations anyway......

    I'm not involved in the Autorama in anyway other than being a participant, but shouldn't that count for something and allow me to voice an opinion??

  2. Hunter Bender
    Joined: Sep 23, 2005
    Posts: 380

    Hunter Bender

    hmmmmm......... i agree!!!!
  3. Skattruggles
    Joined: Jul 1, 2006
    Posts: 162

    from Dixon, CA

    I'll still be in attendance. Hopefully there will be the full 30 cars in the suede pavilion. I hope next years numbers will be higher.
  4. bigolds
    Joined: Oct 27, 2006
    Posts: 883


    So the promoter should rent a hall and pay big bucks, and trust me you have no idea how much we are talkin here, oh yeah and he has to insure the building too;without any sponsor participation just because you guys think the attendance will double. Like I said in an earlier post and Meatball reiterated help the guy bring someone to the table and keep the alternative rods there for better or worse.

    All the time spent on blaming the guy and bailing on him doesn't help the traditional/alternative rod movement at all.
  5. raamos
    Joined: Mar 31, 2007
    Posts: 11


    I just read an ad for the Autorama in a program from the Int'l Auto Show. The ad made reference to the Suede Pavillion and how the clubs are going to compete for the show's theme "Viva Las Vegas". Sounds pretty cool to me. So it looks to me like the promoter is advertising and holding up his end...
  6. GOONZ35
    Joined: Dec 5, 2007
    Posts: 11


    I was told the suede room was supposed to be huge this year,twice the size of the area for the foo foo cars. Word was that So-Call Speedshop was opening a shop in sacto and that was going to be their big premiere up in the Nor-Cal . Is it maybe that they weren't ready to open up shop in time and the promoter found this out and felt he wouldn't get the draw that he thought he was going to get without them. If thats the case, I think he's gonna lose out because everyone i know would have been there ready to anny up their 50 bucks ready for a good time. The traditional cars are the only ones draw attention because the average guy thats there can't afford the built by someone else 50 grand car. If it doesn't happen this year let's hope for next year. And hell yeah to the POOR BOYS their the ones that made the suede pavillion what it is, which probably accounted for 60-70% of the attendence. JAY
  7. Choptop
    Joined: Jun 19, 2001
    Posts: 3,303


    not even close.

    The Suede Room does not account for 60-70% of attendance. If it did, why oh why would the promoter cut back what draws 60-70% of the gate?

    The whole idea of the Autorama is the high dollar show cars.

    stay tuned.
  8. Bruce give me a phone call me on this.
  9. Jcbuck
    Joined: Dec 5, 2007
    Posts: 21


    Hello Hambers,<O:p</O:p
    This is John Buck the producer of the Sacramento Autorama, The Grand National Roadster Show and California Bike Week. First and foremost I would like to thank Bruce, Jay, T.J. Philip, Drew, Proctor and the rest of the Original Sacramento Poor Boys for their past involvement in the Sacramento Autorama. Without clubs like the Poor boys and the many other diverse car clubs in Sacramento we would not have an Autorama show to even talk about. I would like to clarify a lot of things here so bear with me. I never elected to not use the Pavilion building for Suede entries into the show. As of tonight December 4<SUP>th</SUP> at 11:00pm I have one Suede entry that we have gladly booked into the event. Our vehicle entry Deadline for the inside show is December 17<SUP>th</SUP>. This is 12 days from now. I am in no way going to let the reputation of the Autorama or the Poor Boys suffer because of the lack of response so far. We are still using the Pavilion, but it will be used by those who have entered the show ahead of time and have been waiting to get response back from us on their acceptance into the event. The fact is I flew up to <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com[​IMG]<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = " /><st1:City w:st="on"><ST1:pSacramento</ST1:p</st1:City> and met with the guys from the Poor Boys on Oct 5<SUP>th</SUP> at the NSRA event where we discussed using the Pavilion and having more entries than last year. The guys agreed to have Bruce Gasset draw up a flyer and they would market the show and post the news on the Hamb, My Space and at other culture specific locations. In return I agreed that I would take the flyer they created and post in important publications like Cruisin News, the Sacramento Bee, and in the window front of shops like Vintage Ford and many other Autorama supporters or vendors. I also agreed to tag any posters or radio spots that were in my control to do so on. I have sponsors who do their own advertising for the event that I do not control the content of the ads. Anyway, Bruce just got a proof of the Pavilion flyer this last week. 2 months after we first met and discussed this and the dates are wrong, so once the dates can be corrected I still have every intention of sticking to the original plan. I have to tell you it is a really cool flyer so hats off to those who were involved in its creation. The problem we face at the Autorama currently is that in an indoor car show we have to register the vehicles in advance and make sure that the applicant gets notified that they are in the show, and that they get mailed their proper credentials. The Autorama has always supported the Poor Boys and has an open invitation for their club to be an iatrical part of the event. I consider Bruce a friend and you can ask him I have an open invitation for the Poor Boys members (as the host club) to get ALL of their spaces comped. This invitation still stands. The decision to move from the Pavilion had nothing to do with vehicle entry fees; I have an obligation to the vendors/sponsors who were at the event last year and want to be a part of it this year who did not cover their costs with sales. They do not want to return. I need to provide them an audience base and the D Tent (really a permanent building) will provide this environment for them. What are we going to do different? I am working with the guys from The So Cal Speed Shop in the local market and have confirmation the Alex Xydias and Pete Chapouris (the founder and current owner) will be at the Autorama to support the show and the opening of the new location in <st1:City w:st="on"><ST1:pSacramento.</ST1:p</st1:City> Pete and Alex are friends of our organization and are a critical part of the traditional scene. I have also been working with Nate in getting none other than Vern Tardel to the show with a few of his traditional flat head motor cars! (In this same room!) These guys support the movement and culture and want to be a part of the room. <O:p</O:p
    TJ Pagano will be holding a pin striping jamboree in this building along with a live auction. Last year this Poor Boy raised $5,500 for the UC Davis Children’s center! I provided the free space and passes for the stripers, TJ provided the talent, and you the attendees of the Autorama provided the support for a great cause. Hats off to you TJ and you the attendee! There is a child out there whose life you touched because your culture cares.
    Within the new location. I currently have Mark from Bomb Shells and Ink going to do a Pin Up Girl Contest that will knock your socks off. I flew up to Sacto to support the Poor Boys this last Midnight Mass and hats off to the Poor Boys and Mark for an exciting Pin up girl event (with girls who actually had their clothes on). I current am in final negotiations to have Lee Rocker of the Stray Cats on the big stage on Saturday night. Think about this. You can drive you car into the show on Saturday, (actually in the show and park with the rest of the traditional cars), bring your best friend or girl, get a take away gift from me for doing so, see the entire Autorama (including TJ’s pinstriping jamboree for charity), have me pay for your parking, and see Lee Rocker Perform for a mere flat $30.00 bucks.<O:p</O:p
    The Poor boys were working on getting local bands to also play and they have a great DJ Richie who spun records last year for them. Sunday night is the biggest night of the show. All 550 car owners gather in the D Tent to see legends like Baggy, John Barris (Sam Barris the legends son!), Mr. Dick Bertolucci (who I would kick any ones ass to say a bad thing about) and Candy Apple Joe Bailon himself! This may not be a big deal to some of you guys, but the reality is that the custom car scene started in the <st1:City w:st="on"><ST1:pSacramento</ST1:p</st1:City> area with these great legends. The Manuel Artechie award is really one of my favorite awards because it is given away by the family members of one of the best interior guys to ever make a stitch. Lindsey Arteche and her sister (Manuel’s daughter) is a huge fan of the show and of your scene. She gives this award away in the “D Tent. (And has no problems with its location.) The 30 to40 cars that we are going to accept into the new location this year will be based primarily on a first come first in situation. The Poor Boys still have an open invitation to participate and be a part of this rich history and tradition. I completely understand their position of not wanting to have to pick and chose who is in and outside, but I am not asking them to do this. I have enlisted the help of Axle of the Shifters to help promote the room as well as his wife Celeste to help us secure additional and culture specific and correct vendors for the hall. They have been a part of Viva Las Vegas for a few years now. Their club coined the term Rat Rod and I have the utmost respect for them as well as the Poor Boys. The Anit-Auotrama is disheartening to hear from some of you guys. I would not have gone out on a limb last year to tarnish my reputation or the shows if I did not think the Suede Pavilion was not going to be a success. Again the Poor Boys did an excellent job of filling the room on a last minute notice, but in the indoor show business you need to have confirmation of spaces because there are a set number of them you have to fill. I hope this clarifies a little of the miscommunication that is going on here, and again I want to thank Bruce and the Poor Boys for their past involvement and their willingness to work with us on the event, hopefully there can be a change of heart to be involved with the show as Bruce has said they have been involved for 10 years and this thing has potential to get even bigger in the future. If so inclined please go to and pull an application off of the website, mark the Suede option and fax, e-mail, or mail it into us if you are interested. Thank you for your time in reading this and we look forward to seeing you at the event.
    John Buck<O:p</O:p
  10. John, I wish you success in your show schedules and a long career in the business
    I also wish you could find a way around the Dan Cyrs vendetta with the Portland and Seattle shows.
  11. Jcbuck
    Joined: Dec 5, 2007
    Posts: 21


    Thank you for the well wishes.

    I hate vendettas as well. I have a good releationship with Rick Perry at the San Fran Show. We both respect tradition and he has a huge history with the indoor car show circuit and the founders of the hobby. I am glad that the riff that was created before me in California is behind us all.

    Jason Wilson who purchased the Pacific Northwest Shows from Dan Cyr is trying his best to mend the fences up there as well.

    The Portland and Seattle markets are very important to the hobby, and produce killer vehicles. There are several vehiciles coming to both the Grand National Roadster Show and the Sacramento Autorama from that area from some of the most talented builders out there.

    Bottom Line is that the areas deserves the best and has some of the best to offer. The axe needs to be burried up there as well.

    Repect tradition!

  12. Ive been doing car shows since the 70s including chasing ISCA points and judging ISCA shows.I think it was great for John to come here and tell his side of it.I mostly lost heart with these shows in the northwest when Mr Cyr took over and ran his shows into the ground and treated most os us like crap!I believe it would be a shame if the hot rod world new or old turned their back on this show and the history it has brought to our world.I for one will be calling John the day my PieWagon is done hoping for a space to show it..........ALL THE BEST John thanks !
  13. notebooms
    Joined: Dec 14, 2005
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    Alliance Member

    Boy, the last half of this year has been all about car show drama huh...

    -scott noteboom
  14. Jalopy Joker
    Joined: Sep 3, 2006
    Posts: 32,553

    Jalopy Joker

    This is important stuff. I hope that the Poor Boys can work something out with John Buck, even if on a small scale. My '54 is not indoor show quality, but look forward to taking advantage of the special outdoor parking deal.
    I do not support an antiautorama get-togther.
  15. bigolds
    Joined: Oct 27, 2006
    Posts: 883


    What a stand up guy John Buck is....Come to the root of the controversy and give you the skinny. Those of you that still wish to bail on him after this should be ashamed of yourselves!!!!
  16. axle
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 4,008

    from Drag City

    Hi everyone,

    John Buck has asked my wife and i to assist with the organizing of the "all new" Suede building at Sacramento Autorama . Bruce, if you and the boys still decide to pull out of the show we sincerely hope you will at least consider to show a couple of cars inside.

    Just some of the things to look forward to are Lee Rocker of the Stray Cats as one of the live acts, a lot of new cars, a lot of new vendors, Live DJ's, Pinstrippers ball, and special guests.

    All the best to the Poorboys.

  17. JBPhotos
    Joined: Dec 5, 2007
    Posts: 2


    Hello H.A.M.B.ers,

    My name is Jim Handy and I just want to provide a 'seasoned hot rodder' perspective on the Autorama situation. I am helping John Buck this year with the Sacramento Autorama, but that does not mean that we always agree on everything. I shoot from the hip, John shoots back and we usually settle somewhere in between.

    I have involved in California rodding since 1960. I have photographed the Grand National Roadster Show every year since 1962. I have photographed rods, customs, race cars, you name it, for Street Rodder, Rod & Custom, Hot Rod, etc. for many years. I have owned rods, including a '40 Ford Sedan currently. My drag racing and car show photo library now num,bers over 25,000 photos. Yes, I am over 60 years old and still shooting feature cars and drag racing! OK???

    First, I would also like to also thank Bruce and the rest of the Poor Boys for their involvement in past Autoramas. Their cars definitely add a distinct home-grown flavor to our world of chrome, billet and mega-dollar candy vehicles. I do not like the term Rat Rod; I feel better about the tern Traditional Rod, although some other grey hairs may disagree with me.

    The Sacramento Autorama and the Grand National Roadster Show are steeped in tradition and history. These two shows, along with the Detroit Autorama, are the oldest continuous hot rod shows in the world! We that have been involved in one or more of these shows are DAMN PROUD of our heritage. The last 50 years have been the Golden Years of hot rodding and I hope the next 50 are even better.

    There is a place for the Traditional Rods in these shows, as well as the mega-bucks wonders, and everything in between. But there has to be a line drawn as to the quality and appearance of the vehicles in the show. I would not be comfortable bringing my young son to an Autorama, and having to explain to him why one or more of the cars have no floorboards, or wierd safety lighting, or rusty running gear. It should be the responsibility of the Hot Rod community to project an image of safety, fun and common sense when it comes to specialty vehicle design. There is a place for variety, but not at the expense of vehicle safety.

    Sure, the roaring roadsters of the 1940's were not well constructed, even to ther point of dangerous at speed. But those guys roared around dirt field and old airstrips, not concrete super highways. The lack of major body parts and the appearance of rust gives the 'civilians' the wrong idea about our hobby.

    Low buck rods and customs are where our hobby started. Let's today make them safe and clean appearing; is that too much to ask???

    Jim Handy
  18. John Denich
    Joined: Nov 20, 2005
    Posts: 2,718

    John Denich

    WOW that was hard to read why the small print????

  19. MEDDLER1
    Joined: Jun 1, 2006
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  20. JBPhotos
    Joined: Dec 5, 2007
    Posts: 2


    Sorry for the small print; it's my first time on the HAMB. I guess I can't make changes once it is posted, right???? Jim H
  21. jerry sezar
    Joined: Oct 12, 2005
    Posts: 95

    jerry sezar

    The politics in the car show world sure is active. Always has been, probably always will be............a few years ago Rick Perry rolled into my parking lot and said to me "I want you guys to put your cars in my show and show people what a real hot rod is". Myself and John Hagen looked at each other kinda suprised as we only had "beater's" parked around the shop. Rick was serious and told us about the cattle barns behind the Cow Palace we could use and "pass the word". I dropped out of the car show world in '83 tired of the drama between the rich vs poor/softcore vs hardcore/hotrodder vs streetrodder, on and on.......but for some reason Rick's words had sparked my interest once again and John looked at it as a cool change in the show car world. We entered the San Francisco Suede event the first year along with many others and had a truly memorable experiance. Over the past few years the event has evolved into a real fun indoor show looked forward to by many in the bay area, and has spread threw-out the car hobby. Early this past summer Rick rolled into my parking lot. We had a talk. I was informed that the sponsers for the Suede event were no longer able to support the show for various reasons. WOW! I was supprised but not shocked as I know the economy is in a bad situation and some people have let me know they don't like "those kind of cars" in an indoor car show. Rather than get involved with all the "talkers" in my hobby I decided to support Rick and his staff by sponsoring the suede section of the show. The reason I am doing this is I truly believe the little guys in our hobby are the ones that make it happen, you know...... the guys and ladys who work hard at their jobs everyday, come home take care of the things you gotta do, then out to the garage, side of the house or whereever tobuild your ride. A place to show your progress, meet with others with similar interest and have a good time is a good thing especially in the middle of winter.

    I hope to see you all at the SF show, and I will get a hold of John Buck with an entry for his show as a vendor and participent as soon as I finish all the paperwork for Ricks show.

    Jerry Sezar
  22. jusjunk
    Joined: Dec 3, 2004
    Posts: 3,138

    from Michigan

    Seems this guy is trying to do you guys right.. Ive followed this thread with interest and if it was me id prolly do the show. You guys are lucky . Try Detroit in march.. Im over an hour away and my car (sold it in may) was nice enuff that i wasnt gonna drive to cobo hall no way! So then there is the accommodations. Thats is money too. I got a special invite . Free spot in the display of 32 1932 fords. Tween the trailer ride ,gas in my car ,motel and food for the wife and I it was a fantastic 7 to 800.00 weekend.. You guys may have a little rain ? Do the show especially cause you can drive there..
  23. ya know this is really kool we have someplace where everybody with input or details about this can work/help with the answers for all involved........thanks Ryan!
  24. BruceVE
    Joined: Aug 2, 2006
    Posts: 1,331

    from Sacramento

    Sorry I've left a lot of you guys hanging but as it stands now:

    We've had another club meeting and talked to John twice. A lot of things have been worked out but John has yet to get back to me as to whether or not he wants the club in the Autorama. I will give more details as soon as I hear from him.
  25. Eddie's chop shop
    Joined: Sep 4, 2006
    Posts: 592

    Eddie's chop shop

    Hello John,

    I read this thread a couple of nights ago and have a few questions/responses.
    <o></o>. As of tonight December 4<sup>th</sup> at 11:00pm I have one Suede entry that we have gladly booked into the event. Our vehicle entry Deadline for the inside show is December 17<sup>th</sup>. This is 12 days from now. I am in no way going to let the reputation of the Autorama or the Poor Boys suffer because of the lack of response so far.

    I had no idea that I needed to register this far in advance, After reading this thread I tried to register online the other night, but did not see an option to do this. This would be a very helpful option and make it easier to register.

    The problem we face at the Autorama currently is that in an indoor car show we have to register the vehicles in advance and make sure that the applicant gets notified that they are in the show, and that they get mailed their proper credentials.

    Again a better registration system would help with this. A confirmation could be emailed or phoned to the participant and all "credentials" could be will called at the event.

    We are still using the Pavilion, but it will be used by those who have entered the show ahead of time and have been waiting to get response back from us on their acceptance into the event.

    The decision to move from the Pavilion had nothing to do with vehicle entry fees; The 30 to40 cars that we are going to accept into the new location this year will be based primarily on a first come first in situation.

    You have two confilicting statements here, is it being held in the same building as last year or in a tent? From reading your website it states that even if we pre-register we may not get into the show if there isn't room. IF you only have room for 30 cars I am not going to send you a registration at this point, show up, not get in and then wait 30 days from the show for a refund. This is taken directly from the website that you posted a link to.
    The Anit-Auotrama is disheartening to hear from some of you guys. I would not have gone out on a limb last year to tarnish my reputation or the shows if I did not think the Suede Pavilion was not going to be a success.

    I for one am against an Anti-autorama gathering. However I would like to hang out with cars and people of a similar mindset to my own, If the autorama does not provide this opportunity and another event does. I will go to the one that I feel wants me there. IF it is on the same day oh well. and pull an application off of the website, mark the Suede option and fax, e-mail, or mail it into us if you are interested.

    This is the link you posted. I did not attend last year and do not understand the difference between a "suede" entry versus a regular entry and your website does not discuss the particulars of hte suede pavillion anywhere.

    I am not affiliated with the poor boys but know a few of the guys from a few local events where we cross paths occasionally. My opinions are my own. I heard about the suede pavillion last year and was very excited to have my car in it this year. I have two cars that are every bit capable of competing in one of your other normal entry catagories, but this type of event does not appeal to me to enter. My latest car I have been working on for 40-50 hours a week in addition to my full time regular job to have ready for the pavillion. I have been working on the car so much I did not know about hte early registration and now the fact that it may not be worth attending.

    Your website states that car owners are not allowed to stay by there own cars during the show. I enter/attend car functions for the opportunity to hang out with other car people and discuss their cars with them. To walk around and look at a car that I can not ask the owner a question about really just isn't alot of fun. I typically go every other year as a spectator. The suede pavillion sounds to me like it would be a little more up my alley, to actually enter.

    I appreciate the "tone" of your response and you say alot of things to promote the event, but I am still a little lost as to the specifics of the pavillion.

    Is it too late to enter?
    Does the suede pavillion go on the same days, hours, juding etc as the other catagories?

    Thanks Ed

  26. dB Zac
    Joined: Sep 5, 2006
    Posts: 340

    dB Zac

    I cant but help think he didn't really try to sell vendor booths and sponsorship. I know that everyone I went with ( two different groups on 2 different days) made a b-line for the suede pavilion and then doubled back from there. It seems like it had a draw. As for, some of the cars being "crap", that is how it is with all kinds of cars. There were bondo buckets with full paint, and crap covered in ground effects. My point is people aren't as eager to lump "done" rides in with the worst of the bunch like they are with the suede ones. I, my self have a taste for all kinds of builds.
    Well I will continue to support Poor boy shows every chance I get.
  27. Eddie's chop shop
    Joined: Sep 4, 2006
    Posts: 592

    Eddie's chop shop

  28. bigolds
    Joined: Oct 27, 2006
    Posts: 883


    So I went to a car show a couple of weekends ago. The show was billed as a high quality show with 300 of the top rods and customs on the east coast. Now don't get me wrong, I am a car guy through and through, I walked into the suede(alternative) rod section and was confronted by a rusted out Buick with huge rust holes in the quarter panels. I was not pleased. When I pay money to go to and indoor "car show" I want a car show.

    I think some of you guys have lost sight of the fact that this guy is producing a car show. It's not a cruise or a rod run. It's a goddam CAR SHOW.I my opinion John Buck has made room for this form of rodding(whatever you want to call it) and continues to do so.

    The controversey is one of hurt feelings versus the mans ability to make money and be supported by sponsors. Its his call and that's that. He's still seeking your support so stop crying and step up.

    As to those of you that don't like the registration procedures, it's been done this way as long as I can remember(I'm no spring chicken). I remember being excluded once for lack of quality(producers discretion). The producer gets to pick and choose what comes through the carshow garage doors, because it directly reflects on him...both in the way current and future sponsors will support him and whether or not the average joe will come back next year. Oh that's right...indoor shows are usually attended by a larger cross-section of people because of the fact that it's winter time and that there are fewer things to do when the weather ain't that good(you guys out on the west coast still get temp changes in winter don't you). Let's pack up the kids and go check out that CAR SHOW.

    Look, take advantge of the guys ability to accomodate you and don't complain about a registration system that has worked for ever....But most of all remember the difference between an INDOOR CAR SHOW and A ROD RUN or CRUISE-IN.
  29. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    Staff Member

    Indoor car shows. Heh.
  30. dirt t
    Joined: Mar 20, 2007
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    dirt t
    1. HAMB Old Farts' Club

    The other solution is rent your own hall and promote your own cars.Never think bad of a guy turning a dime into a dollar. Its the american way. Once you see the insurance bill, advertisement bill security bill and on and on . Its like building and racing a hotrod it cost money to go fast.

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