So heres the story. A friend told me of a Model A coupe in a garage that was going to be up for sale pretty soon. I heard it was pretty nice, so after a few days decided to go look at it. Turns out it is a 1930 coupe that has been in this garage since 1963! The story is the owner bought it in 1951. In 1963 he pulled the engine and rebuilt it, and after installing the engine and getting it running, went through a devorce and lost intrest. The car sat in that very spot over all these years. The owner has passed, and his son is the head of the estate. He has no intrest in it, so this is were I come in. The car is black, orriginal paint, 27,000 miles, complete down to headlights and 19" wheels. I worked a deal tonight, and will get it Saturday. I will post pics for sure. Sorry this is long, I am just so excited
I am going to get it running, but eventually I think I would like to do a flathead V8/three speed, later rearend, dropped axle, hydrallic brakes, ect. I do not think it will get chopped or loose it's fenders, I really like that look if you have a nice enough car. But of coarse I have not even gotten the car home yet, so we'll see
Good for you man! Don't chop it, or take the fenders off. Build it just how you said. It'll be rarer that way. I'd even leave the stock paint and interior. Maybe just remove the hood.
Maybe a dropped axle up front with a flathead running two or three carbs only. Man I would be stoked! Good for you!
Thanks guys. Yes, the body (and paint) will remain's just so nice how it is now. I saw one jus like this on ebay a few years ago...full fendered, rake, slicks out back with skinny whites up front, and a dressed SBC. I printed that picture out and I still have it, I have always liked that car. I am thinking dropped axle, hydrallic brakes, flattie V8, three speed, and maybe an F-1 box. The funny thing is, I have ALL of these parts just dying to make it on a car like this! But for now I think I'll get her running for the summer, and make this next winters project! I swear you can rub the paint out on this car! Pics will come tommarow!
That's awesome Chris.......Congrats! Looking forward to the pics.... I know of a similar car not far from me, black, stock, '30/1 Coupe sitting in a guys yard....COMPLETE. Just been afraid to ask about it as it's a scary looking place....hahaha...
Thanks Josh, That 59AB I just got from you may be the one that sneaks it's way in there Go ask about that car! The worst they can say is no...or "Get the hell of my property, punk" My 34 pickup came from the scarriest looking house...boards over windows, razor wire fence (no shit) and a huge padlock on the door. Took me 3 years to stop, and the guy was the coolest guy, he just did not have much money and thought everyone was out to get him! So you'll never know until you ask. Chris it is. The guy called me and said I could come get it a day early. The car is awesome. The pics are of it in the garage were it has had it's very long nap. I found the registration in the trunk that matched the plates...last lisenced and tabbed in 1962! At that house address!!! Heres the coolest part. We got it home, got it to turn over by hand, shot a little oil in the cylinders, goofed with the wiring, and it fired. It was not hooked to the tank, we just filled the carb with gas so it only ran for a couple seconds, but it did run I'll post new pics tommarow as I clean it up! Chris
Some guy's have ALL the luck. Looks beautiful, Man. Congratulations......Wanna sell it yet...? Post more pics! Lance
Great score! I cleaned up the pix a bit for you, hope you don't mind. Here they are.... Cheers, Cruisin'
Score of the century. Did u tell the owner you was going to cut it up? "publicenemy1925 laughs his most evil laugh"
Very cool find. I like your idea of a v8 (flathead) swap. I'd build it just like the example in the book "How to Build A Traditional V8 Hot Rod" by Vern tardel and Mike Bishop. Frank
The guy I got it from (owners son) said if it were him, he would pull the body and put it on a TCI I don't think he'll mind if it gets rodded a little. I'll post some pics later today of the cleanup Chris
A friend of mine has three cars like that, 2 sedans and a 5 window coupe. He owns his own vending co. I'm a beverage delivery guy and had to deliver to his house. The first time there, he just left a key to get in, I opened the door of his garage and Holy Shit ! Here these cars were just like your's original paint and everything. There were a couple 4 bangers in variuos states of disrepair scattered about also. He wanted to restore them but knows nothing about how to do it, so they just sit He did say he would sell a sedan once though.