Are mustang II upper control arms indentical from side to side or are they different? They look like same but I would hate to do the work then find out they are side specific.
I bought these arms that were said to be Fatmans off ebay. I have the old arms off and now I am looking at the new arms and sure enough the shafts look to be on backwards! The curve in the shaft is bowing out toward the bump for the shock. The original arm is curving around the bump for the shock. What now?? are the bushings wasted? or can one be pressed out and the shaft corrected and use the same bushing to reassemble? Or just buy new ones and curse lying ebayers? Would the company have assembled the arms or did the guy who bought them?
I don't know about Ford crap, but if it was GM you could just take a crescent wrench to em and rotate 'em around, the bushing don't grab the shaft till the end nuts are tightened and you don't do that till the vehicle is at ride hieght, that way the rubber tends to want to return to neutral, of course, being aftermarket, they may have urethane bushing, and that changes that.
The side of the shaft that has the texture to hold tight against the surface of the frame is pointing up instead of down if I just turn the shaft. I was thinking the scew in ball joint may be screwed in upside down. If I can unscrew it and screw it in from the other side may be everything will work out.