Lookin killer mate - the tri colour scheme is a rad concept....may catch on dude lol. Yell out if you need a hand
Time to pull it down, still a few more small jobs to do but time is against me, I'll just wing it. Trying to have it ready for our reliability run in late jan. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Got it down to bare metal, had fellow hamber and club mate Cragar come over on the weekend to work his magic ironing out some imperfections. Frame is blasted and primed, almost ready to throw some paint around and make a mess. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
He's good like that! Just be careful he has a habit of making things snowball and ending up waaaay better than first anticipated.
A good solid week prepping the body, and being the novice painter good mate and hamber Cragar came over this morning. Dioxidine, prepsol, etch and primer, some lessons and away we went, I did a few coats then Cragar took over, really happy with the result so far. Oh, and I changed my final color. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Big Deuce, I found a veterinarian in Paraguay who prescribed some meds which will never lower my temp. one degree. Oh, it feels good. Steel '32 roadster body, ASC rails, center section from Karl Fajastad, steelies, Buick front drums, bigs and littles, sbc, 700R4 for lonnng cruizes, 8" Ford dropout 3.73 posi. I an one happy old dude.
Been very hot down here the last couple of weeks, high 30's low 40's c (105 f) which has hindered progress, a little hard to paint in that temp, had a nice cool change this arvo so finally got the primer on the frame. Hopefully throw some colour on next weekend. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!