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My 1959 Continental Convertible Barn find!!!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Malarkey_BS 13, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. Malarkey_BS 13
    Joined: Dec 8, 2012
    Posts: 108

    Malarkey_BS 13
    from Chicago

    Ratpin, no need to hate, it took A LONG time and certain circumstances, and if it wasnt for me being car OBSESSED, and me bugging the HELL out of my neighbor for about 5 YEARS it probably never would of happened... If you see a car ANYWHERE and say you have to have it, stop and ask! ive gotten cars for my buddies like that on multiple occasions... I always say to the people, "im not trying to rob you, I just want to see it running!!"
  2. Tnomoldw
    Joined: Dec 5, 2012
    Posts: 1,563


    Yes , you have to let people know your into cars , I had people give me cars cause they figured I would put time and money into them.
  3. Tnomoldw
    Joined: Dec 5, 2012
    Posts: 1,563


    A guy said my daughter wrecked the family 65 chevy impala convert , you pay 100 bucks and she can buy it and you can have it. The grill was shredded , I found one for $ 20 bucks , couple hour job .... I sold the car out of my front yard .
  4. 66slabside
    Joined: Jul 7, 2012
    Posts: 43


    You need to post this over at Dedicated to nothing but Lincoln's and full of knowledgable people. Kinda like a HAMB for Lincoln's.
    Learned all kinds of stuff and have gotten all kinds of help on my '66.
    Beautiful car and your right a fortune to fix and drive but well worth it. Mines still pretty original and I can't go anywhere without people talking to me or giving me thumbs up. The older people love it when they see my wife and I driving and she sitting in the middle right next to me. Get lots of smiles and looks from the older folks then. Congrats and enjoy, sounds like you've earned it.
  5. Tnomoldw
    Joined: Dec 5, 2012
    Posts: 1,563


    66 Lincoln what body , ?
  6. blowby
    Joined: Dec 27, 2012
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    from Nicasio Ca

    22 feet! That's only two feet short of 3 Smart cars. Maybe you could put one in the trunk for city driving.

    Man I would love to see that in the flesh. The only thing it needs in my opinion is about 10 chicks in bikinis waving to the fans.
  7. go-twichy
    Joined: Jul 22, 2010
    Posts: 1,648


    holy cow that's nice. i think i see frank, dino and sammy driving away!
  8. boomosby
    Joined: Dec 20, 2009
    Posts: 415


    thats great bro! hold old are you btw? im 26 and people gock at me when driving my 59s around!
  9. garvinzoom
    Joined: Sep 21, 2007
    Posts: 1,169


    Beautiful Lincoln!! Thanks for sharing.
  10. 56premiere
    Joined: Mar 8, 2011
    Posts: 1,445

    from oregon

    That's a really nice car. There is something about black Lincoln's ! Jack
  11. Tnomoldw
    Joined: Dec 5, 2012
    Posts: 1,563


    Last edited: Apr 11, 2013
  12. 40FordGuy
    Joined: Mar 24, 2008
    Posts: 2,907


    Way cool ride !!!!!!!! The 0nly other Lincoln Continental Convert I saw was a white '58 in Buffalo NY, the mid 60's. You are going to keep it, I hope !!!

  13. Malarkey_BS 13
    Joined: Dec 8, 2012
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    Malarkey_BS 13
    from Chicago

    I completely agree with that opinion!! :D:)
  14. Malarkey_BS 13
    Joined: Dec 8, 2012
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    Malarkey_BS 13
    from Chicago

    I'm not sure, but when I'm driving I think I hear them whispering in my ear, that would be pretty dream, goin for a cruise with the legends...:cool:
  15. Malarkey_BS 13
    Joined: Dec 8, 2012
    Posts: 108

    Malarkey_BS 13
    from Chicago

    I'm doing my best to hold onto it! The offers don't seem to be in short supply when I'm out and about in it!!!
  16. Tnomoldw
    Joined: Dec 5, 2012
    Posts: 1,563


    :)Hello ,How are things in the windy city ? You have the goat situation fixed:eek: ?:D
  17. Malarkey_BS 13
    Joined: Dec 8, 2012
    Posts: 108

    Malarkey_BS 13
    from Chicago

    Cold and rainy, just how I hate it.... and as far as the goat, I think I'll let everyone else deal with that, I've got enough bad juju that I have to deal with...:)
  18. Tnomoldw
    Joined: Dec 5, 2012
    Posts: 1,563


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  19. Tnomoldw
    Joined: Dec 5, 2012
    Posts: 1,563


    Next ////////prolly not in proper sequence , and this work to refit around glass/window .you should not have to do but to form parts in the top you will need to form U channel for top

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  20. Malarkey_BS 13
    Joined: Dec 8, 2012
    Posts: 108

    Malarkey_BS 13
    from Chicago

    I was looking at the thread and I thought to myself, if I were to make the attempt at the top, all I really would have to do is put the top down, and go from there! all the hard stuff would be done minus the forming...
  21. Tnomoldw
    Joined: Dec 5, 2012
    Posts: 1,563


    like here where you start,,, Actually you need to start with the header above the windshield , Please post a pic like the one below of the Lincoln with the windows all the way up /drivers side and top down. so I can match a silhouette.

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    Last edited: Apr 11, 2013
  22. Malarkey_BS 13
    Joined: Dec 8, 2012
    Posts: 108

    Malarkey_BS 13
    from Chicago

    Ain't that the truth?! I see you have a couple of GORGEOUS Lincolns, both in the proper color! Presidential Black if I'm not mistaken?:cool:
  23. Malarkey_BS 13
    Joined: Dec 8, 2012
    Posts: 108

    Malarkey_BS 13
    from Chicago

    I don't know if its just me but I don't feel like it would be too hard to do this, but I could just be crazy.....
  24. A.D.D.
    Joined: Dec 9, 2011
    Posts: 247

    from PacNW

    Very cool land yacht!!!!!!

    Excellent score!

    With all due respect, I feel the need to chime in here...........

    All the talk about customizing is cool, but that's a pretty rare bird!

    When you get a car with history or a "Survivor" type, you take on a responsibility. Anything you change, touch or modify changes the car forever. Even if you can put it back to original, once something has been apart.........

    It's your you can do whatever you want..... set it on fire, cut it in half and make a 2 seater..... it's NOBODY'S PLACE to tell anyone what to do with THEIR STUFF.

    My point is that the car survived all this time intact, complete and in pretty good shape! It looks like it needs to be restored, but at the same time once it's restored a lot of originality goes away.

    You might have one of the LAST black on black 1959 Continental Convertible's left that's never been completely restored. These cars range from $50k-$100k restored. With the "FAD" over survivor cars still kickin'..... at an auction.... you might get the right guys to start foaming at the mouth over it.

    I am not saying you should sell it. But consider the miles, originality and rarity before you decide to modify the car.

    Being a big fan of history I appreciate ALL different types of cars. Just because something is rare....doesn't mean it desirable or valuable. BUT, once all of the original NON hot rodded '32 Ford 3 windows are gone.... that's it. They are extinct! (unless someone tried to unchop and restore one back):D

    I have a feeling that quite a few of these Connies survived.. but there can't be but a few that have never been messed with! Also, never seen one with all black interior.

    End of rant.
  25. Tnomoldw
    Joined: Dec 5, 2012
    Posts: 1,563


    He is correct But building a Carson Top will not interfere with any factory origionality because nothing will be altered ,...agreed???? ,
  26. Malarkey_BS 13
    Joined: Dec 8, 2012
    Posts: 108

    Malarkey_BS 13
    from Chicago

    A.D.D. I completely agree with what you are saying! Besides the yacht I have parked in its apartment, I've never seen another convertible in person, let alone with a black interior! Not in pictures, stories or anything for that matter!

    I'm entertaining the thought of a Carson top, just cuz I think it would be a cool idea...

    Throughout the process of "tidying up" this battle cruiser the whole thought has been a VERY sympathetic restoration, keeping everything as original factory as possible. No thoughts of a respray cuz the paint shines just like day it was new, minus some spots that have been eaten during storage from some unknown liquid dripping on the hood a convertible boot lid.. there are a few dents here and there's but I was informed by multiple sources ie haggerty specialist as well as the guys from mecum to LEAVE IT ALONE!!! No upholstery is needed cuz the original leather is in fairly good shape as well as all the major parts of the interior..

    Also in a constantly active search for information on this particular car, you may be correct in thoughts of it being the last triple black Lincoln if not one of few ever made... so with that in mind, I do realize the importance of keeping it the way it sits and not mess with it, its only original once is how I feel about it...

    And in considering all the info associated with the car... rarity, mileage, and originality, it is getting very hard to keep down some of the offers being given to me..haha
  27. Tnomoldw
    Joined: Dec 5, 2012
    Posts: 1,563


    :DSo,,, with the rants over and things settled down are we still contemplating a Carson Top ?:):eek::cool: If so I ll get you more info ..........l;)
  28. A.D.D.
    Joined: Dec 9, 2011
    Posts: 247

    from PacNW

    I do agree...... it's his car. Just hate to see something that survived so long get modified.

    Believe it or not things like tossing the old spark plugs, tires that came off, etc...... come into play on cars like that....let alone leaving a washer out or using some oddball bolt when you put it back together. I used to not care...... I have chopped up some real cream puff's over the years.

    This Lincoln just struck me.....DAMN. It's like a time capsule.

    Having said that...I think it's all BS... like the Vette guys with their wiper blades and chalk marks. To each their own. But, it affects value in the end.

    I'll tell you this: Generally, I have things that aren't for sale at any price. It's the principle. Even if I sold it, could I replace it or EVER have another?

    On the other hand...if I found a Gennie, Cherry '32 Ford 3 window for under $10k tomorrow...I would likely sell it. Why? Because all of the sudden there is a FRENZY over certain stuff and those with deep pockets would shell out HUGE amounts of $$$$$.

    I am ashamed to admit it..... in the end being faced with a $20-$30k build or having someone hand me $50k or 60k in a matter of hours...... I would use the money to build a repop body 3 window AND a nice little roadster........from my original under $10k. Same thing with a Willys coupe that sat upside down in a ditch for 60 years.

    The worst part.... there will come a day (hopefully while I am still alive) when prices will crash. When the guys that care are all dead or too old. I bought TONS of Model A and Model T stuff from dead or dying restorers in the 90s for 10 cents on the dollar....until the "Traditional" style took off. Hell, I bought every speck of a 1936 3 window coupe except the body/ fenders/ etc from a guy that swapped in a high tech street rod chassis 15+ years ago. A restored mildly rodded '36. Beautiful banjo wheel, wide whites, flattie, frame, etc..... for............$500 bucks. Nobody wanted the stuff. Same thing with a running driving '40 ford chassis.

    There are cars I would do NEARLY anything to own. But some of them come with too much responsibility (like having the Doane Spencer roadster in your suburban 2 car garage). Sure you can insure it. But one of the kids scratches it with his bike, house burns down, someone steals it-----THAT famous car is gone forever.

    Just my 2 cents.
    And just my vote to see the car preserved, very lightly restored or cleaned up an enjoyed (without doubling the mileage).

    And don't take this the wrong way....I would like to see the guy KEEP the car. It's REALLY cool and would be a BLAST to cruise! I'm saying if he ever DID decide to part with it... he should maintain the value so he can cash out and be a player for higher dollar dream cars. That story, the buy, etc... is a real opportunity as CASH always seems to stand between ME and things I can't afford.

    Cars are in my blood and I do irrational things....but in the end, when I'm won't matter. So I think about what REALLY brings me joy while I'm still breathing!
  29. A.D.D.
    Joined: Dec 9, 2011
    Posts: 247

    from PacNW

    Just read your last post Malarkey,

    It sounds like you have had other preservation advice. I am generally NOT the guy to rant about preservation. I have always been willing cut up just about anything if I really want to (I am pretty hard headed)...but it's getting impossible to ignore this "Survivor" and "Only Original Once" fad. And it's a good thing... maybe some cars will be saved for future generations.

    My Dad loves to point out interiors and colors that don't look right because as he puts it " I was THERE, I was ALIVE, I had one"!

    At any rate....very cool car. 1000 times cooler than a '59 Caddy (or '59 Rolls for that matter).

    I apologize for jumping all over your post... I just got all fired up that you might not realize what you have!

    A side note.....

    The carson top idea is GOOD. I was never a fan of the "Breezeway" convertible and think that Photo-chop really pulls that car together (long and sleek).....okay....not THAT car, a '59 Lincoln, just NOT that one. :D

    Oh, and is that a '68 Chevelle in the garage? Nice car!
  30. CLM
    Joined: Feb 12, 2008
    Posts: 178


    The side shot with the top down make it look like a giant square bird speedster. Cool car!

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