Que magnifique! L-O-V-E that ride... Perfectly executed, 10 out of 10....I never get tired of old buicks.
I agree, i like them! they are 24". Thank you! The interior is not finished yet, but i will take care of that this winter.
Now i got my ExtremeFlow compressor installed and i'm more than satisfied with the performance! 0-200 psi/0-14 bar pressure in about 55 seconds, my old dual viair 480c took about three-four minutes. and it doesn't make a sound! //Ken
That's really a nice ride! I wouldn't worry about going any lower though. Lower isn't really an improvement IMO. When you get the front bumper rechromed it will be a HOME RUN!!! Love the Bellflowers too...
Thank you! I built the bracket from scratch. I can recomend the compressor for you! Thanks! I agree, I will keep it as is
Looks awesome man. Tell me more about the suspension etc... is it still a torque tube drivetrain? is it clipped?
Så ska det se ut "brushan" (You got the looks brother...) Did the same with my 61 Oldsmobile this week.....
Tackar En kompis te mig köpte en vinröd 61a olds bubbletop för ett tag sen, fina bilar, gillar fenorna bak! har du oxå remdriven kompressor ?
Den där pumpen kan du kasta! It wil die in a week or two... Wath you need is a ac pump from a old ford... A york ackompressor with its own oil bath.. Pm me...
No.. I built my own airride system out off a "brandsläckare" and some other junk i had... Got the kompressor from a Bärgningsbil (Towtruck) Company supling parts for building towtrucks. Its suposed to be realy fast... Like 0-8 bar (o-100 psi) 2,5 minutes.... Was looking to get a york pump at first but i had a hard time geting it to fit my csb..
Känner till york, klumpig sak som spottar olja.. denna är ju en ombyggd ac pump med fettnippel som behöver fyllas typ 1 gång i halvåret med 2 pump med fettsprutan. 0-14 bar på 55 sek.. den känns riktigt bra