Thanks dude, the forecast is rain for the next month so looks like my deadlines are dead in the water and it's back to this project. Sent from my iPhone using TJJ app
Awesome Langy! I was only going to have a quick look at the hamb then I found this! insane detail, love it!
Langy, you do such beautiful work! I only wish that we could see a few "Big Pictures" of the whole car. You've got a few of the Willys, do you think that you could shoot a couple of where you're at with the whole project on this one?
I will when its back on the jig mate, Had to take it off as had some chassis's to make, The Willys should be done fairly shortly so will be back on it with a vengance.
I'm glad to see you've had a little time to put back into her. I've been MIA and this was the first thread I looked up. Keep 'em coming Langy.
Thanks guys, I hope to be back on this project very shortly . Posted from the TJJ App for iPhone & iPad
Well with winter virtually upon us its time to get some more work done on this build, I have a customers body due shortly so Gomez my trusty helper came over today to help tidy up my lockup and make some room. The T coupe body is incredibly heavy and needs 3 people to move it comfortably, this is mainly due to the floor, seat, firewall being made in 3/4" wood and oak in the A & B posts I wanted to start afresh so decided all the wood except the B posts had to come out, I thought this was gonna be a pig of a job but as luck would have it the original builder made such a poor job of glassing it in it only took 3 hours to get it all out A lot of the mat had not been fully saturated with resin and no surfaces had been keyed up either, I'm surprised it all stayed together really, The use of polyurethane expanding foam to fill the gaps wasn't ideal either !!! Here are some pics and a video clip A breif lesson on how not to fibreglass .
Good to see you Steve today, catch up again later in the year when I'm over again. Posted from the TJJ App for iPhone & iPad
Wow, amazing..I can't add anything that hasn't been said before. How is the progress on this? I just read the whole thing and was desperately hoping to see a final result!
Its an on going project i'm afraid, It was never going to be done quickly due to the detail involved, thanks for the kind comments
I found this thread last night and finally finished reading through it this morning...and now subscribed so I won't lose it. Like everyone else I'm blown away with your attention to detail...and your ability to put your vision into the parts you're working on. Thanks for sharing!
Langy, This T-Coupe is quite the radical Hot Rod ! Looking forward to seeing more of this build. You sure do have some neat ideas on this one. Hope that you and family have a very Merry Christmas. Dave and Cindy
Hi Dave, I've actually been back on it the last few days but nothing of any interest to post i'm afraid Hope you have a great xmas mate Cheers
Langy, Thanks for the kind words. Just got back from spending five days with my lady in Tucson. Let's just say that Cindy, her Mom and I all had a wonderful holiday together. Hope you and your family have a wonderful New Year ! Dave, Cindy and Mom
It's not even that you do such amazing detailed stuff the kicker is you take the time to share it with the world...... Thanks