Yea, I hear you, too much bling! Seriously Steve, you have by far the most detailed build on the H.A.M.B.!!
Ha ha ha, Mo any chance you could scan that mag cover in your avatar and email to me, cool pic !!! I will stick it on the workshop wall with the others.
Yes Tony, I've been doing it to my engines ever since i was an apprentice. I have just done the timing case now too. I've actually done quite a few small mods to the block that you can't see, I modified and blended the oil galleries and port matched the pump ports, modified the oilway that lubes the timing chain etc etc.
Started to sort out a few small bits for my engine as crank isn't back from balancing yet, When i bought my engine bits i ordered a fuel pump blanking plate, never looked in the box till last night and found this, I wasnt impressed I found a bit of stainless flat plate in my scrap bin and set about making something that looked a little more interesting I didn't get a thermostat cover with my engine and didn't like the aftermarket ones as they are all billet aluminuim so back into the scrap bin to find a bit of 3/8" stainless plate and some off cuts of tube, A 1.5" hole was bored in the plate with a holesaw and the tube welded in from the rear, I might yet run a weld bead around the outside as i think it still looks a little billety. A small peice of thickwall tube was turned in the lathe and welded on the end to stop any hose slippage. I had a little time left so set about roughing out the oil pump for paint. Merry xmas to everyone <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
Hey old timer it,s looking great as usual. Struggling here at the moment it,s like being in the twilight home for the living impared.
Wow, love the fuel pump delete! And don't weld up the waterneck on the outside, I think it looks fantastic as is! But I'm positive your level of workmanship is above my pay grade so my opinion is null and void haha
With your welding skills it will look robot TIG'd, therefore causing it to look store bought! haha But seriously, in my very humble opinion it looks good now as it kind of looks like a two-piece nozzle and flange. SOLUTION: Fab up another one just like it and weld that one. Decide which one you like more, and send the other one to me!!! haha
I love that you're not satisfied with "store bought craftsmanship." Then again, when you can lay a tig bead like that I can't argue with you. Thanks for the updates. It's been too long since I had my 26T project fix. Merry Xmas!
This man IS a robot - well he certainly ain't human anyway! Merry Christmas Steve, don't let the turkey keep you out of the workshop. Mark.
Well was hoping to get a fair bit done over the xmas break but catching a nasty virus scuppered most of the work planned but i did get to sort out my PCV valve, make a timing pointer and my generator parts back from the chromer so at least i could get the body copper flaked and it all reassembled. The PCV valve is in the rear of the lifter gallery and is screwed into a tapped hole via a 90 degree adaptor. A simple box baffle was bolted in place on the inside. I had a stock steel timing pointer which i had hoped to chrome but it was too bent and twisted so took measurements from it and machined one from a big hunk and my mate engraved the degree marks on it for me. The pulleys on a Cadillac are cast steel and incredibly heavy so before chroming I got them on the lathe and put them on a diet. The water pump pulley weighed in at 2.25 lbs and after machining it was down to 1.5 lbs, a lot better. Unfortunately the chromer thought it mounnted the other way around so didn't polish the bolt face so a stainless finisher was made up to cover it. Here its mounted on the old dummy pump as my new aluminium pump isn't here yet. Somebody asked how the fan gaurd was held in place so here you can see the small tabs that are accesse through the gaurd holes. The mounting plate that bolts to the block was also put on a diet as i wasn't happy with the shape, better now. The generator body was cleaned completely back to bare metal and received 2 coats of epoxy primer and 3 coats of 2k hi build, this was then flatted off and the base coat applied followed by the flake coats and finally 6 coats of clear applied in 2 sessions of 3 coats, I've left it in gun finish as its super smooth. Lechlar primers & Max Meyer lacquers were used. The square headed special bolts that hold the magnets in place had been installed by a gorilla in the past and were pretty burred up so a couple of polished stainless buttons were made up and epoxy glued in place to tidy them up. Happy new year
Damn Langy. I hate looking at this thread. It makes me realize that I should take up knitting or making cakes or something other than hot rods. Your attention to detail is so over the top. I can't think who makes me feel worse...........Jim Sibley or you. I am so looking forward to seeing this thing finished. It will be a total work of art John
Sorted a pesky little problem today, I had some core plugs chromed but when fitting them kept chipping the chrome so i decided to paint them when i did the block, looked ok but still not completely happy with them so today was spent spinnng up some top hat shaped covers for them from a bit of stainless bar on the lathe. Gave them a quick polish up and glued them in place with some epoxy glue, I'm happy now. Tricky to photograph though.